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Author Topic: HRT Advice  (Read 2036 times)


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HRT Advice
« on: August 02, 2022, 10:18:19 AM »


I'm new here. I'm nearly 48 and have been on HRT since I was 44. I'm looking for some advice regarding my HRT....

I started on Kliovance initially which controlled all my symptoms (it was like a miracle tbh!) but, I did suffer with quite bad headaches so my GP moved me onto Utrogestan 100mg caps (daily for 25 days and 5 days off) and Evorel 50 patches (twice weekly). This was going well and the headaches stopped but after a few months I had a breakthrough bleed. I was sent for an internal scan within a couple of weeks and everything was fine so I carried on. A year later (this year) I had another breakthrough bleed so was sent for another internal scan and again, everything was fine. The lining of the womb was perfect, cervix looked good (I always attend my smears).

The consultant recommended a 6 week break just so that they could see what happens and whether it could be a side effect of the HRT. Sure enough during this break I have had no more bleeding. I have since had a GP appointment and they recommended that I stop the patches (as the patches were more likely to cause bleeding than the capsules) and swap them for 1mg Sandrena gel which is one of the gels that you just can't get at the moment :( .

So, here's my dilemma.......... In the last 6 weeks, my symptoms have come back with vengeance!  I am awake around 4 times a night (I usually sleep through), hot flushes are all back (nightmare during a heatwave), I'm teary, impatient, have brain fog and generally feel as though I'm not myself anymore. I have realised today that not only do I have a couple of packs of Utrogestan at home but I also have 3 packs of patches that I never got to use. I'm wondering whether to just start the patches again to get rid of these terrible symptoms so I can feel back to normal again and then swap over to the Sandrena gel once I can get my hands on it? Is this a wise idea? Will I have a bleed again? Can you stop and patch and start a gel safely or will it cause any issues?

Well done if you got to the bottom of this post hahaha. Any thoughts or advice would be greatly appreciated before I completely lose the plot


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Re: HRT Advice
« Reply #1 on: August 02, 2022, 11:50:25 AM »

Your symptoms R likely to return .........  H replacement T ;-). 

I would re-start with the patches/Utrogestan and if it works, ask for that to be continued.  If a regime works, your scans are good, then why alter ? 

Hopefully some1 will be along with HRT advice. 

Welcome to the Forum.  We talk about everything here ........ even menopause ;-).



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Re: HRT Advice
« Reply #2 on: August 02, 2022, 12:29:27 PM »

Hi Alison

I don't think I understand why your GP swapped you from patches to Sandrena gel? Why was it thought that this would help the breakthrough bleeding? They are just different types of transdermal estrogen. I don't think that change is going to make any difference to the bleeding, so maybe ask your GP why they thought it would help. They are both the equivalent amounts of estrogen too (50mcg patch = 1mg sandrena). So the dosage hasn't changed.

Some women do absorb one product better than another, so if you think you were absorbing the patches well, you could swap back to them to see if they resolve your symptoms. (Because the other explanation is that you just need more estrogen now and whatever you use, you would have needed more.)

You are on a continuous HRT regime there, taking utrogestan for 25 days with 5 days off. But that is an old and outdated continuous protocol which is more likely to lead to bleeding - because you are stopping the progesterone for 5 days, which results in a bleed. Instead most doctors now prescribe 100mg every single night without a break for continuous. See the very bottom here:  "Micronised progesterone
200 mg orally 12 days/cycle (cyclical)
100 mg PO daily (continuous combined)"

My bet is if you were taking the utrogestan daily without a break, you probably wouldn't have had a bleed - and wouldn't have had these worrying referrals for ultrasounds and checks etc either. If even that doesn't work, your utrogestan can be increased to 200mg - as mentioned in that link above.

The other thing to say is that you are only 48yo, so you may still be peri-menopausal - yet on a continuous regime (not sequential). Which can also lead to breakthrough bleeding. Do you know that you are post-menopausal?



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Re: HRT Advice
« Reply #3 on: August 02, 2022, 01:03:15 PM »


Thank you for your replies!

Joziel - I didn't think about questioning the the fact that the patch and gel are essentially similar. All they mentioned was that the gel was less likely to cause bleeding. It doesn't make sense though now you've pointed that out!

I was put on HRT at 44 due to not having any periods for 1 1/2 years along with all my symptoms. Previous to that I would say I was perimenopausal for quite some time with completely erratic periods. I did have a blood test done, which I know they don't usually recommend now but they did that due the fact I was under 45.

Thank you for sending the BMS guidelines, I can see that 100mcg daily continuously is now recommended without that 5 day break. It's a shame GP's don't consider this isn't it.

I think I'm just going to start the caps and patches again, at least that will help me get back to normal. In the meantime I think I'll book another GP appointment and discuss the fact that I can't get the gel and whether I should take the caps continuously without a break.

Thank you so much for your help! I wish I had found this forum sooner...........


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Re: HRT Advice
« Reply #4 on: August 02, 2022, 02:03:35 PM »

You're here now ;-)


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Re: HRT Advice
« Reply #5 on: August 02, 2022, 05:25:39 PM »

Alison, you can print out that BMS pdf and show it to your GP and ask to have everyday utrogestan instead of having the break...