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Author Topic: Health anxiety  (Read 7774 times)

Amazing grace

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Health anxiety
« on: August 17, 2022, 08:49:05 AM »

All the ladies who have this, does health anxiety ever go away, I developed this out of the blue at 38,at its worst I was house bound, over the years I'm now 49 I've learnt to manage it and live with it, tryed everything, CBT, ADS, HRT, mindful apps, exercise, keeping busy, it's never been as bad as those early days but it still controls every aspect of my life, my kids had all left home by the time I was 39, I always planned my 40s to be my time to have what I didn't have in my younger years due to being a very young mum, but my 40s have been wasted, I'm always thinking will I feel well enough to do that, go there that kind of thing, I long for the day not to be in that thought process and have every deadly disease going, is this for life? Anyone successful in freeing themselves from it's grip, I can and do go out but its always there x


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Re: Health anxiety
« Reply #1 on: August 17, 2022, 11:16:45 AM »

I was house bound for months in the 1990s.  My GP gave me Propranolol to use every night to ease any early morning surges, which I used successfully for many years.  As well as an anti-anxiety medication on an 'as necessary' basis.  Without which I wouldn't be here. 

Mine is phobia based  :'(



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Re: Health anxiety
« Reply #2 on: August 17, 2022, 11:37:25 AM »

I had severe health anxiety a few years ago. Sertraline was what sorted me out, it was nothing short of amazing. It did take a few weeks to fully get going. I don't take it any more, but I seem ok on a good amount of oestrogen and testosterone.
Health anxiety is just awful. Can you tell us a bit more about which ADs you tried, because I am sure there must be one out there that would be a good fit for you. I think sertraline tends to come out tops in studies for best AD for anxiety.


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Re: Health anxiety
« Reply #3 on: August 17, 2022, 11:51:12 AM »

sertraline has helped a friend who was adamant that she wouldn't take anything  :-\ - now she is more like 'her self'.

Amazing grace

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Re: Health anxiety
« Reply #4 on: August 17, 2022, 12:00:21 PM »

When it first struck, I was on citalopram which did nothing really, doctor then put me on prozac which after 6 weeks did make a huge improvement as I could go out, but had lingering anxiety, did CBT a few times and the combination of prozac and that enabled me to function, came off it after a few years due to side effects, then amitriptyline because I got anxiety induced IBS the amitriptyline was a miracle in sorting that, on that now for bladder issues which it controls very well, I did try propranolol but unfortunately it gave me insomnia so couldn't use it, I've never tryed sertraline so it might be worth me trying it, I can function and go out but it's always there like I can't control the thought process, i would just love to free my mind of the repetitive thoughts, without the same old dread of how am I going to feel today, or what symptoms will I deal with today, it always makes me dread going out, really interesting gnatty that you had success with sertraline.
CLKD, I wish I could use the propranolol because I hear its really good for physical anxiety, which I get when attending events, is yours still present and you manage it?
Thank you both for your reply xx


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Re: Health anxiety
« Reply #5 on: August 17, 2022, 12:29:52 PM »

Hi Grace
I have to say that I also have had success conquering my anxiety by taking sertraline as well as HRT, it has to be said (as has my sister in law).  In the past I had taken escitalopram and I have found that sertraline is much more effective (and I did suffer from health anxiety as well as social anxiety). 
I noticed an improvement a couple of months after taking sertraline and then noticed further improvement after adding HRT into the mix…

Amazing grace

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Re: Health anxiety
« Reply #6 on: August 17, 2022, 01:32:01 PM »

Hi songbird, thank you for replying, it's good to hear another positive experience with sertraline, I think I will talk to my gp about trying it x


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Re: Health anxiety
« Reply #7 on: August 17, 2022, 01:43:09 PM »

If it's likely to cause anxiety, I no longer 'do it'.  Spontaneous is OK but having to plan, even to visit with friends  :-\  :'(

Relaxation therapy helped for a while as does my evening bath.  Walking supposedly helps some to drop the anxiety surges. 


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Re: Health anxiety
« Reply #8 on: August 17, 2022, 02:18:07 PM »

Health anxiety is the pits. I developed it badly post menopause, though l’ve always been a health worrier (child has a headache, my immediate thought would be meningitis). I’ve never taken any ADs, but rely on distraction. If l feel it’s going to be ‘one of those days’, l’ll set about cleaning the house, gardening, long walk, swimming, meet a friend etc. it seems to work for me. I also frequently remind myself of all the life-threatening illnesses l’ve supposedly had over the years, yet l’m still here!

Amazing grace

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Re: Health anxiety
« Reply #9 on: August 17, 2022, 03:31:28 PM »

CLKD, I really relate to the spontaneous thing, I tend to do much better that way, planned events is another matter.

Marge, I agree about distraction I've used this to stop me dwelling on it, I too use my logical mind as in I've been convinced I've had many terrible illnesses but it always passes, I'm usually absolutely fine once I get to an event but the build up is always what ifs, I wonder why my mind hasn't realised that it's a pointless process, I was told during cbt, to go with the feeling and not fight it which I do, but still I have that if I go out what if this stomach ache turns into an embarrassing situation that type of thing, I know it's a vicious cycle of physical symptoms trigger anxiety and anxiety trigger physical symptoms, I just can't completely break the cycle, I kind of think it's just something I have to live with, but I would love just a day not to have the thoughts, thanks for sharing your experience and replying. X


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Re: Health anxiety
« Reply #10 on: August 17, 2022, 03:40:50 PM »

what if this stomach ache turns into an embarrassing situation that type of thing. yep.  That's me.  A few years ago we were staying in Brighton, my stomach began to churn whilst we were looking round an antique shop.  I needed a loo so we found 1: couldn't pass anything, not even wind  >:(.  As soon as we were back in the antique shop the stomach began again. 

Getting back to the hotel I went into complete panic mode  :'( so we drove home.  Haven't been back since  :-\.  The churning wouldn't work with distraction of looking for jewellery etc..  >:(

I survive by being spontaneous.  In the 1990s I believed that I would never leave the house ....... now we go out and about 'on the spur'.  A meeting later this evening is causing my anxiety to rise  :-\

Amazing grace

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Re: Health anxiety
« Reply #11 on: August 17, 2022, 03:51:14 PM »

CLKD, the situation you describe is exactly what I can identify with, definitely going out on the spur is more of a comfortable situation for me, the expectation of something is a nightmare, I really hope you get through your meeting tonight without too much anxiety, I feel your pain I can totally get that feeling of anxiety rising when an event is planned, the mind is a mysterious thing, how it doesn't get bored of the over thinking and fear I will never know x


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Re: Health anxiety
« Reply #12 on: August 17, 2022, 05:14:49 PM »

It's too busy to be bored  >:( putting ideas into our heads: for me though, it starts in the gut  :-\


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Re: Health anxiety
« Reply #13 on: August 18, 2022, 01:33:16 PM »

I have suffered in the past with very bad anxiety. It seems to of bitten me on the backside again. I think this may be hormone related?
A few years back, I started suffering with palpitations very regularly. It’s called for a trip to A&E and I have been checked out with different tests etc…
The tests did show that I get ectopic beats and apparently have stage 1 heart block. The GP did say this was nothing to worry about at this stage and is quite common.
So now my health/ general anxiety has really taken over. I believe I now suffer from panic disorder. The panic attacks happen at home and just randomly. I guess I am living in fear of them all the time. It makes me not want to go anywhere majority of the time.
I wonder if menopause is largely the reason, hormonal imbalance and all that, but at the moment it’s very debilitating. I feel very low and sad that I am not able to enjoy life as I should. I feel it’s starting to cause a few problems between my husband and I.
Should I go on HRT?? As I am worried about that too.
Can anyone relate?
Feel like I am going crazy  :'(

Amazing grace

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Re: Health anxiety
« Reply #14 on: August 18, 2022, 01:57:09 PM »

Hi becks, I can really relate to your suffering with this horrible debilitating anxiety, it's understandable that the diagnosis with your heart has caused you to feel overwhelming anxiety, but reassuring your GP has said its nothing to worry about, but I know only too well it's easy to say don't worry about it, very hard to do, I've been at the level of anxiety you are at now, I've never completely got rid of it hence my post, but I do handle and manage it much better, if you don't mind me asking how old are you? And what stage of menopause, my anxiety developed when peri began and was my first and most severe symptom, do you take any ADs? Sometimes we need some help to halt the feelings, prozac definitely helped me when my anxiety was bad, I was house bound for 6 months, 6 weeks after starting prozac I was able to start getting my life back, hrt is not a quick fix or a cure all, but it very well may help if your hormones are low, I too was worried about starting hrt, because I also have a fear of side effects I don't like taking meds, but there came a point when I didn't care anymore I just wanted to feel well, a combination of things can help, anxiety is so destructive to our life's I've felt like it's cheated me out of what should of been the best years of my life, but I'm am so much better now, just wish I could get rid of that last lingering bit that's always there, hormones definitely play a huge part with anxiety, maybe talk to your gp about giving hrt a go, there's nothing to loose when you get to this point, I'd of done anything to be rid of the overwhelming feeling and panic, I really do understand how you feel, do you have anyone to talk to like a family member or friend because just talking can really help, feel free to ask anything I will try and help you if I can, I also know how alone anxiety can make you feel, bless you, you must be feeling absolutely rubbish right now, take care and sending a big hug xx
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