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Author Topic: New member with a lot of questions.  (Read 1161 times)


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New member with a lot of questions.
« on: August 03, 2022, 04:42:14 PM »

Hi everyone,

I am nearly 2 years period free and am suffering really badly with various menopausal symptoms. My symptoms include hot flashes, horrendous night sweats, lack of libido, brain fog, lack of concentration and sleeplessness.

I had a very helpful conversation with my GP last night, and due to some other health issues and family health issues, she advised that she could put me on HRT but would probably not recommend it. The reasons are because I have newly-diagnosed diabetes (trying to reverse this with dietary changes), high blood pressure, high cholesterol, fatty liver and gallstones (all of these things only diagnosed when I went for a blood test last year to see if I could go on HRT). Also, my family medial history includes my mum having had breast cancer at 40 years old, both my mum and dad having heart related problems and other cancers in the family for both mum & dad.

So, I need to do something to try and combat these menopausal symptoms but don't know where to turn now.

The GP did say I could look into alternative, natural remedies but these, of course, are not as rigorously tested as HRT, so come with their own risks. GP mentioned Red Clover & Black Cohosh.

Does anyone have any recommendations? I was thinking about trying Menopace Max, so wonder if anyone has tried these?

Any help or advise would be so, so welcome  :-\

Thank you for taking the time to read my post  :)


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Re: New member with a lot of questions.
« Reply #1 on: August 03, 2022, 04:52:27 PM »

Hi.  R U in the UK? 

Ring your GP Surgery tomorrow and ask for a referral to a dedicated Menopause Clinic - not a Gynaecologist 'cos they often don't know much either - as there are waiting lists and you may need to travel.  U shouldn't have to pay for advice but if this is the quickest way to get seen and you don't mind paying then there is that choice.

It will depend on what type of breast disease that your Mum was treated for, did she recover ?? as to whether you are able to use HRT. 

What support R U getting for the other health problems?  Have U been referred to the appropriate Consultants to discuss fatty liver etc.? 

Altenratives may help until the bodies hormones start to rise and fall.  Then benefit is lost.  Also, one shouldn't take either that the GP recommended for long periods of time, especially if taking prescribed medications.

Some find that keeping a mood/food/symptom diary of use to chart progress. 


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Re: New member with a lot of questions.
« Reply #2 on: August 03, 2022, 04:57:44 PM »


Yes, I am in the UK.

My mum had a single mastectomy back in the 80s, has had bowel cancer, two heart attacks and a triple-heart by-pass to name but a few. She has just turned 78!

I am due another blood test for the diabetes & cholesterol soon, but do not presently take any medication for any of my health issues. The fatty liver they said should be fine and the gallstones, I just live with unless they give me any issues.

I'm 48, have no children and have not had a hysterectomy. I work full-time, so don't have time to visit clinics etc. it's all a bit of a nightmare really.

All of it is literally doing my head in!


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Re: New member with a lot of questions.
« Reply #3 on: August 03, 2022, 06:17:30 PM »

U R allowed time off for medical reasons ;-).  We shouldn't have to push to be seen, so do consider getting onto a Menopause Clinic waiting list. 

My Mum had a mastectomy at 65, tumour found on mammogram which was offered at that age.  Unrelated to what I underwent later.  Even so, HRT can be considered as Quality of Life is important.  MayB decide which symptom you would like to ease first?

DH and I take statins to keep cholesterol under control.  No side effects.  My friend reversed her diabetes with a good diet, until the weather became really hot and humid (in Oz) when her sugars would go haywire.  Have you been advised as to your over all diet requirements?  Some surgeries have a diabetic nurse attached.

Let us know how you get on. 


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Re: New member with a lot of questions.
« Reply #4 on: August 04, 2022, 01:46:33 PM »


Thank you for your input.

What is DH?

I am under a diabetic nurse, so that is not an issues, I am just trying to look into alternatives to HRT.

It's a bit of a minefield.


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Re: New member with a lot of questions.
« Reply #5 on: August 04, 2022, 01:56:28 PM »

Just a thought, but what does the menopause clinic do that a GP cannot do? Do they offer HRT and do breast screening, more regular blood tests etc?


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Re: New member with a lot of questions.
« Reply #6 on: August 04, 2022, 02:37:06 PM »

DH = Dear Husband

Glad that you have a diabetic nurse.  She may have some knowledge of menopause, might be worth asking her.

A Menopause Clinic will have up2date information about the types of HRT in which they try to get the lady the best regime possible as well as time to discuss.    They are unlikely to suggest that a woman is 'too young' to have symptoms!!

UK GPs do not have training in peri-menopause.  They may know a little about HRT but don't always get the correct delivery method, they seem to grab at specific treatments which if they don't work, they alter to something else.  Due to GPs not having much time for discussion these days, patients often feel rushed. 

Some ladies find that keeping a mood/food/symptom diary useful to discuss with the Nurse Practitioner or GP - some Surgeries do have GPs with an interest in womens' health, that doesn't always reach to menopause.

Menopause is natural.  Symptoms however can be overwhelming which is where H replacement T can be useful.  It can be a bit Trial and Error.
