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Author Topic: Newbie-Feel like Michelin woman & sad on estradot & ustrogen!! Anyone else?.?  (Read 1213 times)


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Hi I’m newbie,
Anyone had anything similar??

Absolutely fed up,I’m premenopausal have been for years,I’m 49 have always had regular heavy,flooding periods for years -finally in April 2021 doc gave me everol sequi/conti patches-AMAZING-periods lighter(still 7days days BUT not flooding),hot sweats GONE,mood lifted- YEAH!MARVELLOUS HRT WORKS-9MTHS LATER😞 heavy bleeding twice a month,headaches,mood swings return!! SO CALL DOCS.

Doc prescribed ustrogen for 14days and estradot all month-I’ve done this now for 5 months,still heavy bleeds on what would be my normal cycle-before even taking my ustrogen,then have a light bleed mid way through ustrogen.
I’ve gained what feels like a tyre around my middle & feel bloated constantly 😞 mood is low,hot sweats making a return,hormonal cysts have come back to haunt me & generally feeling.😔
SORRY!for rambling- DO I CARRY ON.??
(Rang docs after 3months as felt worse,her reply was give it 6 months & if no good u will have to have coil-I don’t want this!)

Just fed up & don’t know if coming off it altogether will help!?
Any advice much appreciated.🤩



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Hello Tad21. Welcome to the forum. I am sorry to read all you are going through. It really is horrible and it seems very hard to find a HRT that does not cause side effects. I do not have any advise but just wanted to welcome you. I am sure somebody will reply soon who is knowledgeable in this.


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  • changes can be scary, even when we want them

Hi! Ask for a referral to a dedicated menopause clinic?

Heavy bleeding can be eased by appropriate medication.  Why did your GP alter the regime ........


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Thanks Flossieteacake,I know just fed up and ready to quit hrt.


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I doubt that we even have one! She said I wasn’t getting enough progesterone and usterogen for 14 days should help and cause heavy bleeding to stop!Not working so far.Think my gp just doles out patches & isn’t very sympathetic.
Plan on ringing tomorrow & will ask about referral & maybe speak to a different gp too.
Thanks for replying😊


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  • changes can be scary, even when we want them

Do let us know how you get on.  There may be a Nurse Practitioner with more knowledge about menopause than the GPs. 


  • First Flush
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Will do,thanks.


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HRT isn't a panacea, and it doesn't suit every woman. Once you're taking it, and you don't feel well (physically and / or mentally), it's hard to know what to do. I opted not to take HRT; saying that, my menopause journey has been horrendous, to say the least. But, I feel that at least I know the symptoms are my own body, and I don't have to second guess myself about whether or not it's the medication. It's a tough spot to be in, and I feel for you. Maybe chat with your doctor and discuss coming off of them just to see where your natural hormones and symptoms are.


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I absolutely feel you on this one.

My periods started to disappear over 12 months ago, I'd have a period of nothing for 6 months, then I've had 3 since November last year. 

The weight, even with exercising is driving me insane and with the bloating as well is enough to finish you off.  I can go from a relatively flat tummy to being as big as I was carrying my daughter at 6 months.  Its crazy and the way its making me feel is even worse than the menopause some days.

I've been prescribed the patch, a tablet at night and then a pessary table.  Can't remember for my life what they all do (other than make me more unhappy).  I just do not know what to do for the best.   


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Thanks for sharing its nice hear I’m not alone.I’ve actually got a face to face docs appt on Fri so hoping to come off it as all symptoms have reared there ugly head & obs this hrt isn’t working for me.I know she will say coil is only option,but I don’t want it,so cold turkey may be the only solution.It’s the flooding I can’t cope with it’s been going on for years & is debilitating 😞


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OMG! That’s exactly me! I do 4workouts a week(just short hiit sessions) and walk at least 3-4miles a day,my thighs & mid riff have expanded beyond belief,like u some mornings I wake up & think gr8 I’ve deflated but by evening it’s depressing!
Patches worked gr8 for 9mths, then flooding returned - I had no bloating,it’s only since starting on new regime 5mths ago,(estradot patch & ustrogen tabs)that bloating,weight gain,hot sweats,low mood,sore boobs-u name it I’ve had it🤣
Thanks so much 4 sharing,helps so much that it doesn’t make u feel like u r only one  going thru it or going mad🤩