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Author Topic: New member 😊  (Read 1026 times)


  • First Flush
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New member 😊
« on: August 05, 2022, 04:28:56 PM »


I have decided to sign up for this forum as 1. sometimes I feel so alone with everything that I have been going through and 2. to unburden my husband, who is a sweetheart and extremely supportive but even he told me “Why don’t you look for a forum? I am sure it would help to talk about all this stuff.” So, hete I am😊

My symptoms, now that I think about it, probably started 2-3 years ago: mood swings, periods of feeling down, lost, alone, not-understood and panic attacks. I kind of was not suprised as I have a history of eating disorder, burn-out, panic disorder and depression, so I thought these are just little set backs that I had before and will probably have for the rest of my life.

Just for the record😊: I live in a loving relationship, have a nice home, I love my job, my family is lovely and supportive in every sense. It is just that I was probably born with high sensitivity that caused the above mentioned issues.

In January this year I missed my period for rhe first time. AND; for about 2 weeks I experienced the following symptoms: diarrea, bloated tummy, acid reflux, cold flashes that came on with a nauseating anxiety attack, heart palpitations, at night I could not sleep as my heart was beating so hard against my chest that it scared me, nightmares, a feeling of loneliness and total lack of self worth that made me sob for hours on end.

Of course I went to see specialists right away as I was afraid that I might have something serious. Blood test: no need for concern. ECG and heart examination fine. Tummy, kidney ultrasound and pelvic ultrasound all okay. So basically I am supposed to be healhty.

My symptoms subsided after 2-3 weeks and my period returned like clockwork, exaclty on day 28 for the past months. I must say that my periods have become quite heavy lately and for rhe first time in my life I experienced what must be period pain.

Anyway, to cut a long story short: I just would like to know whether someone here has similar symptoms, and mainly, how to deal with them? I think I might have developed health anxiety as I am constantly checking my body and always think of the worst. Especially on days when I am tired, out of breath and hardly able to concentrate on anything.

Any reassurance would be nice:-)



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Re: New member 😊
« Reply #1 on: August 05, 2022, 04:35:26 PM »

Sounds normal for peri-menopause from where I'm sitting  ::)

 :welcomemm:  some find that keeping a mood/food/symptom diary useful to chart progress, let's us know that not every day is awful!  I am a recovering anorexic ........ had my first panic attack aged 3.  Etc. etc. etc..

Browse round.  Make notes.  Ask away.  Hormonal upheaval can certainly affect periods: 10 mins. B4 a bleed I would have to dash to the loo  :o even if a period wasn't due.  Yep, there it was!!  Add to that nausea and intense pain  >:(

Acid reflux is common at peri., as oestrogen levels drop the muscles may become lax = aches and pains including a hiatus hernia.   How do you control symptoms? 

Most of us go through the health anxiety phase.  There's a thread here somewhere, I looked for it earlier - how we all have something terminal for a couple of weeks, then something else pops up.  All of us.  Still here  ::)

Have you had recent blood tests to check thyroid function and VitD levels? 


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Re: New member 😊
« Reply #2 on: August 05, 2022, 06:01:13 PM »

Hi Pixie123

Glad you’ve found us.
Ask anything you like, someone’s always here to answer any questions you have.
Sounds like your perimenopause to me.
Hrt can help.
I sailed through peri, it was when I was post meno that my symptoms started, all of which you’ve mentioned of having. It’s the total pits. Anxiety being my worst one.
That was 7 years ago for me, and with hrt, I’m where I am today. More my normal self. Just more crazy. 😂
You’ll probably be up and down from now on, missing the odd period, then going back to normal again.
You have to miss a full 12 months of periods before they class you as post meno.
How old are you?
Its great you have a loving husband, tell him everything, make him understand. Makes a difference if the men in our lives can get some kind of understanding. That’s one worry off our shoulders if they do.
Be kind to yourself, there are loads of techniques to help with anxiety, have a look around this site.
There’s a thread somewhere on here, called, What we’ve diagnosed, ( I think ) have a look. It’s all of us who have diagnosed ourselves with some kind of illness due to health anxiety. Just one more lovely symptom of meno. 💁🏼‍♀️
Keep posting. Keep asking away. We’re always here.

Jd xx


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Re: New member 😊
« Reply #3 on: August 05, 2022, 09:16:31 PM »

Thank you so much for this warm and embracing welcome :)

Btw, yes, my vitamine D level was checked as well and I seem to be - the results were done in March - so below average that they prescribed me 14.000/day for 1 month and now I am at 8000/day.

I also take iron, magnesium, and a special perimenopause multinutrient. This week I had to buy some special shampoo as my hair started falling out. When I saw it for the first time, I literally sat down in the shower and cried. It really is like there is something new every week :(

Anyway, yoga, drawing, reading, daydreaming, crochet and a good chat with friends help to relax somehow. And probably to learn to accept that it is normal to be anxious when going through this stage even if it is supposed to be natural.

Thank you again for the supportive words and I will sure spend some time browsing around :)


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Re: New member 😊
« Reply #4 on: August 06, 2022, 07:26:34 AM »

Hairless can become problematic.  My stylist told me that as we age the follicles don't replace hair as often so the effect may look thinner. 

You have plenty of hobbies to enjoy.  Me time is important.