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Author Topic: Exhausted - My journey so far  (Read 2717 times)


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Exhausted - My journey so far
« on: November 01, 2021, 12:24:06 PM »

 I am so glad I found this forum

I apologise in advance as this is going to be long . . . 

I am 44 mum of 2 (17 yr old DD and 20 yr old DS)

Around 4/5 years ago I started having symptoms - mainly MAJOR mood swings like flicking a switch (rage / crying etc) Anxiety, low mood, sore breasts (many more i cant remember now).

In 2017 I had a bit of a breakdown and doctor started me on Fluoxetine - he did say it could be perimenopause or depression but that would help anyway. My mum was on HRT at 37 due to severe symptoms.

For the next year or so - although a bit fuzzy nothing to major and I seem to level off.

From around 2019  I started getting other problems like reoccuring feeling like a cold was coming - tired, achy, I had flare up of facet joints and needed injections in back, painful knees. Low mood and anxiety more than normal. I also started having trouble swallowing and felt like a lump in throat - had barium swallow all normal.

mid 2019/2020 all of above plus hot flashes (they didnt last long but would get a hot rush though body) not able to tolerate hot temperatures,  In March 2020 had really bad cold /cough possibly covid, Asthma still not under control even today. Spotting, Periods changing ie cycle lengths (variations from 20 days to 30)and flow changes - sometimes really heavy with clots other time really light and last a couple of days, anxiety and mood swings increasing again. Still having feelings of reoccuring colds.

2021 all of above - cold sweats, not sleeping, trying to get Asthma under control tried steroids, different inhalers, plus medication for swallowing problems just felt ill and not myself at all - increasingly forgetful and to take fluoxetine for about a week so stopped taking it (that was June) I think that was a big mistake - I am not coping at all with mood swings low mood. I am also now getting random hot cheeks - only one side at a time (strange) not infection as not consistent (according to doctor)

I have been getting constant cramping - had scan all fine.

Last week asked doctor to try HRT. kept telling me I was young but eventually agreed but needed to have BP done - well it was sky high - been monitoring all ok, bloods ok, they wanted to do a menopause screen and waiting results.

I have had bloods done twice a year and get reocurring folate deficiency, they have screened for Coeliac all fine. I am taking Menopace and folic acid.

I get a lot of other symptoms - Allergies worse this last year, thin hair, dizzy spells, random electric shock type feelings mostly arms and legs, restless legs, palpitations (had 2 ecgs all ok), I can hear my heartbeat especially at night - sometimes wooshing in ears, tingling in lower legs and feet, weight gain, leaking urine when sneezing the list goes on  ......

I just want to feel normal  :'(

Been researching HRT and not got a clue where to start - i think it might be a good idea to start back on Fluoxetine anyway
I just cant think straight

If you made is this far thank you for reading



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Re: Exhausted - My journey so far
« Reply #1 on: November 01, 2021, 02:52:17 PM »

 :welcomemm: sounds periomenopausal from where I'm sitting!

Some find that keeping a mood/food/symptom diary useful, to chart progress.

No lady is too young for menopause!  Some girls never have a period, others have a few then stop.  As we age, we can go into perimenopause when symptoms start to rare their ugly heads!  Your GP is wrong about 'age' related symptoms!

Allergies may become worse as we age, also resistance to alcohol.  As oestrogen levels drop off, the body may become dry: inside and out - do read the 'bladder issues' and 'vaginal atrophy' threads, 4warned is 4armed.  Browse round, make notes.  Thyroid function issues as well as low VitD levels can cause some of the symptoms, when did your GP test for those, as well as an iron count?



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Re: Exhausted - My journey so far
« Reply #2 on: November 01, 2021, 03:28:13 PM »

Thank you CLKD

Thyroid is fine. Vit D was a little low (60) in June but taking vitamins now.
I do get very dry and itchy from time to time (not all the time though)
I also get fullness feeling in bladder sometimes and pain on emptying - plus sharp pains and sometimes bubbling/twitching in that area - its all so strange but I m sure its all connected - off to look up bladder issues and atrophy .....


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Re: Exhausted - My journey so far
« Reply #3 on: November 01, 2021, 03:36:57 PM »

Ask away.  We've most of us 'been there' ......... you don't need an examination if you think VA treatment would help.  VA mimics urine infection-type symptoms really really well.  Some find Vagifem easier to put in, I use 'ovestin' and if the need2P niggles, I take 2 Nurofen capsules 3 times a day to relax the bladder.



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Re: Exhausted - My journey so far
« Reply #4 on: November 01, 2021, 10:32:16 PM »

Yes, sounds peri menopause to me too. Your journey / symptoms are similar to mine. I’d say it’s time for you now my lovely to start your HRT journey.

I literally woke up one morning a different person - 5 days after having the AZ vaccine. Anxiety and panic attacks out of nowhere, various other symptoms surfaced all what you’ve described over the following 2 weeks Several A&E and GP trips, all bloods and ECGs showing normal. I was convinced something was missed. I honestly thought I was slowly dying.

I was desperate and not able to function. Everything was effected; family, work, I thought I’d get fired. Doctors prescribed beta blockers which helped with the anxiety. I accepted ADs but feared feeling worse, even for a short period while they took affect. I sat on the prescription for a few days while I  and continued googling symptoms, further feeding my anxiety. One Dr did say it could be peri slough too young (46) but HRT was  very risky blah blah (usual story). The more I researched it the more symptoms I could tick. I also read that ADs would not help with hormonal anxiety, so decided to try HRT first but be open to taking ADs on top if I needed to by the 6th month mark. Some ladies need both but as I had no history of it before, I didn’t want to be in a situation trying to wean off it if HRT was all I needed.

Jump forward nearly 6 months and I’ve significantly improved. I’m still tweaking my doses and I’ve changed from gel to patches during that time. The difference to how I am now to 6 months ago is like night and day. I’ve still got a way to go and I’ve bad days; but nothing like before HRT.  On reflection, I’ve probably been peri for 18 months. Some subtle symptoms I had last year I put down to running a home, demanding full time job and lockdown fatigue.

You should ask for body identical HRT transdermal  (patch, gel or spray) and you’ll need progesterone. I have the mirena coil so I get mine that way, but others on here will have good advice on the progesterone forms and how best to take that. I started oestrogen gel on a low dose, gradually and slowly increasing. It takes time for your body to adjust and start to balance so persevere. I was very impatient and desperate to feel even a little bit of my old self. My night sweats went in days and gradually all other symptoms improved, even ones that I didn’t know were symptoms.. sudden onset of allies, carpal tunnel etc.

Let us know how you get on.
Terri x



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Re: Exhausted - My journey so far
« Reply #5 on: November 02, 2021, 07:11:46 AM »

 :thankyou:  Terri


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Re: Exhausted - My journey so far
« Reply #6 on: November 02, 2021, 07:15:42 AM »

Thank you CLKD  :)

Hi Terri
Thank you so much for replying - I am so sorry you had such a hard time and I am so pleased you are feeling better :)

Your symptoms sound very familiar to mine and I completely understand about how it affects home/work life.Parenting a teen DD with her own mood swings who hated school (constant battle) pressure of keeping house running/ My job is also quite demanding (but I do love it) and involves travel and lots of meetings so can be very difficult.

I am reluctant to go back on Fluoxetine - its the transition to getting into system until I feel normal. I think it will take it though as a low dose to help keep me level as in the past when I was on the contraceptive pill i would get massive swings in mood. I dont know how HRT is going to affect me which is the biggest concern but I think I need to address the hormones to help with other symptoms like insomnia hot flushes/cold sweats palpitations etc.

I am lucky in that family are supportive - they dont know the full extent of symptoms but husband does cooking and we both do housework and washing - DD also does housework (miracle  ;D ).

I have been doing research and like the idea of Gel or patch. Was thinking of trying gel first as I read you can adjust dose but still undecided.

Its been a weight off just letting this all out and meeting people who understand what I am going through and I hope this may be a help to others knowing they are not alone.




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Re: Exhausted - My journey so far
« Reply #7 on: November 03, 2021, 10:56:50 AM »

Just a quick update:

my FSH and LH are within normal range (no surprise really) - anyway, to get mood stabilised going back onto fluoxetine, doctor was really nice - going to call be again on 18th to check how I am doing - i was crying trying to explain what i have been going though - she could tell how much i am struggling.

Need to continue to monitor BP and they will do repeat bloods (even though i think its pointless).

She did say we could do a trial of HRT but could be a long process which, from what i have read is correct. We will review that in the coming weeks.

Feel better now someone is listening and willing to help :)


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Re: Exhausted - My journey so far
« Reply #8 on: November 03, 2021, 01:26:02 PM »

It makes a huge difference to be listened to and more to the point, understood.  You and your GP can make a Team on this - her time will come ;-)

Keep that diary.  Do U take VitD capsules, that might be of benefit until May.  I need to fetch mine from the cupboard as they won't do any harm.

BP levels should be done at the same time, DH took his at 7.00 a.m. B4 breakfast - that was when he was working.  Now he does them B4 breakfast and after 3 months gives the Surgery his readings.  The best of 3 readings?

Overhaul your diet and exercise regimes too.  Are you hydrated?  If the body is thirsty it can become tired.  Thyroid function is the most important blood test to check levels.

Tnx for the update.


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Re: Exhausted - My journey so far
« Reply #9 on: November 03, 2021, 04:46:58 PM »


I have started a diary :)
I am taking Menopace which has Vitamin D, B12 etc and also prescribed folate (5gm tabs)

I was doing BP 3 times a day initially to see how it works (arm got pretty sore). Its interesting the effects of the day on BP ;). The early morning one was the best reading of all.   I am going to do at 7 before my coffee. (best of 3).

Activity wise i was so active (swimming, lots of walking, horseriding) then covid came along.
Since I was ill last year Asthma and tiredness its been hard. Still go horseriding most weekends and aiming to do more walking again. Diet isnt bad at all - as a family we all started eating better everyone lost weight apart from me lol, I will see what else i could do about that.

Thank you so much for your advice and support its much appreciated.

I hope these updates help others that may be looking - even if its just to know your not alone


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Re: Exhausted - My journey so far
« Reply #10 on: November 03, 2021, 07:36:28 PM »

Let us know how you get on?

I haven't been on a horse since 1900 and something  ;D.  It's a long way to fall  :o at my age  ::).  I love horses and donkeys. 

Simply pottering in my garden on a sunny day lifts my mood.  We have a pond too so there's the sound of gentle water moving.



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Re: Exhausted - My journey so far
« Reply #11 on: November 18, 2021, 04:09:26 PM »

Hi All

Its been a couple of weeks nows since I last posted.

I am feeling so much better and back to my old self emotions wise. I am currently taking fluoxetine and its really helped level me out with minimal side effects and I am sleeping better.

I still have other symptoms but for now these are bearable. I will delay HRT for now but I am sure I will go that route at some point when other symptoms become too much.

BP is fine as all other bloods etc



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Re: Exhausted - My journey so far
« Reply #12 on: November 18, 2021, 04:32:50 PM »

 :thankyou:  for the update.  It's a bit Trial and Error.  Forewarned is 4 armed ;-)


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Re: Exhausted - My journey so far
« Reply #13 on: July 13, 2022, 12:49:14 PM »

Hi all
It’s been a while since a last updated. I have made some pretty big changes. I changed jobs at the beginning of the year and feel so much less stressed it’s great. Honestly I didn’t realise at the time how stressful things had become.  Anyway new job is great. Progressively things have been getting worse on peri menopause front. Lack of sleep a killer. Tiredness lack of motivation forgetfulness palpitations hot flushes cold sweats. I have have had repeat of ecg, bloods etc etc. to rule anything sinister out.

Finally started hrt. I asked for gel but doctor thought patches better for dosing. Anyway I am trying evorel. Had a few instances of not staying on. Think I found a good spot now lol

Onwards and upwards. 🫣


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Re: Exhausted - My journey so far
« Reply #14 on: July 13, 2022, 12:55:02 PM »

Tnx for the update.  Trial and Error can be so tiring.

Keep that mood/food/syptom diary to chart progress.  :foryou: