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Menopause Matters magazine ISSUE 76 out now. (Summer issue, June 2024)


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Author Topic: Anti-depressants for hot flushes - anyone had success?  (Read 3096 times)


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Anti-depressants for hot flushes - anyone had success?
« on: August 11, 2022, 07:12:08 PM »

Has anyone been prescribed anti depressants that have worked for controlling hot flushes? Any successes?

Long story short - can no longer take HRT for meno symptoms. Last resort is choice between anti depressants or the Mirena coil (yuk, no, not for me. Makes me feel ill just thinking about it!!).

So my doctor prescribed me the AD sertraline. It’s only been 3 weeks and I do realise they make take 6 weeks to kick in, but they don’t seem to help at all, and the side effects have been pretty gruesome.

I’m just hoping some ladies will say that they’ve had success with AD’s! Thanks 😀



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Re: Anti-depressants for hot flushes - anyone had success?
« Reply #1 on: August 11, 2022, 08:06:40 PM »

Hi jillyrich

You’re the first member I know who has been prescribed an AD purely for hot flushes.  Others might had had the same experience and be able to say if they worked, but that’s a new one on me!

Sorry you’re in a pickle and as you say perhaps you should wait out the six weeks despite the awful side effects. If you do and they’re still not working you should see your GP again

Why are you not able to continue with hrt, if you don’t mind me asking?
Hopefully we might be able to help if you care to share.  x


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Re: Anti-depressants for hot flushes - anyone had success?
« Reply #2 on: August 12, 2022, 12:03:39 PM »

Hello jillyrich.

I was three years post meno when I went to my GP to ask for HRT. The GP prescribed tablet HRT and also the AD Venlafaxine which I was told would reduce night sweats.  Obviously it was difficult work out the exact effects of these medications but one night I experienced more night sweats and in the morning I realised that I had forgotten to take Venlafaxine the night before.  I concluded that this AD did infact help to reduce my night sweats.

I hope this helps you in some way.

Take care.




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Re: Anti-depressants for hot flushes - anyone had success?
« Reply #3 on: August 12, 2022, 12:26:18 PM »

For several years GPs have prescribed ADs that may help with hot flushes.  Sorry, don't know the names  :-\. Finding what works can be Trial and Error  ::)



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Re: Anti-depressants for hot flushes - anyone had success?
« Reply #4 on: August 12, 2022, 01:09:59 PM »

Why are your choices only the mirena or anti depressants? The mirena is progesterone only. You wouldn’t expect to have that without oestrogen anyway. Have you had one before to make such an assumption? Many other drugs and Hrt preparations can give worse side effects ( as you’ve discovered with sertraline?)

Clonidine and venlafaxine can
tackle flushes I think.

Have you looked at Her and Health supplements? They contain sage and red clover. Might be worth a try? Currently £16 for 30 tablets from Superdrug at present!


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Re: Anti-depressants for hot flushes - anyone had success?
« Reply #5 on: August 12, 2022, 02:33:41 PM »

One shouldn't mix prescribed drugs with alternative health a) it may be dangerous, b) you won't know which is working.


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Re: Anti-depressants for hot flushes - anyone had success?
« Reply #6 on: August 13, 2022, 07:23:42 PM »

Hi Marchlove.........mine is such a long boring story!  In a nutshell I have a history of DVT/heart attack so my consultant will only prescribe patches, either combi or with progesterone separately. I have tried every combination of patches available and without fail I have bled on them.  Could never get to the bottom of why - too much oestrogen? Too much progesterone? This has gone on for approx 7/8 years now!! There’s nothing else to try except the anti depressants or the mirena coil with separate progesterone.

In between trying the myriad of patches I have tried sage, black cohosh, red clover, starflower. Don’t think there’s a single herbal supplement I haven’t tried. I’m lucky not to suffer from VA but the hot flushes are utterly dreadful and I work in a customer facing job which I’m finding very difficult when I start getting hot!

So I started on the sertraline to see if they would help. Even if they took some of the hot flushes away, or lessened the intensity I’d be happier.

Kathleen - thank you for mentioning the venlafaxine has helped you, I shall keep that name in mind when I speak to my doctor this week!

I’m still hoping some more ladies are taking AD’s for the flushes and will reply!


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Re: Anti-depressants for hot flushes - anyone had success?
« Reply #7 on: August 13, 2022, 08:05:10 PM »

I think that the sertraline will help with hot flushes hopefully soon. It's quite common to give ADs to help with menopause symptoms particularly for those women who can't take HRT for whatever reason. If it turns out they don't help you can try others eg venlafaxine. Sertraline really helped me in the early days before I moved over to hrt. Particularly hot flushes were alleviated.


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Re: Anti-depressants for hot flushes - anyone had success?
« Reply #8 on: August 13, 2022, 08:10:56 PM »

Hi Jilly

I hear you, although a little foggy thinking myself tonight.

The fact that you don’t suffer from Va but continue to have hot flushes is perhaps interesting.

Have you ever had your thyroid tested?  Just wondering if you might be hyperthyroid?
Has this crossed your mind at all?
This might be pure speculation on my part but worth thinking about.

Completely get why you’ve started the sertraline now, sorry I was dismissive of it earlier, I just hadn’t heard of it being used as a stand alone treatment for hot flushes only.

I’m having awful hot flushes at the moment. New symptom post menopause. My specialist says it’s one of two things
Either i”m on too high a dose of levothyroxine for hypothyroidism so making me slightly hyperthyroid with heat intolerance and hot flushes
Or I’m not on enough estrogen.

Hope this might be useful but I'm afraid I can’t be of any help regarding the bleeding as my knowledge is scant, to say the least!

Hopefully other members will be along xx


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Re: Anti-depressants for hot flushes - anyone had success?
« Reply #9 on: August 14, 2022, 08:51:58 AM »

Morning.  Which specialist have you been seeing?   Have U been referred to a dedicated Menopause Clinic?

Herbals rarely work for long and indeed should not be taken for more than 3 months continually, nor with any other medications.  If they had success they would be available on the NHS.


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Re: Anti-depressants for hot flushes - anyone had success?
« Reply #10 on: August 15, 2022, 12:36:57 PM »

I’ve been on sertraline for several years (as well as HRT) for anxiety/depression. This last week I’ve been reading news articles on Sky News saying how SSRIs affect your hypothalamus (I think?) which also affects your body’s ability to regulate temperature. This was particularly because of the high temperature we have been experiencing. Over recent years I’ve found it increasingly difficult dealing with high temperature and high humidity so the articles made sense. They also said it can cause the skin to be affected, and I have had strange heat rashes which I never used to get. It made me want to come off AD if possible. So I’m not sure why they prescribe ADs for hot flushes? (Sorry if I’ve got this all wrong!).


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Re: Anti-depressants for hot flushes - anyone had success?
« Reply #11 on: August 15, 2022, 02:03:58 PM »

It was an article that I think cherry picked what it wanted to scare the public with.  How often have we experienced long periods of high temperatures in the UK, also: have you been on holiday abroad Grumpymum ?  Did U notice a difference if so?

I've found it very warm these last few weeks.  Even to the point when I thought that I was beginning to have hot flushes  :o.  Never thought about it being my AD reacting to the heat.

I would never consider stopping my AD, it's been a life saver.  My Dad was on an old fashioned anti-depressant and had to keep out of the sunshine so he bought a straw hat .... when I had radiation treatment, I was told to keep out of the sunshine - so I bought a straw hat  ::).

I would hang on to the Sertraline until at least end of October.  There are a couple of ADs which have been found to ease hot flushes: they were not designed for it, but as with many medications World Wide which ease unassociated conditions, they help some ladies.



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Re: Anti-depressants for hot flushes - anyone had success?
« Reply #12 on: August 15, 2022, 02:30:32 PM »

I’ve been on sertraline for several years (as well as HRT) for anxiety/depression. This last week I’ve been reading news articles on Sky News saying how SSRIs affect your hypothalamus (I think?) which also affects your body’s ability to regulate temperature. This was particularly because of the high temperature we have been experiencing. Over recent years I’ve found it increasingly difficult dealing with high temperature and high humidity so the articles made sense. They also said it can cause the skin to be affected, and I have had strange heat rashes which I never used to get. It made me want to come off AD if possible. So I’m not sure why they prescribe ADs for hot flushes? (Sorry if I’ve got this all wrong!).

My daughter was on Sertraline for several months which helped her anxiety but her chest and back were red and she was burning up on it.
I've read conflicting stuff on Sertraline re hot flushes. It does say that it increases Seratonin which affects the hypothalamus.  I guess any extra high temperature means the hypothalamus is working harder.

« Last Edit: August 15, 2022, 02:34:22 PM by Minusminnie »


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Re: Anti-depressants for hot flushes - anyone had success?
« Reply #13 on: August 15, 2022, 03:02:58 PM »

I am constantly hot CKLD! Even when the weather is ‘normal’ I’m sweltering. Last time in Southern Europe sweat was pouring off my face. This current weather I’m just sat in front of a fan with all windows and curtains closed. I’m missing out on summer. Even in the winter I no longer wear a coat - just a fleece even on freezing days. I didn’t connect the two until I read the articles and then it made sense. Although on odd occasions I get really cold and can’t warm up. The heat sets off digestive problems too.


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Re: Anti-depressants for hot flushes - anyone had success?
« Reply #14 on: August 15, 2022, 03:18:03 PM »

Has anyone been prescribed anti depressants that have worked for controlling hot flushes? Any successes?

Long story short - can no longer take HRT for meno symptoms. Last resort is choice between anti depressants or the Mirena coil (yuk, no, not for me. Makes me feel ill just thinking about it!!).

So my doctor prescribed me the AD sertraline. It’s only been 3 weeks and I do realise they make take 6 weeks to kick in, but they don’t seem to help at all, and the side effects have been pretty gruesome.

I’m just hoping some ladies will say that they’ve had success with AD’s! Thanks 😀

I was prescribed Fluoxetine (Prozac) many years ago.  They certainly did get my flushes under control, particularly the night sweats.  Like most meds they take a while to kick in.
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