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Author Topic: Update on Newson Health Appointment.  (Read 1429 times)


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Update on Newson Health Appointment.
« on: July 01, 2022, 05:11:24 PM »

Hello ladies

As promised I am reporting on the Newson Health appointment that I had on Tuesday.

The meeting was to discuss the problem of bleeding and tender breasts and to work out how to adjust my HRT also I continue to have mood issues such as jittery sensations, anxiety and tearfulness.

I don't know what I was expecting from the meeting so perhaps that is why I feel disappointed with the outcome. Basically I was advised to reduce my Sandrena sachets to one and a half and to increase my Cyclogest use from alternate nights to every night. This is in the hope of stopping the bleeding (and the breast tenderness ?).
There was no real advice regarding my emotional symptoms but the doctor did remind me that NH have a psychologist and  nutritionist that I could contact, for a fee, obviously. Other than that I am expected to get on with it and my next review has been scheduled for January next year.

I have never spoken to a nutritionist, even when I was diagnosed with Ulcerative Colitis it wasn't suggested but I have done a lot of research and I have found that many nutritionists give the same generic advice for every condition. Due to UC I have read a lot of science about the impact of different foods on the digestive system but nutritionists never seem to be aware this research.

I already see a counsellor so I can't see how an NH psychologist would benefit me. The doctor also mentioned that there was a company that could tell from your genetics how well you metabolise oestrogen but again I can't see a practical application for that.

In essence I just want my hormones sufficiently balanced so that I can go back to being the level headed person I used to be who doesn't bleed a lot and has painful boobs. Too much to ask?!.

So there you have it ladies, not a great leap forward however I will alter my HRT dose  and hope for the best. No change there then lol.

I am sorry that I can't be more positive for you all but I know many of you are in the same position and I wanted to  report as honestly as I could.

Take care ladies and wishing you all well.



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Re: Update on Newson Health Appointment.
« Reply #1 on: July 01, 2022, 06:26:33 PM »

Sorry to hear you’re disappointed. I can understand that. Reducing estrogen, changing it at all, will have an affect on your emotional feelings and symptoms I would think. So perhaps your doctor didn’t discuss it enough but the dose alteration may address the emotional issues you’re having too? Maybe. I reduced my evorel because of a bunch of things that included anxiety, feeling revved up and also bloating and other signs- also my blood test showed it was v high.

I have therapy for anxiety, with a therapist I looked for myself and isn’t expensive. I’ve found it very helpful. I hope the adjustments you’re going to make help you soon.


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Re: Update on Newson Health Appointment.
« Reply #2 on: July 01, 2022, 06:45:52 PM »

It does sound like a sensible thing to try though, no? A lot of this is trial and error, really. And it takes a lot of time to wait and see and stabilise and blah blah before and after each change.

Then your body changes and so you need to change the regime again  ;D

I think, as long as I have things to try and options, I can keep some hope. It's when I just hit a brick wall and can't see any way forwards that I feel a bit desperate. So I hope this works for you Kathleen...


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Re: Update on Newson Health Appointment.
« Reply #3 on: July 01, 2022, 08:27:23 PM »

Sorry you were disappointed K ...

Interesting what you say about a nutritionist. I actually did speak to one, quite a lot, in various separate appointments, on the NHS. I was referred from immunology - who ran a barrage of tests to see what I was allergic to and what was probably an issue of toleration. I got there via the digestive diseases clinic. All of this was via the NHS.

The whole kit and kaboodle helped me track down that I'm wildly intolerant to certain foods and these have a gut and psychological effect, that are (now were) exacerbated by hormones. I was told what to eat and avoid to alleviate symptoms, including digestive and emotional, and what to eat to promote well-being. All of this on the NHS. It's all worked.


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Re: Update on Newson Health Appointment.
« Reply #4 on: July 02, 2022, 07:02:29 AM »

Hi Kathleen I don’t think I would reduce the oestrogen and increase the progesterone at the same time as you won’t know which is helping you. I think the first thing I would do is take the Cyclogest every night. It seems to be only the Newson clinic that advises alternate nights which is against all other advice. x


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Re: Update on Newson Health Appointment.
« Reply #5 on: July 02, 2022, 12:29:21 PM »

Hello again ladies.

Thanks to you all for your comments and kind wishes.

ATB - With all the bleeding and breast soreness I think I am obliged to lower my oestrogen to see if it helps. I have already reduced to one and a half sachets and the bleeding has stopped today. I hope the emotional stuff settles soon as well.  Fingers crossed!
I also find therapy very helpful so I will definitely continue with that.

Joziel -  I agree that this is all trial and error and like you, as long as I have options I can stay hopeful.

ElkWarning.  -  I don't have any digestive or allergy symptoms so I am not sure that I would qualify for testing through the NHS. 
Thank you for telling your story and in light of your experiences I will reconsider the nutrition aspect.

Dotty -  The bleeding seems to have stopped today so perhaps either the extra progesterone is helping or the reduced gel. I agree that changing two things at once is not ideal but I hope I will begin to feel generally better without the constant blood loss, maybe then I can think again.

Once again many thanks ladies. Your support is so valuable and I appreciate all your comments.

Take care everyone.




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Re: Update on Newson Health Appointment.
« Reply #6 on: July 02, 2022, 12:31:46 PM »

Take care Kathleen, I really hope this works for you xx


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Re: Update on Newson Health Appointment.
« Reply #7 on: July 03, 2022, 09:21:39 AM »

Hi Kathleen, I feel for you. Although the advice about Sandrena and cyclo seems reasonable, it would have been nice if you had a chance to explain your concerns regarding your MH and how you already have knowledge about nutrition and are getting counseling.
My GP has always been pro HRT but often I don't feel fully heard, my issues not addressed completely and I am unsure about the advice given. But it seems that the experience with the private care is not much better. It all adds up to our anxiety.
Hope you will feel better each day. :)

Suzy blue

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Re: Update on Newson Health Appointment.
« Reply #8 on: July 03, 2022, 11:37:23 AM »

Where you still having periods before you started hrt? I'm on cyclogest and oestrogel but it's all the time as I've not had a period for over four years. I hope you start feeling better soon.


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Re: Update on Newson Health Appointment.
« Reply #9 on: July 04, 2022, 08:48:55 AM »

Hell again ladies.

Marchlove -  thank you for your kind words, much appreciated.

Stella 2 - I take your point about feeling heard. I did mention my concerns and although the appointment is for thirty minutes it goes quickly.  I told the doctor that I would think about her suggestions for nutrition and lifestyle and be in touch if necessary.

Suzy blue - I hadn't had a period for three years before first starting HRT in 2013. I have tried various regimes and also had a year without any HRT since then. I like using the Cyclogest pessaries so I am happy to continue with them.

Thanks again ladies for your comments and kind thoughts. I will keep you updated on any progress.

Wishing you all well.


Suzy blue

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Re: Update on Newson Health Appointment.
« Reply #10 on: July 04, 2022, 09:00:26 AM »

Hi Kathleen
I'd just wondered about periods as I was told it was continuous progesterone if you'd not has a period in that long.  I'm feeling so much better since I started using the cyclogest and oestrogel. I'm very happy with the pessaries too, although the price shocked me when I went to get them. I really hope you start to feel better soon. X


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Re: Update on Newson Health Appointment.
« Reply #11 on: July 04, 2022, 11:36:41 AM »

Hello again ladies.

Suzy blue -   Newson Health seem to believe in decreasing progesterone as well as increasing oestrogen.  Initially I was prescribed Utrogestan orally every night, then vaginally every night and finally vaginally alternate nights. For  my first prescription of Cyclogest I was told to cut a 200mcg pessary in half and to use this every other night. I am now using half a pessary every night and the bleeding has stopped but this could be a coincidence or due to a decrease in Sandrena gel. As other ladies have said, there is a lot of trial and error.

I am pleased that your regime is working for you and I wish you well.
