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Menopause Matters magazine ISSUE 76 out now. (Summer issue, June 2024)


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Author Topic: HRT withdrawal symptoms?  (Read 5337 times)


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Re: HRT withdrawal symptoms?
« Reply #30 on: September 01, 2022, 12:24:42 PM »

I also take it in the summer, just at a lower dose. Have you been tested recently? I think late summer good time to test as it shows what you have before the winter.

Lymes disease is much better, at one point I was bedridden. Now I mostly have to keep an eye on my cortisol levels as they can get very low.



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Re: HRT withdrawal symptoms?
« Reply #31 on: September 01, 2022, 12:39:44 PM »

I haven't had my Vit D levels tested recently, I had my first 'MOT' at the doctors when I turned 40 so not sure if my levels were tested then. Not sure if the NHS tests them. All I know is when I first started taking it a few years back I felt so much better after a few weeks/months and that something had been missing. To be honest the same thing happened with iron, magnesium and B12 as well. I sometimes wonder if there is actually very much nutrition in food anymore! How do you test your Vit D levels?

Gosh that must have been awful being bedridden. I'm glad you feel better. How do you test your cortisol levels?



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Re: HRT withdrawal symptoms?
« Reply #32 on: September 20, 2022, 09:28:04 PM »

Hi all, I’ve not been on here for a little while but I’m now moved in to my new place and I’m ok. It’s such a relief that I got through that bad patch! Does anyone else ever get that feeling too, that you don’t know if you’ll survive a bad patch like you’re just hanging on? I’m glad I started on the HRT as it has helped with the transition.


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Re: HRT withdrawal symptoms?
« Reply #33 on: September 21, 2022, 12:55:06 PM »

just got up to date with your story Katherine....  you are so strong to get through it all and feel well on other side.     Glad HRT has helped.   I have stopped HRT this week after a short trial as it made me unwell and have felt the withdrawal for 2 days now.... so yes even a day forgotten can impact.  Strong stuff.


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Re: HRT withdrawal symptoms?
« Reply #34 on: September 21, 2022, 01:42:13 PM »

Hi Katherine

Lovely to hear from you that your move has gone well and that the hrt has been a help.

I’m sorry I didn’t get back to your earlier post about vitamin D.  I can usually persuade my GP to do a test about once a year, now is a good time to try before the start of the winter. If no luck there, Medichecks do the test.

M x


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Re: HRT withdrawal symptoms?
« Reply #35 on: September 21, 2022, 03:03:22 PM »

Hi Katherine,

I just wanted to wish you well.

I think when you have relationship issues, it is important to have a safe space so you can think clearly.

I honestly think we should have some special government menopause tsar, as other half's who either aren't going through the menopause or in the male population case just doesn't understand it, that something would have been put in place by now.

Anyway just wanted you to know that I'm thinking of you xxx


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Re: HRT withdrawal symptoms?
« Reply #36 on: September 21, 2022, 10:13:56 PM »

Hi ladies, I am feeling shocking today with head and body aches, face burning, fast heartbeat, physical exhaustion. I’ve never felt like this. Yesterday I had no oestrogel or utrogestan as there has been a lot of drama at home. Not sure if I should say this but it’s anonymous and well intentioned. My partner sometimes becomes very angry and upset if I’m feeling depressed and it has any link to him and I had thoughts of not being able to live anymore. I have been at the end of my tether for 3 days and ended up not doing my routine. Anyway, does anyone think based of their experience that my physical symptoms could be due to missing just one day of HRT? We are taking steps to address the relationship issues but today I am just really concerned because I feel like I’ve been hit by a bus. Sorry if this is a bit long but I’m not thinking straight and just hoped for some insight or comfort from you ladies. I may delete this post later if it’s possible.
Hugs - "thoughts of not being able to live anymore"
Your post is not long, this is a ramble, hope it helps.
It sounds like your hubby has emotional problems.
A question to ask your self, did he have an abusive childhood?
My Dad used to be abusive and had abuse in childhood.

The last thing you need when feeling depressed is for him to become angry and upset, ask yourself if he has emotional problems outside of your menopause.

I wouldn't miss a day's hrt, best to stay hormonally as stable as possible.
I forget to change my patch for a day a few times, also my patch has peeled off a few times, it's hard to say if I feel symptoms as I have EUPD/BPD, and Asperger's and the EUPD is difficult to manage.

I can't properly say if missing a day HRT would cause that effect, but I do know that it only took a day for flushes etc to go when I went up to the amount of oestrogen I used to need.

I hope this post is of some benefit, and I am happy for you to post if it helps.



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Re: HRT withdrawal symptoms?
« Reply #37 on: September 21, 2022, 10:18:03 PM »

Thanks so much for your replies ladies, they have given me some comfort. Karine, I am moving out of our home temporarily while we work on our issues just so I have a guaranteed safe emotional space in the meantime. I haven’t got any close friends nearby at the moment due to moving around so much but I’m going to make a big effort to make some new friends in my area. X
That sounds like you have a lot on your plate.
I've had coffees with people from Facebook groups on our local little towblet :)
I made great friends doing stuff I enjoy, with people who enjoy the same stuff.
You've always got us.
I have been told by people who tell me their problems, that I am good at that sort of thing, my friend who is a qualified psychotherapist said I am very empathic.


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Re: HRT withdrawal symptoms?
« Reply #38 on: September 21, 2022, 10:19:21 PM »

I'm sorry things are so bad. I haven't gone cold turkey so can't really comment but don't underestimate how much stress can affect you, it can cause as much harm as physical illnesses. My money would be on stress rather than hrt but I may well be wrong. I think you should look after you for the next few days and I hope you feel better soon.
Yeah stress gave me GI issues.
I got a big bill, once that was explained to me, after 7 working days, it went.
It came back when I split with a man I was seeing.
It can make me a bit nauseous occasionally.


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Re: HRT withdrawal symptoms?
« Reply #39 on: September 21, 2022, 10:21:03 PM »

Hi ladies I’ve just tested positive for covid for the first time and I’m unvaccinated (too scared of severe side effects) so that explains why I feel so ill. I’m reading all your replies and they are all really helpful x
Sorry you had COVID.
I am not vaccinated, I respect the views of those who are.
I had COVID, it's weird, it felt artificial.
I have theories, not conspiraloon, as some spread fake conspiracies to put people on the wrong path.
My COVID was not severe, just odd.


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Re: HRT withdrawal symptoms?
« Reply #40 on: September 21, 2022, 10:21:47 PM »

Ah Katherine, that would explain it!
Try not to worry, I’ve had covid twice now and I’m not vaccinated.

It’s very important that you rest and drink lots of fluids.

When I got covid in May I stopped my hrt which in hindsight was a mistake. But I resumed after a few weeks and it was only then I stopped feeling so exhausted.

There’s a covid thread going which could be worth you reading. x
I know so many people who got COVID more than once who were jabbed.


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Re: HRT withdrawal symptoms?
« Reply #41 on: September 21, 2022, 10:22:51 PM »

Hi Marchlove, that’s reassuring. I will take your advice. I have a bit of desk work to do as I’m self employed but I’ll take it slow. My cat is currently supervising everything I do which is lovely!
Cats - aaaah.
I can't wait to foster cats again, I am a leaseholder and its against the rules, but foster cats aren't allowed out, they were a comfort for my Asperger's and great confidants, they are wise and tuned in.


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Re: HRT withdrawal symptoms?
« Reply #42 on: September 21, 2022, 10:42:45 PM »

Hi all, I’ve not been on here for a little while but I’m now moved in to my new place and I’m ok. It’s such a relief that I got through that bad patch! Does anyone else ever get that feeling too, that you don’t know if you’ll survive a bad patch like you’re just hanging on? I’m glad I started on the HRT as it has helped with the transition.
I have fears I won't survive a problem that has been long-standing since 2010 and got worse, and no one has been able, so far, to help resolve it.
The lease on my flat is breached. I never got a survey on it, as my mum advised me not to get my first old "Fixer-upper" house surveyed, so I never got newer properties surveyed.
The old owner did some real Jackass alterations, in parts of the flat that don't belong to the owner, real hassle.

By "not-survive" I don't mean suicide, although it did make me suicidal, I took an accidental OD of hard recreational drugs, and never bothered getting an ambulance, I never did hard drugs until this lease issue.
I also got so low I went on one of those morbid google suicide methods groups, and collected a supposedly lethal combination of drugs, but, told a friend, who rang the GP.
The problem is still not resolved, I can't tell if hormones are making me think it's worse than it is, or it really is that bad, as I have taken lease advice and they paint a bad picture. I want to leave a saleable asset when I die, because, although I don't get on with my family of origin, (malignant narcissist Dad who abused Mum, and she wanted me to stay home to leech off me - I didn't realise her intentions at the time) sorry for tangent.
Mum and dad were fantastic grandparents to my nieces and nephews, but when they were not about, they emotionally abused me, they physically abused me as a kid, I don't know why I didn't report them, I knew I was being abused.
I won't commit suicide now, because I have beliefs that the part of us that "thinks and feels", stays on the earth, disembodied, with worse mental anguish. I am not woo-woo, I know a little quantum physics, seen a couple of spirits, am not a new ager.
Sorry for tangent, I am glad you are moved, and hope your "bad patch" stays away.
HRT wise, I wish I had not started it, as the progesterone is a bitch to come of when you are dependant on benzodiazepines, a well known benzodiazepine forum has plenty of women having nightmares with progesterone.
On the other hand, I had unmanageable flushes, IBS, anxiety etc, so I needed oestrogen and of course, to prevent cancer, I needed the progesterone.


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Re: HRT withdrawal symptoms?
« Reply #43 on: September 22, 2022, 07:58:22 PM »

Hi ladies, sorry for the delay in replying, I have just found all your posts and it was lovely to see them. I will reply properly to you all individually really soon but I will say this for now, Dandelion, I really feel for you, I have been through some really difficult times in my life and had a lot of therapy which sorted me out but unfortunately my current relationship is bringing up these old feelings again which is a great loss to me after all the work I did in therapy. I don’t want to say too much about my partner except that I, and many people including professionals think he has undiagnosed Autism. He is very successful and clever in his career but cannot handle my emotions, if I am upset and it’s partly because of him. If I can tell him in a non emotional voice, ie when I’m not feeling too bad, he is ok and lovely  but if I am crying or depressed he loses it, self harms, throws things, screams, gets angry, etc. we are trying to get him a diagnosis so we can do couple therapy but he keeps getting fobbed off and no meds have worked. I do think his upbringing has had an impact but there is something organic there I’m sure. It is an impossible position to be in because he is a really kind, funny, giving person the rest of the time. Anyway I’ve gone on a bit but all your replies made me want to tell you. Dandelion I can tell you are very strong and thanks for all your posts. I will reply to you all properly soon. Love to you all xxxx


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Re: HRT withdrawal symptoms?
« Reply #44 on: September 22, 2022, 08:56:31 PM »

I just found out about the Private Lives section, wish I’d posted there instead!
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