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Menopause Matters magazine ISSUE 76 out now. (Summer issue, June 2024)


Author Topic: Why do you use Utro vaginally?  (Read 891 times)

Blue Kingfisher

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Why do you use Utro vaginally?
« on: June 24, 2022, 08:35:46 AM »

Hi everyone, id really like to understand why many women elect to use Utrogestan vaginally? I’ve always used it vaginally as I was told it helps to lessen the side effects. Apart from feeling a bit sedated in the mornings I’m wondering what other side effects women are trying to mitigate by using it vaginally? I ask because I’ve been using 200mg vaginally every other day & wanted to now try 100mg orally every day. I had a very bad experience using 100mg vaginally Vs 200mg vaginally & I’ve never understood why. Is it true that we also absorb it better vaginally? Therefore, wouldn’t the side effects be worse when using vaginally? I’m confused! I guess I’ll soon know when I try it & it will be different for everyone  :o


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Re: Why do you use Utro vaginally?
« Reply #1 on: June 24, 2022, 11:32:14 AM »

Hi Blue Kingfisher,

I have been using it vaginally 100mg alternative nights because of progesterone intolerance. I too have read somewhere that the side effects are meant to be less taking it vaginally. It was fine at first - I thought I'd finally cracked this HRT business!! I think I read the side effects are less because it goes straight to the spot and doesn't have to be metabolised by the whole body - I could be wrong (I often am, LOL)

However, I'm now almost 5 month into this regime and I'm bleeding/spotting more and more and getting a lot of breast tenderness.
so this morning I started up my post again asking the lovely people on this site for advice. However it's a long post so I might start another one.

Have a lovely afternoon
Felix :)


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Re: Why do you use Utro vaginally?
« Reply #2 on: June 24, 2022, 11:55:57 AM »

Hi Kingfisher - for me it's all about the next day sedation. If I take Utro orally I am a zombie the next day. The sedation is so bad that I can't function and can only lie on the sofa.

I have a similar experience with using 200mg vaginally - not quite as bad as taking it orally but still barely able to function the next day. However taking 100mg vaginally I have absolutely no side effects the next day whatsoever.

Hope that helps!


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Re: Why do you use Utro vaginally?
« Reply #3 on: June 24, 2022, 12:00:28 PM »

As everyone has said it lessens the negative side effects . I often do alternate nights 1 night vaginally, 1 night orally as otherwise my bladder becomes so sore it’s intolerable.  By doing it this way it’s bearable.

Even so I haven’t managed to transition to continuous and feel I probably never wil x

Blue Kingfisher

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Re: Why do you use Utro vaginally?
« Reply #4 on: June 24, 2022, 01:33:02 PM »

That’s really interesting, thanks for the feedback everyone. I spoke to my gyne today and he wants me re-try 100mg Utro every day rather than 200mg Utro vaginally every other day as it said it will give me more consistency and balance. He also mentioned there would be less chance of spotting/break through bleeding.

I totally get that, it’s totally logical, but at the end of the day I’ll have to go back to 200mg Utro vaginally if it makes things worse. He doesn’t mind if I take it orally or vaginally as he thinks the progesterone relaxes me rather than causes negative side effects. I certainly didn’t feel relaxed last time I tried 100mg Utro, suicidal was closer to the mark! It will be ‘interesting’ to test it again. I will try orally first & if that’s horrendous I’ll try vaginally. I’ll have to get hold of 100mg capsules first via my GP but when I do……I’ll try it on a weekend in case I’m totally incapacitated!


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Re: Why do you use Utro vaginally?
« Reply #5 on: July 12, 2022, 07:31:53 PM »

Hi! Just wondering how you got on with this regime? I’m wondering if I’d be better off taking 100mg everyday rather than having the horrific withdrawal for a week. Hope you’re finding it better for you x

Blue Kingfisher

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Re: Why do you use Utro vaginally?
« Reply #6 on: July 12, 2022, 08:11:27 PM »

Hi Smurph,

I’ve yet to try it as I’ve been waiting to have a blood test done for my thyroid and I didn’t want to make any changes until after that. I’m still doing 200mg every other day or sometimes two days in a row, followed by a one day break. I am getting a bit of breakthrough bleeding but not much. It’s not perfect but much much preferable for me than sequi with the withdrawal bleed & hormnal rollercoaster- not good for my thyroid! I will try 100mg Utro daily as soon as I can & hope it all works out. If you’re struggling with sequi….and considering conti….there’s only one way to find out if it suits you & that’s to try it. Good luck with what you decide x


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Re: Why do you use Utro vaginally?
« Reply #7 on: July 12, 2022, 08:18:43 PM »

Hi Smurph,

I’ve yet to try it as I’ve been waiting to have a blood test done for my thyroid and I didn’t want to make any changes until after that. I’m still doing 200mg every other day or sometimes two days in a row, followed by a one day break. I am getting a bit of breakthrough bleeding but not much. It’s not perfect but much much preferable for me than sequi with the withdrawal bleed & hormnal rollercoaster- not good for my thyroid! I will try 100mg Utro daily as soon as I can & hope it all works out. If you’re struggling with sequi….and considering conti….there’s only one way to find out if it suits you & that’s to try it. Good luck with what you decide x

Ah I see! Sounds v sensible. Wouldn’t it be lovely just to feel on an even keel?

I’m not sure if I can do conti yet as I’m still having periods?! Or can I? It’s absolutely crackers having to dig around for info over something so important  :-\ I will speak to the doc about it at my review next month. Thank you for your reply and hope it works out x  ;D


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To prevent addiction - more info below
« Reply #8 on: July 13, 2022, 08:54:50 PM »

I am benzodiazepine dependent, I started taking oral progesterone before I knew benzodiazepine dependent should leave well alone, as they become physically dependent on it.

I was taking 100mg orally and needed more for bleeding, so I took the other 100mg vaginally, hoping that I would not have as big an "addiction" than if I took the whole 200mg orally.



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Re: Why do you use Utro vaginally?
« Reply #9 on: July 13, 2022, 08:56:38 PM »

Hi Kingfisher - for me it's all about the next day sedation. If I take Utro orally I am a zombie the next day. The sedation is so bad that I can't function and can only lie on the sofa.

I have a similar experience with using 200mg vaginally - not quite as bad as taking it orally but still barely able to function the next day. However taking 100mg vaginally I have absolutely no side effects the next day whatsoever.

Hope that helps!
Oddly, my oral utrogestan doesn't sedate me, it relaxes me like diazepam.
Maybe I am really an elephant? :D


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Re: Why do you use Utro vaginally?
« Reply #10 on: July 14, 2022, 07:34:15 AM »

I wish it sedated me. I take 200mg vaginally on a 2 week cycle. It makes me bloated and grumpy and causes pain.


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Re: Why do you use Utro vaginally?
« Reply #11 on: July 14, 2022, 08:45:05 AM »

I mix it up orally and vaginally, but mostly vaginally. I take it orally to give my bladder a night off as it makes it very sore. I find both ways sedate me, bloat me and give me aches and pains. Hence I could never use it continuously x