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Author Topic: I’m in a mess  (Read 5064 times)


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Re: I’m in a mess
« Reply #30 on: July 29, 2022, 07:54:00 PM »

From things others have said and what he's said to you it does sound like there might be some money worries / debts that you don't know about, and he may just need time to get things straight before he talks to you about it.


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Re: I’m in a mess
« Reply #31 on: July 29, 2022, 10:01:37 PM »

Tell him you'll join him on Saturday night?


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Re: I’m in a mess
« Reply #32 on: July 30, 2022, 12:09:42 AM »

Please, please don’t press him anymore. Let him be, as hard as that might be. If he’s dealing with something, whatever that might be, he’s deep into a cave mindset. If you push, you will drive him further into that mindset.  It’s like poking a bear-he might say something he regrets. 
Men are simple…they say what they mean-he needs time. Show how much you love him and how strong you are by respecting that and give him time.  He WILL come back to you physically & emotionally when he’s ready. 


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Re: I’m in a mess
« Reply #33 on: July 30, 2022, 06:22:55 PM »

Oh thats hard having to wait till he comes back especially if you are thinking he is having an affair, but listen you do not know this yet for sure, so I would say try and keep strong for the few days. entertain those people with him when he comes back and then when they are gone, try and and not get upset and sit down and ask him how his wkd was. Just ask him, should you be worried . Ask him just to be honest with you, you need the truth at this stage whatever it is, and then you can progress to fix it it or not. I know this is very hard for you, but you dont know as I said above what exactly is going on with him, so for the moment try your best to stay calm and positive. thinking of you xxx


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Re: I’m in a mess
« Reply #34 on: July 30, 2022, 07:15:32 PM »

Stay quiet?  Watching and listening when he is with others may give hints. 

I would be concerned about suicide possibilities  :-\. If he is pushed, he may step over an edge if that's where he is.


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Re: I’m in a mess
« Reply #35 on: July 30, 2022, 07:30:07 PM »

If there are money issues it might be why he is working away and doing weekend work. Perhaps he thinks he needs to take any work he can get?


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Re: I’m in a mess
« Reply #36 on: July 31, 2022, 07:17:19 AM »

Ok, maybe think of it this way: There's currently a blockage between you and your husband, but you don't know what that blockage is. Sounds as if you're both scared of losing eachother. Interestingly, you wrote him a letter and he sent you a text. Face-to-face seems to be hard at the moment, so maybe don't expect too much from it ...

A long time ago (20 years or something) me and my husband were going through a rough patch. We were working all hours, still with not much to show. One weekend, while the kids were away, I packed my stuff and was ready to leave. I phoned his parents to say that was what was going on. His dad turned up at my door about 10 minutes later with a bottle of vodka. We sat there all afternoon going round the houses, with me talking through my problems. And I've never forgotten the advice he gave me: 'There are no solutions, only resolutions'. Nothing comes quick, everything takes time, you can plan something to move forwards, but that might get knocked off track, etc. In other words, problems don't get solved, they get worked through, and that can mean pain, regret and a bunch of other stuff. You come out the other end stronger, together and individually ... Issues can be opportunities for growth. So I'd ask yourself how you'd like to grow with your husband ...


Diamonds and pearls 53

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Re: I’m in a mess
« Reply #37 on: July 31, 2022, 09:04:44 AM »

Clair, never ignore your gut feeling. I think this all sounds very suspicious and alarm bells would be ringing for me...lies, hiding his WhatsApp, being possessive over his phone, clearing debts for a 'fresh start' all of these are red flags galore! lf he was innocent he would have nothing to hide and would not be so defensive. I think l would be trying to gather more evidence, also be careful to protect your assets. Make sure you have some savings of your own.
Re your hormones, are you on hrt ? If not l would suggest getting some support in that direction too as Meno can play havoc with your anxiety and tendancy to overthink. 
It all sounds very stressful and l feel for you.


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Re: I’m in a mess
« Reply #38 on: August 01, 2022, 02:27:27 PM »

Hi Clair.1
Been thinking of you, hope you are holding up ok. You are stronger than you think my lovely. Hope all this works out for you , sending hugs xxx


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Re: I’m in a mess
« Reply #39 on: August 04, 2022, 03:28:45 PM »

Hi all, I went to the doctors yesterday and I got the hrt patch so just put my first one on. As for the other issue he came home Sunday and while on his way he called and we talked for about an hour and half about how we feel and he has even said when we go Thailand we can renew our vows. The weekend was awful cried a lot and didn’t sleep I know we are both worried about the debts and selling the house. But Thailand is booked he stayed at home Monday and Tuesday and we are going away for the weekend next weekend so hopefully we can get back on track I still worry he is doing something. He shouldn’t cos again he was working away at the weekend but no invoice showing on his invoice list so very strange . I love the man to pieces and I’m not prepared to throw 27 years away I can’t so hopefully the weekend was a final whatever but then today he has said he has to go back to Newcastle but he won’t be staying over night he will be back but it may be late. And then just had my break from work and went to get a drink and he called me sexy. I don’t know what to think I just know I have to get some evidence before I know what to do but patch is on and let’s see xxx


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Re: I’m in a mess
« Reply #40 on: August 04, 2022, 03:41:34 PM »

Hi all, I went to the doctors yesterday and I got the hrt patch so just put my first one on. As for the other issue he came home Sunday and while on his way he called and we talked for about an hour and half about how we feel and he has even said when we go Thailand we can renew our vows. The weekend was awful cried a lot and didn’t sleep I know we are both worried about the debts and selling the house. But Thailand is booked he stayed at home Monday and Tuesday and we are going away for the weekend next weekend so hopefully we can get back on track I still worry he is doing something. He shouldn’t cos again he was working away at the weekend but no invoice showing on his invoice list so very strange . I love the man to pieces and I’m not prepared to throw 27 years away I can’t so hopefully the weekend was a final whatever but then today he has said he has to go back to Newcastle but he won’t be staying over night he will be back but it may be late. And then just had my break from work and went to get a drink and he called me sexy. I don’t know what to think I just know I have to get some evidence before I know what to do but patch is on and let’s see xxx

I am so pleased you have HRT now. It can take time before you notice any improvements so hang on in there.

Debt is so scary and I can totally understand you both worrying about it. You did so well to open up and tell him how you are feeling. Maybe the holiday will help you to feel close especially as there will not be the distraction of work.


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Re: I’m in a mess
« Reply #41 on: August 04, 2022, 03:50:37 PM »

I hope so to cos it’s been so hard with one thing and another so I hope we can get on track and be happy again xx


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Re: I’m in a mess
« Reply #42 on: August 04, 2022, 03:57:22 PM »

I hope so to cos it’s been so hard with one thing and another so I hope we can get on track and be happy again xx

When you had the long talk, did you talk about your fears he is cheating?


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Re: I’m in a mess
« Reply #43 on: August 04, 2022, 04:37:25 PM »

I would be cancelling both trips if I was short of money  :-\

Is he using credit cards to pay for them?  Going away won't make any difference to the situation, it will travel with you.

Why would he mention renewing your Vows  :-\


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Re: I’m in a mess
« Reply #44 on: August 04, 2022, 04:43:48 PM »

Yes I did I told him everything and he promised me he 100% hasn’t done anything wrong he has been working to help pay the debts off. The weekend in Aug is free cos we know the person who owns the cottage and Thailand for Xmas is a club la costa hotel and we have a fraction of a share so we basically only have to pay for three flights and when we move house the credit card debt we have will be paid off and he runs his own IT business so he has his own customers that he does computer work for and earns enough to pay for the flights. I don’t know why he mentioned the renewing of true vows but I hope he means it and wants to cos I’m still unsure but then he talks about it and has even sent emails to enquire so I don’t know all I know is I need some little hope that one he isn’t seeing anyone else and two we can get through this. And really hope we do xxx
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