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Author Topic: Help needed please - are these the symptoms of too high or too low oestrogen?  (Read 4241 times)


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What are catecholamines then?! Not heard of that one  ;D

joziel ....Catecholamines are hormones made by your adrenal glands, which are located on top of your kidneys. Examples include dopamine; norepinephrine; and epinephrine (this used to be called adrenalin or adrenaline). Your adrenal glands send catecholamines into your blood when you're physically or emotionally stressed  xx


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That’s interesting Pippa, I didn’t know that the nhs did this test. Or is it private?

What do they do though if the results are found to be abnormal, do you know? X


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Oh right, thanks for that explanation. How are they hoping to use these results to help you? I mean, anyone like us folks going through all this are going to be very physically and emotionally stressed  ;D - but that's understandable right?

How are you doing at the moment?

I am doing okay throughout the days now, with almost no palpitations at all and normal blood pressure readings. (Have actually discovered I have excellent blood pressure around 105/65!).

However, night times are still a bit weird. I get into bed fine and, whilst I'm getting sleepy and dropping off to sleep, my heart starts doing the palps again and the fingers start up throbbing again. It is basically doing that all night, after that I think. I wake around 5am, feeling not very rested because I've been palping all night and dozing. I seem to be able to dream whilst palping, but not to get into deep sleep.

If only nighttimes would get better, like day times are now... As this was previously happening 24/7, it's a huge improvement to have it not happening in the day time now. So I have to think I'm on the right path.

Meanwhile, I called the doctor to see about getting beta blockers and she wanted to see me for 'a review' before prescribing anything. Then it turned out she is going on holiday tomorrow for a week and a half and couldn't see me before she went anyway.  ::)  So if I now want beta blockers I would have to describe everything to YET ANOTHER DOCTOR.  :-\ This would be about doctor number 10 in the last year now.... And I don't know why she'd have to see me in person instead of just speak on the phone anyway, she only examined me last week.

But apparently she has done the referral to cardiology so I think I'm going to try calling the cardiology dept if I don't get a referral letter today or tomorrow....



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Joziel - just a thought, I remember ATB saying that she believed the magnesium Bisglycinate was causing her palpitations. I believe she stopped them because of this, but the downside to this could be an increase in anxiety.
You might want to test it out for a couple of nights, just to see. X


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Sure, I can do that easily. Although I thought it was supposed to stop the palpitations  ;D ;D That was why I kept taking it!!


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In some apparently it does. I think women with palpitations tend to use magnesium taurine (or is it taurate?!!) instead. Anyway it begins with a T!
It might not be that but worth a go x


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Hi 2cats, yes I'm afraid its going to take a bit longer than 11 days! You may notice improvement in libido in just a few weeks. Other things like energy, sense of well being for me took another few weeks. And it's a gradual thing.
Thanks gnatty. My libido has not been low but wanted to see if T could bring other benefits. However, I can tell the T is increasing my libido which is hilarious considering my husband and I live separate lives in the same house! 🤣😢


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Hi lovely ladies -UPDATE!!  oh my goodness.  I have just had my telephone consultation with the Meno consult.  My blood results were off the scale LOW at 69!!! They have never ever been that low.  She said no wonder I had been feeling so awful.  She also said this will be because of the many changes of HRT I have had over the past 4 months.  I have only changed back onto Oestrogel for just over 3 weeks and she said that is why my levels are so low still  as they take time to build up plus I will need to up the dosage.  So I have to build up the dose really really slowly over the next 3  months and she wants me up to 3 pumps daily.  She also told me on no account to split the gel dosage twice daily (funnily enough I had already 3 days ago gone back to doing the whole dose in the mornings and not dividing it... maybe that is one of the reasons I am feeling a bit better too).  She said it is designed to be used in one go so you get the whole dose straight away and it will last 24 hours but important to apply it at the same time every day.  So a very productive consultation.  She also has prescribed me Vagifem and to continue using the YES OB applicators.  Feeling a lot more positive now there is a proper plan in place and hopefully will start to feel human again.  It does explain too why I am feeling so whacked out all the time. She knows the Cardiac consultant I saw and said he is great and she is going to write to him with an update of today's consult.  She said the symptoms I have been getting will be down to the very low oestrogen levels.  So weird as I have been feeling a lot better today and slept all night last night on the lower dose but maybe it is because it is being applied in one go.  Very interesting that as I would have imagined that splitting the dose would even it out.  Ho hum you live and learn....onwards and upwards!  xxx


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Hi Pippa thank you so much for sharing with us your consultation. It is really helpful to learn that the gel should be applied in one go. When I was on 5 pumps I felt better when I split the dose and I wonder now if I'd I felt better that way because it was actually too high a dose!? Now I am only on three and a half maybe I will try it all in one go in the morning. Will report back if any improvement.
It's going to be an interesting journey for you now especially as you say you thought maybe you didn't need so much. But slow and steady wins the race and hopefully you will now get your levels up. Why did she particularly want you to go slowly, was it to try and reduce any titrating negative side effects.? Anyway sounds like a great consultation. Was it through the NHS or privately? Anyway best of luck, I bet you are happy to have a plan in place! X


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Hi Pippa thank you so much for sharing with us your consultation. It is really helpful to learn that the gel should be applied in one go. When I was on 5 pumps I felt better when I split the dose and I wonder now if I'd I felt better that way because it was actually too high a dose!? Now I am only on three and a half maybe I will try it all in one go in the morning. Will report back if any improvement.
It's going to be an interesting journey for you now especially as you say you thought maybe you didn't need so much. But slow and steady wins the race and hopefully you will now get your levels up. Why did she particularly want you to go slowly, was it to try and reduce any titrating negative side effects.? Anyway sounds like a great consultation. Was it through the NHS or privately? Anyway best of luck, I bet you are happy to have a plan in place! X

Hi Gnatty - thanks so much for your message.  Yes it is really helpful to now have a plan in place - something to work to.  I think you are right re the dose.  The last 3 days I have put on the gel in one go in the mornings and although I am still on a very low dose of it (1 and half pumps a day) I have felt increasingly better over the past few days and today has been pretty good plus I slept from 10.30pm through to 6 am for the first time in many months so I do think you are on to something when you say about your dosage and how you needed more when you were splitting the dose when you were on 5 pumps.  I am stupidly sensitive to dose changes of Oestrogen so that is why she advised me to increase very slowly to minimise feeling like I have drunk 5 cans of Red Bull in one go (never have btw!!! :) .  I have some mg scales so its very easy to be precise with the increases.  I had to go privately to the Meno consultant but she does do telephone or video consults.  Thanks again for your lovely message.  Please let us know if you do decide to use the gel in one go rather than split it - would be really interested to see how it works for you or not.  Take care xxx


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hi Pippa,

really good to hear your news- it's such a relief when blood tests corroborate symptoms!
like you, i am struggling massively with the increases in oestrogel- am now on half pump per day and even that feels too much. but, ultimately we need it so good for you for powering ahead.
i think you mentioned something about a cortisol test- just wondered if you'd heard anything about that.
i've only been on the gel 2 weeks having prev been on the patch. i changed because patch was extremely erratic depending when i'd put it on. i think changing oestrogens is hard as well as bumping up the dose even without changing method- it's like you have to reset even though theoretically the same thing
anyway- onwards and upwards for us all  :)


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hi Pippa,

really good to hear your news- it's such a relief when blood tests corroborate symptoms!
like you, i am struggling massively with the increases in oestrogel- am now on half pump per day and even that feels too much. but, ultimately we need it so good for you for powering ahead.
i think you mentioned something about a cortisol test- just wondered if you'd heard anything about that.
i've only been on the gel 2 weeks having prev been on the patch. i changed because patch was extremely erratic depending when i'd put it on. i think changing oestrogens is hard as well as bumping up the dose even without changing method- it's like you have to reset even though theoretically the same thing
anyway- onwards and upwards for us all  :)

Hi Vintagefiend ....many thanks for your kind words.  Yes so agree that it's actually a relief to know just why one is feeling so rubbish and also kind of makes you feel vindicated if that makes sense :)   So sorry to hear you are also struggling with the oestrogen increases.  Honestly I don't think we are alone it seems like many women are sensitive to dose changes let alone having to change products as well!   I feel just the same as you as soon as I increase a dose even by a teeny amount.  I do have the mg scales which have really helped as at least that way the upticks in dose can be accurate...they were only cheapie ones but seem to be ok.   The Meno consultant said it was very early days re the gel for me and that was at coming up to 4 weeks so it's not at all surprising that you are still getting used to the gel.  I have for the last 2 days actually started to really feel almost 'normal' again for the first time in months.  It seems when you reach a certain level things do start to improve but she did say that it is not an overnight fix and it takes time to level out and settle down.  My sleep some nights still isn't brilliant but still better than before.  Hot flushes are getting less and no fast heartbeats again - so far.  I am not going to get excited though just yet but to be fair I was on Oestrogel for many many years and it always worked well then so am hopeful it will again when I get to the right dose.  Re the cortisol yes I was going to take a Medicheck test but I am actually now feeling much much less anxious even in the early mornings so will hang fire on that.  I know they were testing adrenaline levels etc in the 24 hour urine collection thingy so will wait and see what they say.  Like you I couldn't get on with patches either.  One of them gave me the worst migraines ever and the other caused a bad skin reaction.  Also I found they gave me a huge surge on the day and day after I put them on then fizzled and they never lasted the 4 days for me although loads of women get on so so well with them.  This HRT lark really is such an individual thing as to what works for some and not for others.    I so hope you will start to feel better soon.  Last week I really thought this was endless but I am beginning (hopefully!) to see the light.  The Meno consultant did say it takes at least 4 - 6 weeks after starting the gel to start to feel improvements and also longer to tweak the dose till you find the right level for you. How many pumps have you been told to get up to? xx


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thanks Pippa, for all the info
can understand holding off on the cortisol test- much less important in light of your improved symptoms- great to hear that you've had a better couple of days.
to be honest, i've been doing my own thing re doses- officially i'm on the 75mcg patch so obvs docs won't have a problem with my half pump oestrogel!
really helps to know it took you 4 weeks to get anywhere
i've put my body through a lot of changes these past few months so i'm going to stick with what i'm on and move up sloooowly!
you said somewhere oestrogen hrt changes leave you feeling hyper caffeinated which is a very good description :)


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thanks Pippa, for all the info
can understand holding off on the cortisol test- much less important in light of your improved symptoms- great to hear that you've had a better couple of days.
to be honest, i've been doing my own thing re doses- officially i'm on the 75mcg patch so obvs docs won't have a problem with my half pump oestrogel!
really helps to know it took you 4 weeks to get anywhere
i've put my body through a lot of changes these past few months so i'm going to stick with what i'm on and move up sloooowly!
you said somewhere oestrogen hrt changes leave you feeling hyper caffeinated which is a very good description :)

I think you are very wise.  We know our bodies and how we feel and yes we can be guided by advice but you are so right to do the way forward you feel is right for you.  The hyper caffeinated feeling isn't great with dose increases but it seems a lot of ladies feel like this and if the level proves to be right it does level out and go (thankfully!!) The Consultant did say that the oestrogen receptors get very inflamed if there are a lot of changes (hardly surprising with all the shortages of HRT there have been) but they do plateau and settle down when on a consistent and right dose.  Hope so much you have a good day today x


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High estrogen left me feeling ON IT  ;D ;D

Like, the world isn't moving fast enough for me. I want more, faster, stimulation. BRING IT ON.

Which was great for short periods of time but slightly exhausting, especially at 3am  ;D ;D ;D ;D
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