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Author Topic: Another Update  (Read 767 times)


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Another Update
« on: June 25, 2022, 06:25:11 PM »

Hello ladies.

I thought I would post another update for those interested in such things!

I recently had blood tests and a scan to investigate post meno bleeding and last week I had an appointment with a consultant who examined me and reviewed the results.

Thankfully all is okay physically but my emotional state is still a problem plus I continue to have very tender breasts. The consultant was sympathetic and added that he was generally pro HRT but he was concerned that I was using a high dose of gel ( two sachets of Sandrena). For progesterone I use half a 100mcg pessary of Cyclogest on alternate nights and he said this was inadequate. I told him that I will be speaking to my doctor at Newson Health soon so he was happy to let me decide on my future treatment.

Although I am obviously relieved to learn that my lady parts are in good shape I still have the problem of what to do about my HRT. Today has been another day of the jitters and tearfulness and I am beyond tired of it all. My breasts  continue to be sore and I have started spotting yet again!

Fingers crossed that the doctor can be of help and I will post another update after my appointment.

Take care ladies


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Re: Another Update
« Reply #1 on: June 25, 2022, 06:27:13 PM »

Phew, good to hear all is okay. Is there a reason you're on such a high dose? What was your blood estrogen level?

Jitters and anxiety can be caused by too much estrogen or by increasing the dose (I know that well  ;D ).


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Re: Another Update
« Reply #2 on: June 25, 2022, 07:57:56 PM »

Great news in a lot of ways Kathleen.

I agree with joziel, too much estrogen makes me jittery and anxious which then seems to cause a crash into depression and crying.

Things aren’t perfect for me on low dose estrogen to be sure, but they’re a hell of a lot better than when I was taking medium to high doses.

It’s finding the Goldilocks dose, that works for you. xx


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Re: Another Update
« Reply #3 on: June 25, 2022, 09:57:01 PM »

Good news.

Curious, who prescribed the too high oestrogen and inadequate progesterone?


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Re: Another Update
« Reply #4 on: June 27, 2022, 09:06:52 AM »

Hello ladies and thank you so much for your comments.

Joziel -  My Oestradiol level was measured a year ago and was about 600 I think. At that time I was using three 1mg sachets of Sandrena and Utrogestan vaginally alternate nights. I do recall that breast tenderness was increasing and I then developed spotting and bleeding.  I had some good and bad times mood wise and my emotional state was very changeable.
 I felt that I was using too much Oestrogen so I have gradually reduced to two sachets but as a 65 year old post meno person I suppose that still may be too much.

Marchlove - I am hoping that my jitters etc are due to too much Oestrogen and that if I reduce further I will begin to feel better, fingers crossed! It is reassuring that both you and Joziel noted that oestrogen can have this effect and your experiences certainly give me much needed hope!

ElkWarning - I am a patient of Newson Health and I have been following their advice. They do seem to be keen on prescribing lots of oestrogen with minimal progesterone but perhaps that regime isn't always best.

Thanks again ladies for taking the time to reply, it is much appreciated. I have a NH appointment tomorrow and I will report back as soon as I can.

Wishing you all well.




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Re: Another Update
« Reply #5 on: June 27, 2022, 09:19:18 AM »

Hi Kathleen I think your oestrogen is too high also, and know from previous experience too high is as problematic as too low - I find I feel best on an average dose.

Also are you still supplementing testosterone daily? This too can be too much, and reducing it to say 3 x per week instead of daily may give you some relief. You can only try it and see.

Wishing you well, I’ve followed your posts and know you’ve struggled for a while now xx
« Last Edit: June 27, 2022, 10:49:48 AM by Perinowpost »


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Re: Another Update
« Reply #6 on: June 27, 2022, 10:24:30 AM »

Good luck with your appointment today Kathleen. Let us know how you get on x


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Re: Another Update
« Reply #7 on: June 27, 2022, 10:39:26 AM »

Good luck for today, I hope it goes well.

600 estradiol isn't that high. Some women don't feel better until it's around 800. But as long as you are over 400-ish, you have enough for preventative health reasons so you can also reduce if you think that would suit your body better. It can be a bit of a fine art all this, can't it? And sometimes it's not very predictable, like reducing one dosage sees it falling too low.

I think the problem is more that using utrogestan vaginally every other night wasn't giving you enough progesterone to oppose that much estrogen. I know Newson say it is okay to half the oral dose when using it vaginally, but the BMS say that this isn't okay and they advise using the same dose vaginally as orally. (I think it probably depends on the woman. It might be enough for many to use half the dose but clearly isn't enough for many too.) As the jury is still out on this one, personally I'd err on the side of using the same dose if I were to use it vaginally - but I don't have progesterone side effects.

Hope it goes well today!