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Author Topic: Help sweats are becoming unbearable  (Read 2891 times)


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Help sweats are becoming unbearable
« on: August 15, 2022, 08:44:51 PM »

Hi , I’m 4 weeks in Oestrogel 75ml and progestron 100g, thought I was doing okay, this last week my sweats are dreadful, is it just the heat ,,tempted to up Oestrogel but so scared to start messing, help .Was previously on Kliovance GP asked me to change and tbh I felt this wasn’t working ie sweats but no where near as bad has currently.Welcome any advice. Carolyn


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Re: Help sweats are becoming unbearable
« Reply #1 on: August 16, 2022, 10:19:29 AM »

Hello Kenny, funnily enough I’ve just posted a similar issue. I don’t get hot flushes or night sweats, but I get heavy sweating that’s pretty much constant all day, and all over my body.
I was on Kliofem which was helping, until a few months ago the sweating gradually returned, and last week my GP started me on 4 pumps Estrogel & 100mcg utrogestan.  I’m desperate for it to work as the sweating is ruining my life, but I’m afraid 4 pumps will not be enough. I don’t really have any advice other than various menopause experts e.g Dr Louise Newson says it’s fine to take more pumps if you need it. How many pumps per day do you use?


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Re: Help sweats are becoming unbearable
« Reply #2 on: August 16, 2022, 12:57:44 PM »

Hi, currently only 1 pump in the morning and progesteron at night, I’m so desperate I was spreading it between both arms, today I’ve put it on one arm, I’m trying to arrange an apt with GP, it is really affecting me now, I’m not putting makeup on as it will only come off when I sweat 😡. Sorry to hear it sounds that you are going through the same as me, I blamed the heat but today it’s much cooler and I’m just as bad. I was on Kliovance up until a month ago , I felt that wasn’t working sweat wise so thought I’d try this new regime, now I’ve no idea where I’m up to.x


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Re: Help sweats are becoming unbearable
« Reply #3 on: August 16, 2022, 02:19:44 PM »

Hi Kenny, you probably know progesterone increases body temperature, but the right amount of oestrogen should help to counter that effect.  Many of us find we get quite strong side effects of one sort or another from Utrogestan & if you are only on one pump of Oestrogel that's quite a low dose, so I would talk to your GP about increasing the gel.  Some women take Utro vaginally to minimise side effects, so that may be something you could consider if you're not already using it that way.  You'll know from the PIL that when taken orally it should be taken on an empty stomach - food increases Utro's bioavailability, so taking it close to a meal could produce more powerful side effects. 

If given enough time, you still find you're struggling with it, Dydrogesterone (in the Femoston range) is the one progestogen said not to have this side effect.

I hope you both manage to get it sorted before long as this intense heat can be very unpleasant in the circumstances.
« Last Edit: August 16, 2022, 02:21:30 PM by Wrensong »


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Re: Help sweats are becoming unbearable
« Reply #4 on: August 16, 2022, 03:37:58 PM »

I have also just posted something similar with regarding to sweating rather than flushing.

I think the current heatwave has caused it.  I feel like my internal thermostat has got stuck on hot.  I have never been warm-bodied before my hands and feet are usually freezing/cold in winter months and then in summer they become less cold  ;D

My husband jokes that he shoos the penguins away before getting into bed :D

My hands are red hot at the moment, my body is hot to touch and so any movement causes overheating leading to sweating. 

I am now looking forward to cooler weather ... no more heatwaves please.

Mary G

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Re: Help sweats are becoming unbearable
« Reply #5 on: August 16, 2022, 04:08:08 PM »

Kenny and Gill67, I hope you don't mind if I reply to you both on here, your threads very similar!

I have never had hot flushes or night sweats either but I was plagued with day time sweating.   Looking back, it started mid to late 30s and suddenly became much worst immediately post menopause.   

I tried various forms of HRT but the only thing that worked was Oestrogel.   I used three pumps every day back then but now I'm very post menopause (15 years) I can get the same results with just one pump of Oestrogel and 50mg progesterone every day.   So you may need a high dose of oestrogen in the early stages of the menopause but you may be able to reduce when you get to my age - 61 and one of the oldest people on here!

Anyone who has had this debilitating symptom will tell you that excessive menopausal sweating is a world away from normal sweating in hot weather.   It's a vasomotor symptom that can only be resolved by using a highish dose of oestrogen.

I hope that helps.


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Re: Help sweats are becoming unbearable
« Reply #6 on: August 16, 2022, 07:59:06 PM »

Hi Ladies, very interesting replies, Mary G your not the oldest , I’m 64 and went through the menopause at 47 ,, a long time, I accept I will not get over a few of the symptoms but it’s just frustrating that after all this time I’m suffering so bad with hot face sweats. Tbh I’d been on Kliovance for a few years and GP asked me to change ,, for no particular reason, that was in Feb this year, I didn’t change as I didn’t see any reason , however when my sweats started over a month ago I thought I had nothing to lose, sweats seemed quite good at first and I was hopeful, now I have them with a vengeance I’ve no idea what’s going on. I’ve got a GP calling me,, do I just do 2 pumps tomorrow, also when taking vaginally is just a case of like using a tampon. Thanks Ladies your stars.


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Re: Help sweats are becoming unbearable
« Reply #7 on: August 16, 2022, 08:32:47 PM »

Kenny, one pump of oestrogel is an incredibly low dose - equivalent to a 25mcg patch. It's likely you need much more estrogen than that.

Have you been given any guidance about increasing your estrogen? The usual starting dose is 2 pumps (which is the equivalent of a 50mcg patch).


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Re: Help sweats are becoming unbearable
« Reply #8 on: August 17, 2022, 08:51:43 AM »

Thanks Joziel,I was advised to use 1 pump and Utrogestan 100mg, I seemed okay ish for the 1st couple of weeks, but now the face sweats have come with a vengeance. Last night I took it vaginally, should I up the pump to 2 or see if taking vaginally helps first. I should be getting a call from GP today, gosh can’t believe 18 years since last period and now I’m hit with this..x


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Re: Help sweats are becoming unbearable
« Reply #9 on: August 17, 2022, 09:30:12 AM »

Kenny, I'd tell your GP when you speak today how bad the sweating is.  It's possible your dose of Oestrogel is not right for you.  You may need more & hopefully they will agree to trying an increase if you feel this is what you'd like to do. 

Don't want to introduce doubt when I know you just need to feel better, but bear in mind it's also possible that the gel method doesn't suit you.  I find I'm better with the slow release from patches than once a day application methods like gel & spray, but lots of women on here do very well with the gel & those on more than one pump sometimes find they feel better if they split application between morning & evening.  It's trial & error I'm afraid.

Yes, those women who use Utrogestan vaginally insert the capsules like a tampon, pushing it as far up as you can.  There is a bit about it on the attached link from Newson Health, with the relevant extract here:-

"Local progesterone – released into your vagina or womb
Another way to take progesterone is to insert the capsule vaginally, at nighttime. This then works locally
near your womb, where it is needed, and is not digested or absorbed into your whole body, so there is
less chance of side effects"

Good luck with the appt today & I hope you feel better soon.
« Last Edit: August 17, 2022, 09:59:01 AM by Wrensong »


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Re: Help sweats are becoming unbearable
« Reply #10 on: August 17, 2022, 11:35:44 AM »

Hi, I’d never thought that the gel may not agreeing with me, I’ll mention that also to GP. I’ll update after GP rang.x


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Re: Help sweats are becoming unbearable
« Reply #11 on: August 17, 2022, 11:49:42 AM »

Kenny, it's very common to see initial improvement and then symptoms coming back again. It just means your body needs more estrogen. Sweats are a classic low estrogen sign, nothing to do with progesterone, so I'm pretty sure taking utrogestan vaginally isn't going to fix your sweats...

I wouldn't suggest chopping and changing different types of estrogen, you just throw a lot more variables into the picture then. Stick with one kind and try to get the levels right. Only if you have ongoing issues and can't find a level that works, consider switching.



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Re: Help sweats are becoming unbearable
« Reply #12 on: August 17, 2022, 12:02:30 PM »

I agree Joziel, I realise that change to amounts would not work overnight , tbh today I’ve been quite good,  it helps a lot to be able to chat to lovely ladies who have lots of experience. I’m a positive person and hopefully my only symptoms are the dreadful facial sweats if we can sort those 🙏😄


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Re: Help sweats are becoming unbearable
« Reply #13 on: August 18, 2022, 08:30:57 AM »

Hi Kenny, good to know you felt somewhat better yesterday  :).  How are you today & how did you get on with the GP call?

Joziel, while I absolutely agree that sweats can be a classic vasomotor response to oestrogen deficiency, which is why I've said in my posts to Kenny that she may need to increase her Oestrogel, I'm less sure than you that progesterone can't also be at least partly to blame.  It is known to be thermogenic & my own experience of 4 trials of Utrogestan over the years is that among other horrible effects, it makes me hellishly hot, however much oestrogen I take it with.   Frustrating, as given its gold standard status I really wanted it to be the one.  We may not be typical, but a handful of other members have posted the same over the years. 

I also mentioned this possibility to Kenny in my first post because I was mindful that understandably she had told us she was afraid to increase her oestrogen & trying Utrogestan vaginally was a simple change she could consider that might not feel so stressful.  I know some other members find that method reduces unwanted effects, though personally I can't take it that way but didn't want to mention that earlier as it could have been discouraging.

Like Kenny, I'm also in my 60s & it is unfortunately said to become more difficult for us to regulate our temperature as we age, so in the recent extreme heat it seems likely that our bodies would struggle more to cope with medications that increase body temperature.  But as we've all posted, the right amount of oestrogen should help to counter that effect.

As mentioned, I've also found that my flushes & sweats are worse with the once a day application forms of oestradiol than on patches, but this was more something to bear in mind for future consideration if Kenny finds she doesn't improve for whatever she & her GP decide should be the first step.

I hope that makes sense! :)


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Re: Help sweats are becoming unbearable
« Reply #14 on: August 18, 2022, 08:33:07 AM »

Morning.  Yesterday was the 1st in many a long week that I haven't dripped everywhere.  Local Temps went from 29C to 17C in a drop.
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