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Author Topic: Utrogestan upped to 200mg 12 days pm.. Nighmare  (Read 1685 times)


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Utrogestan upped to 200mg 12 days pm.. Nighmare
« on: July 24, 2022, 07:48:50 PM »

Omg I can't describe how low I feel since my doc doubled my utrogestan dosage.

I changed consultant, who had me on 100mg utro and 2 pumps of oestrogen.
I actually feel suicidal... Im on such a state, 2nd month of being on this dose. She said at 49 with reg periods I should be on 200mg. She didn't up my oestrogel. I'm constantly hot, sweating, crying, angry, hate the world and everyone in it, seriously I can stay feeling like this and just want to stop the lot of it, but I know I'll have the night sweats back, anxiety Brian fog.. Oh god.. This is a nightmare.

Girls what shld I do. Up my oestrogel? Go back to 100 mg? She's changed me to duphaston aswell as  this is oral progesterone... I seem to bleed when I'm due to take the progesterone so she said to take duphaston orally.

Any help  :'( please :'( :'(


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Re: Utrogestan upped to 200mg 12 days pm.. Nighmare
« Reply #1 on: July 24, 2022, 08:02:53 PM »

Hi Molly
Sorry you are feeling so awful.
Maybe you should go back down to 100 mg continuous, quick? Doesn’t sound as though you are tolerating the higher dose at all.

Duphaston? Isn’t that another type of progesterone? Why are you taking both? Have you tried taking the utrogestan vaginally? Some say the side effects are fewer than when taken orally.

How were you on the 100 mg? If you were okay, you could try taking it continuously?



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Re: Utrogestan upped to 200mg 12 days pm.. Nighmare
« Reply #2 on: July 24, 2022, 09:04:18 PM »

thanks nas for replying.

Yes I think I have to try to og back to the 100mg quick as you say. the doc was taking me off utrogeston as i was taking that vaginally but now since she increased the dose to 200 from 100 mg its changed my cycle and now im bleeding , period when im due to take the progesterone. so she said il change you onto duphaston which is an oral progesterone.  I really am up the walls atm.  :'(



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Re: Utrogestan upped to 200mg 12 days pm.. Nighmare
« Reply #3 on: July 24, 2022, 09:08:58 PM »

Get back on 100 utrogestan if you can.
You need to stabilize ASAP.
Were you okay on the 100 vaginally?
If so, keep to that regime




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Re: Utrogestan upped to 200mg 12 days pm.. Nighmare
« Reply #4 on: July 24, 2022, 09:20:31 PM »

i have no choice but to go back as i have never felt so bad/

There is cancer in my family and I was told to stay on body identical products. also my consultant said i should be on 200 mg utro to make sure i bleed.

So im just worried being on 100 mg is dangerous.


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Re: Utrogestan upped to 200mg 12 days pm.. Nighmare
« Reply #5 on: July 24, 2022, 11:08:56 PM »

Molly are you taking it continuously or sequential?

The correct dose is 200mg if you are taking it sequential for half the month.

Or 100mg if continuous every night no break.

Those amounts are tried and tested and not dangerous.


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Re: Utrogestan upped to 200mg 12 days pm.. Nighmare
« Reply #6 on: July 24, 2022, 11:39:27 PM »

Sequential. The doubling is killing me. Its made me cognitively more aware, Giffnock me back libido but I feel so awful.. Like I could just throw my hat in. Crying, emotional. Aggressive, angry.. The list goes on and on. I am usually a very calm timid person.


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Re: Utrogestan upped to 200mg 12 days pm.. Nighmare
« Reply #7 on: July 25, 2022, 08:10:01 AM »

If it were me, I would go back to  100 continuous again.


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Re: Utrogestan upped to 200mg 12 days pm.. Nighmare
« Reply #8 on: July 25, 2022, 08:15:07 AM »

Molly you can go back to 100 but you’d have to take it every night, no break.

You could try taking it vaginally?


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Re: Utrogestan upped to 200mg 12 days pm.. Nighmare
« Reply #9 on: July 25, 2022, 02:10:45 PM »

thanks for the replies girls.

I am still getting periods s o dont know if I could take it everyday?

Mary G

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Re: Utrogestan upped to 200mg 12 days pm.. Nighmare
« Reply #10 on: July 25, 2022, 02:51:40 PM »

I couldn't possibly take 200mg Utrogestan for 12 days.   I am not progesterone intolerant but a heavy dose of progesterone in one hit causes migraines in my case.

The Newson clinic prescribe 100mg Utrogestan every other day which is far more tolerable.   I can't take Utrogestan at all but I take 50mg progesterone every day with one pump of Oestrogel on a continuous combined regime and it works very well.

If you have problems with the progesterone component of HRT, your best option is to reduce the dose and have regular transvaginal scans to check the womb lining.   There is no point in taking a random dose of progesterone and/or unnecessarily overdosing on it for years on end, have a scan and find out how much you need.   Every woman is different and your progesterone dose depends on how much oestrogen you use.


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Re: Utrogestan upped to 200mg 12 days pm.. Nighmare
« Reply #11 on: July 25, 2022, 03:04:32 PM »

Hi Molly, so sorry you feel like this. I don’t have much to add other than to say many many years ago I was prescribed duphaston to help with bad PMT and after only a few days felt as low as you describe.  Even after all this time I can still remember how bad I felt at the time. Hope you can get on the right medication and start to feel better soon x


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Re: Utrogestan upped to 200mg 12 days pm.. Nighmare
« Reply #12 on: July 25, 2022, 05:16:37 PM »

Molly, many women who still have periods take continuous HRT for a variety of reasons. I do, because I have endo, and continuous HRT is recommended for women with endo as it keeps the endo suppressed. Other women just feel better with progesterone every day and stable hormones instead of massive fluctuations.

The only downside to continuous if you are peri, is you will probably get breakthrough bleeding and your cycle still happening underneath. But if you don't mind that, then you could for sure give it a go.

The other option is to stick with sequential but to use it vaginally - because you can halve the dose if you use it vaginally as it gets nearer where it needs to be. (This is a protocol covered by the Newson clinic if you wanted to look that up.) So rather than 200mg a night orally for half the month, you could use 100mg vaginally for half the month. And using it vaginally in itself will mean that less progesterone gets absorbed systemically, so it shouldn't affect you as much for that reason either.


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Re: Utrogestan upped to 200mg 12 days pm.. Nighmare
« Reply #13 on: July 25, 2022, 07:23:11 PM »

I really appreciate the times you took to reply to my post girls . thank you xxxxx

I think Im def going back to my 100mg, Get a pelvic scan done and then ring and speak to my doctor as this is ridiculous. I should not be feeling like this. Im falling asleep during the day also. very strange. I will mention to her about doing the progesterone every 2nd day. or the low dose everyday.   oh to be a man and have non of this crap to  deal with aaarrgghhhh
thank you all again x


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Re: Utrogestan upped to 200mg 12 days pm.. Nighmare
« Reply #14 on: July 25, 2022, 08:31:39 PM »

Molly, if you go back to 100mg, use it vaginally every day - for half the month. That is enough for uterine protection.

Some doctors haven't got up to speed on the subject of using progesterone vaginally - and some may question whether the dose can safely be halved like that. Just to forewarn you. But this is a mainstream approach with many women using it successfully. Google 'balance menopause vaginal progesterone' and you will get the Newson Health progesterone intolerance pdf up, which should help you. (We are not allowed to use links on the forum and I don't know if giving you that link would count... so that's how you find it!)
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