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Author Topic: Wellsprings serenity 20.1 cream, anyone tried it please?  (Read 10629 times)


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Wellsprings serenity 20.1 cream, anyone tried it please?
« on: July 11, 2022, 09:35:15 AM »

Hi Ladies, new to this site and in a terrible mess with insomnia and anxiety, my hormones are both showing low for oestrogen and progesterone so thought i would try this cream as a first base.  Has anyone else any experience of it?  :)


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Re: Wellsprings serenity 20.1 cream, anyone tried it please?
« Reply #1 on: July 11, 2022, 09:48:58 AM »

Hi Georgie,

i was using the progesterone only cream for many months and it's been great for me, alleviated a lot of problems. In the last month or two i started getting hot sweats at night and so ordered the 20-1 as i  thought it may be caused by dipping estrogen levels. After a couple of weeks on this cream, it has alleviated the hot sweats completely so i highly recommend it. Alternatively you could try Biovea progesterone cream & their estriol cream - these two have exactly the same effect on me as the 20-1 cream.


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Re: Wellsprings serenity 20.1 cream, anyone tried it please?
« Reply #2 on: July 11, 2022, 10:04:27 AM »

Wow. Sam. I'm so impressed how these creams work for you. Are you still taking the mini pill???

I'd give the cream a go georgie. What's to lose? I'm taking progesterone only cream. I was on compounded, but swapped to onas and I much prefer it. Onas also do an estriol one I think.

You might get comments on here telling you the creams won't work. They might not. But clearly they work for Sam. I'm not sure what my final outcome will be, but I can say with 100% certainty, I do take hormones in through the cream, so they certainly work in that way. Yes, there are ma y creams out there with too low a dose, but if you stick to serenity, biovea or onas you'll get a good product.

For me, there are a lot of start up symptoms. I'm trying to ride through it. Like conventional hrt, they say it can take 3 months to stabalise.

There is a Facebook group for the serenity cream. Progesterone link support group balancing hornones. Worth having a look on that and you can ask questions.


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Re: Wellsprings serenity 20.1 cream, anyone tried it please?
« Reply #3 on: July 11, 2022, 10:21:59 AM »

Hi there Crispy Chick  ;D yes, i'm still taking the mini pill.

I was half expecting to receive replies too saying they don't work but you cannot argue the fact that the hot sweats (head/neck/chest) at night have stopped.

I think, as i've said previously on the forum, the short time i trialled HRT made me feel horrendous and i put that down to an overload of hormones that i didn't need. And that, i probably needed a small tweak to alleviate my symptoms.

Georgie - my initial main symptoms were insomnia and migraines. And what i didn't realise until i started taking the creams was how low /lethargic i'd been feeling. The progesterone only cream worked miracles for me with those symptoms.

I found a marked difference in myself overall too and now i'm back into regular exercise, healthy eating etc. I'm not overweight but i could see if i'd carried on the way i was, it would have been a slippery slope ;-). You don't realise how small tweaks to your hormones can affect your wellbeing never mind the bigger symptoms.


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Re: Wellsprings serenity 20.1 cream, anyone tried it please?
« Reply #4 on: July 11, 2022, 11:36:35 AM »

Hi Sam and Crsipy Chick, thank you both so much for replying,  all these problems can be so huge when you feel alone in suffering them.  When i look back ive slowly been getting more and more tired over the past year and then after a recent lovely holiday with some unfortunate travel delays on the way home, i lost it completley and started having huge panic attacks from feeling so exhausted.  My mums been telling me for years to get my hormones sorted but i worry they will make me worse.  Thanks for the positive comments, ive read so many reviews but never seem up to date. My hair is thinning, i have fibromyalgia, i get spotty and random hairs growing in weird places so its gotta be hormonal.  So glamourous isnt it lol.  Feel so glad i stumbled on this site and can chat real time to like minded people.  Im 48 this time but my nan and mum both had early meno so guess ill follow. i have very bad insomnia at the moment and anxiety attacks but no real worries in my life so hope the extra hormones start to help getting me back in balance. Much love ladies xxxx


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Re: Wellsprings serenity 20.1 cream, anyone tried it please?
« Reply #5 on: July 11, 2022, 11:49:34 AM »

Glad we could help Georgie.

I also had no issues in my life, anyone looking in would think, why is she so stressed and highly strung. I also drank more wine to help with it all but that wasn't the answer. Now with the creams, I feel more placid and don't let things get to me and my joy of life has emerged again. Even my partner noticed the difference, has said that i'm like i used to be before all this started. 

I think getting a good night's sleep makes a huge difference too to our wellbeing. That can never be underestimated.

Good luck and i hope you get positive results.



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Re: Wellsprings serenity 20.1 cream, anyone tried it please?
« Reply #6 on: July 11, 2022, 12:10:43 PM »

Awe Sam us women go through so much, and i believe your right about trying too much at one just a gradual build up with this cream must be a gentler way to start.  Hope you keep well and continue to enjoy life, and Crispy chick like you said if the worst thing is that they dont work or are low dose then i can live with that and try something else.  Stay fabulous ladies XXXXXXX


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Re: Wellsprings serenity 20.1 cream, anyone tried it please?
« Reply #7 on: July 11, 2022, 04:59:38 PM »

Hi Sam

A couple of questions
So is the Serenity a USP cream?
The 20-1 , am I right in assuming that’s 20mg progesterone and 1mg Estriol?
On the website I think it said apply twice a day, it that what you do?

Many thanks xx


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Re: Wellsprings serenity 20.1 cream, anyone tried it please?
« Reply #8 on: July 11, 2022, 05:17:34 PM »

Hi Marchlove,

The 20-1 cream contains estriol, estradiol and progesterone cream. The Biovea creams that i alternative with (depending on whether there is an offer on) are 2 separate creams, one being the progesterone and the other contains only estriol.

I just take one dose at night and it works well for me.

I'm not sure what you mean by USP cream?


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Re: Wellsprings serenity 20.1 cream, anyone tried it please?
« Reply #10 on: July 11, 2022, 05:47:45 PM »

Hi Marchlove, very helpful article, thakn you. I just checked the details of both the Biovea and Wellsprings - both are labelled as USP.


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Re: Wellsprings serenity 20.1 cream, anyone tried it please?
« Reply #11 on: July 11, 2022, 05:56:45 PM »



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Re: Wellsprings serenity 20.1 cream, anyone tried it please?
« Reply #12 on: July 11, 2022, 07:10:41 PM »

Onas is too.

Interestingly my compounded cream only said progesterone. Marchlove - do we know our compounded meds are USP???

Have a look too at the Onas products folks - very clean ingredients.


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Re: Wellsprings serenity 20.1 cream, anyone tried it please?
« Reply #13 on: July 11, 2022, 09:18:00 PM »

Sorry Crispy, don’t know the answer to that! x


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Re: Wellsprings serenity 20.1 cream, anyone tried it please?
« Reply #14 on: July 15, 2022, 09:12:24 AM »

hi ladies iv just found this thread iv been asking about serenity iv ordered the 20.1 jar i had hysterectomy with ovaries removed 7 years ago is it ok to take the progestorone with estrogen
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