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Author Topic: Provera help please  (Read 1722 times)


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Provera help please
« on: July 06, 2022, 01:27:32 PM »

I started a new regime a week ago as I was not absorbing on the patches. I am on 2 pumps of Oestrogel and 2.5mg provera taken every night for continuous regime.
Please can you lovely ladies who also take provera help with a few questions.
1. When is the best time to take it.
2. Do you take with food.
I am taking it around 7pm each night but feel lousy when I wake and it is a struggle to get up. When I am up I feel like I have been drinking the night before, my head hurts too. I feel more tired in the day than previously and it was bad enough then.
I rub the gel in the morning and having tried the gel before I know it’s not that. I did get given utrogestan but that made me feel worse so stopped that after a couple of weeks.
The plus side is my anxiety levels have gone but I just feel flat like I just cannot be bothered anymore.
Will this improve with time, is there something I am doing wrong as the leaflet is not very clear and the label on box says take as directed, but I was given no direction. I was hoping this regime worked for me as if not I have been told it’s the mirena coil.
Thanks in advance. X


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Re: Provera help please
« Reply #1 on: July 06, 2022, 03:06:50 PM »

Maybe try taking the provera first thing in the morning with food?

It’s all trial and error with progesterone unfortunately. What works for one., doesn’t for another.

Did you try utrogestan vaginally? That often works, without the side effects.


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Re: Provera help please
« Reply #2 on: July 06, 2022, 04:01:12 PM »

Hi Nas
Thank You for replying.

How are you getting on with the Mirena!

No I did not try it vaginally, I had a bleed too so GP told me to stop altogether until scans etc. Turned out to be increased lining and polyp. So gynae recommended new regime. I stopped HRT altogether for 2 weeks and felt fine apart from bladder issues so if all else fails I will stop and try the local creams etc. Fed up with the whole progesterone thing.
I will try the provera in morning with food and gel and see how that goes, but I need to be alert for work .
Did you try utrogestan too vaginally?


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Re: Provera help please
« Reply #3 on: July 06, 2022, 06:39:16 PM »

Yes I know what you mean re getting fed up with the progesterone issue, I’m the same. The mirena is okay, got spotting at present which is a nuisance but I’m told it’s normal and will settle. I’m giving it 3 months, then If still spotting, it’s coming out.

I would definitely give provera a go with food. Just keep trying different times of the day. Hopefully your body will adjust. 

I didn’t try utrogestan vaginally, no. It gives me irritation and things are already delicate up there!

I may even come off Hrt if mirena doesn’t suit and blast the cream and vagifem.

Really hope provera improves for you. X


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Re: Provera help please
« Reply #4 on: July 06, 2022, 09:41:47 PM »

Thanks Nas. Fingers crossed things will work out for you too on the progesterone front. All was working fine until my last vaccination then all symptoms came back hence the move back last November to gel and utro. I feel like a Guinea pig sometimes but so guess that’s the price you pay for trying to have a quality of life. Tonight I am tearful and fed up with everything and everyone. But I know it is the HRT causing this as normally I am upbeat and get on with it type but I really could not give a toss about anything at mo which is worrying. I even nearly gave my notice in but luckily calmed myself down. I am tired, flat and just want to go to bed early.
I will try with food tomorrow and see what happens. Thanks again for your help I really appreciate it. X


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Re: Provera help please
« Reply #5 on: July 07, 2022, 10:17:13 AM »

A week isn’t really long enough to adjust to the Provera but definitely try taking it with some food hopefully side effects will subside over the next week or two. I always used to take Provera with my evening meal as I found it def improved my sleep. 2.5mg is a low dose so hopefully you will adjust soon. The other thing you can try is get a pill cutter and cut the pills in half. Then take half with breakfast and half with your evening meal. That should even things out a bit x


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Re: Provera help please
« Reply #6 on: July 07, 2022, 10:43:36 AM »

Hi Floradora
Thank You. I took it with my brekkie this morning instead of last night. The dreaded anxiety was there at 4am and now I still feel like I am drunk. So I will try the half night and morning and see what it does. It did help with the sleep part you are right but unfortunately with a 6.30 am work start I need to be alert and have felt tired all day since starting it.I will give it longer though and hope it improves with time. X


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Re: Provera help please
« Reply #7 on: July 07, 2022, 03:54:29 PM »

Fingers crossed for you Queen. It’s a blooming headache all of this, I wish things were more simple.

Let’s hope splitting the dose will help you.

I know how you feel when you say you need to be alert for work.
I just don’t think menopause is conducive with work, to be honest.
