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Author Topic: Micro adenoma & Post Menapouse  (Read 4712 times)


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Micro adenoma & Post Menapouse
« on: July 03, 2022, 10:34:13 PM »

Hello ,

This is my first post my name is Seniz

Maybe there is someone over there having same issues with me and could give me some light....

I am not sure if my micro adenoma & high prolactin level or my menopausal symptoms started first.

It took so long and many suffering years with pains only last (2021) year MRI showed I had a microadenoma. I am 48 years old now and I COULD SAY I was having headaches since 35. They told me I was post menopausal age of 40. since I am on HRT with so many different regime.

I am on Dostinex for my prolactinoma.

HRT for my menopause. (estradot50 patches & 100mg Ultrogestan tablets vaginally only 6 tablets per month on alternate days)

During the day  I feel lightheaded, dizzy, tired, sick and sometimes my blood pressure goes 95/65 (before micro adenoma found  I was on blood pressure medication because it was generally high).

My question is Dostinex and Ultrogestan together makes the lightheaded worse ?

Thank you :)


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Re: Micro adenoma & Post Menapouse
« Reply #1 on: July 04, 2022, 06:53:41 AM »

Welcome Seniz,

I do not know the answer to your question whether taking Dostinex and Utrogestan together makes you more lightheaded.
Have you googled it or spoken to your doctor?
Certainly for me when I was taking Utrogestan it cave me nausea and made me tired.

The other thing though is have you had your prolactin levels tested recently? You may be on too high a dose? Here is the patient information leaflet which seems to suggest it’s very dose dependant.

I would suggest that you speak to your doctor regarding all of this.

I’m not sure how many MM members will know about this. I remember one lady mentioning she had high prolactin awhile back so hopefully someone else will respond.

Good luck and let us know how you get on.



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Re: Micro adenoma & Post Menapouse
« Reply #2 on: July 04, 2022, 10:26:00 AM »

Hi Seniz
I was diagnosed with micro prolactinoma over 25 years ago. I have been on Bromocryptine on and off up to a year ago. The reason I stopped was my endocrine consultant said HRT can interfere with the medication so let’s trial off it, I have blood tests every six months to check my prolactin levels, touch wood my symptoms of prolactinoma are well managed but I still feel rubbish as I think my balance of HRT is not quite right yet.
I am post menopausal though so I think you should contact your consultant, maybe get some recent prolactin levels done too. I remember when in peri menopause they were not keen on me taking HRT alongside the meds, it is all hormonal medication.
I recently tried utrogestan and had to stop, it made me have bad headaches, nausea and depressed.
I definitely would contact your specialist and maybe you could try a different HRT if your prolactin levels are normal. Good luck . Xx


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Re: Micro adenoma & Post Menapouse
« Reply #3 on: July 04, 2022, 12:27:15 PM »

I completely forgot, I read that utrogestan is not compatible with Bromocryptine in the leaflet so I think you should defiantly check your meds out to see if they can be taken alongside together. I have not heard of Dostinex but think over here it is called Cabergoline.
Headaches, dizziness etc are all symptoms of raised prolactin levels so that really should be your first call.


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Re: Micro adenoma & Post Menapouse
« Reply #4 on: July 04, 2022, 01:17:24 PM »

Thank you :)

I have googled and asked my gp, pharmacy and menopause & endo specialist. No clear answered, sometimes I found my answer here :)

I don't like ultrogestan  much but i have no other option and I only take 6 tablets  each month and bleeding started.... fake period.

Yes my prolactin was 6500 (supposed to be lover than 500) after 4 months of dostinex it dropped 480 and doctor reduced the medication. maybe next month I am going to have another blood test.

I am going to speak with my specialist again thank you for remanding me but NHS is to busy at the moment :(

Thank you for your answer and time  :-*

Welcome Seniz,

I do not know the answer to your question whether taking Dostinex and Utrogestan together makes you more lightheaded.
Have you googled it or spoken to your doctor?
Certainly for me when I was taking Utrogestan it cave me nausea and made me tired.

The other thing though is have you had your prolactin levels tested recently? You may be on too high a dose? Here is the patient information leaflet which seems to suggest it’s very dose dependant.

I would suggest that you speak to your doctor regarding all of this.

I’m not sure how many MM members will know about this. I remember one lady mentioning she had high prolactin awhile back so hopefully someone else will respond.

Good luck and let us know how you get on.



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Re: Micro adenoma & Post Menapouse
« Reply #5 on: July 04, 2022, 01:21:06 PM »

Hello :)

Thank you for your answer .

I am post menopausal as well.

If you stop taking ultrogestan , how you a getting enough progesterone in your system ?

I already took my notes and questions , when I have a chance to see them I will ask them all.

all the best

Hi Seniz
I was diagnosed with micro prolactinoma over 25 years ago. I have been on Bromocryptine on and off up to a year ago. The reason I stopped was my endocrine consultant said HRT can interfere with the medication so let’s trial off it, I have blood tests every six months to check my prolactin levels, touch wood my symptoms of prolactinoma are well managed but I still feel rubbish as I think my balance of HRT is not quite right yet.
I am post menopausal though so I think you should contact your consultant, maybe get some recent prolactin levels done too. I remember when in peri menopause they were not keen on me taking HRT alongside the meds, it is all hormonal medication.
I recently tried utrogestan and had to stop, it made me have bad headaches, nausea and depressed.
I definitely would contact your specialist and maybe you could try a different HRT if your prolactin levels are normal. Good luck . Xx


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Re: Micro adenoma & Post Menapouse
« Reply #6 on: July 04, 2022, 01:23:35 PM »

You are so right !
I will try my best . thank you

I completely forgot, I read that utrogestan is not compatible with Bromocryptine in the leaflet so I think you should defiantly check your meds out to see if they can be taken alongside together. I have not heard of Dostinex but think over here it is called Cabergoline.
Headaches, dizziness etc are all symptoms of raised prolactin levels so that really should be your first call.


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Re: Micro adenoma & Post Menapouse
« Reply #7 on: July 04, 2022, 01:27:35 PM »

Hi Seniz

Do you only get these symptoms when you are taking the Utrogestan?

If so, it might be a good idea if you discussed with your doctor trying a different type of hrt with a different type of progesterone. X


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Re: Micro adenoma & Post Menapouse
« Reply #8 on: July 04, 2022, 01:37:03 PM »

Hi Seniz
I am now on provera for the progesterone and oestrogel. Continuous regime for both. I was on combi patches Evorel 50 but they stopped working after 3rd vaccine hence the change to gel and Utro, I just could not get on with that and had a bleed. So back to patches and investigation for the bleed which in a way was a good thing as have thickened lining and polyp was found and removed. So gynaecologist recommended gel and provera instead of patches as they still were not helping symptoms. It’s early days and I am thinking I am progesterone intolerant as feel so tired and flat but it is only day 3.
Levels around 400 is what I have been for a while now so they seem okay for your prolactin.
I think Marchlove might be right re the utrogestan. Maybe patches might suit better, I was great on them for nearly 2 years taking alongside my Bromocryptine and would be on them still if they did the job.
I only have a NHS specialist who I see once a year at my local hospital but I can email and ring at any time so it might be worth dropping the department a email. Let us know how you get on.


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Re: Micro adenoma & Post Menapouse
« Reply #9 on: July 05, 2022, 01:47:29 PM »

Thank you very much for all the information and advice.
what a life journey we are going through

all the best


Hi Seniz
I am now on provera for the progesterone and oestrogel. Continuous regime for both. I was on combi patches Evorel 50 but they stopped working after 3rd vaccine hence the change to gel and Utro, I just could not get on with that and had a bleed. So back to patches and investigation for the bleed which in a way was a good thing as have thickened lining and polyp was found and removed. So gynaecologist recommended gel and provera instead of patches as they still were not helping symptoms. It’s early days and I am thinking I am progesterone intolerant as feel so tired and flat but it is only day 3.
Levels around 400 is what I have been for a while now so they seem okay for your prolactin.
I think Marchlove might be right re the utrogestan. Maybe patches might suit better, I was great on them for nearly 2 years taking alongside my Bromocryptine and would be on them still if they did the job.
I only have a NHS specialist who I see once a year at my local hospital but I can email and ring at any time so it might be worth dropping the department a email. Let us know how you get on.


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Re: Micro adenoma & Post Menapouse
« Reply #10 on: November 29, 2023, 10:26:14 AM »

Hello Marchlove,

I am not really sure , I have couple of other issues but i feel utrogestan is the reason :)

Hopefully  2024 I have referred a new meno specialist maybe she could help me.

All the best :)

Hi Seniz

Do you only get these symptoms when you are taking the Utrogestan?

If so, it might be a good idea if you discussed with your doctor trying a different type of hrt with a different type of progesterone. X