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Author Topic: Worried I'll be told to stop being silly by gp  (Read 1212 times)


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Worried I'll be told to stop being silly by gp
« on: June 23, 2022, 06:40:46 PM »

Hi ladies
I've been using using Estradiol pessaries and Ovestin cream to treat VA since January. Was great after the initial loading dose but had a return of symptoms when using on alternate days, so am using both daily. Internally things seem generally ok-ish but externally is another thing altogether. My god the itching.

I have a whole host of other symptoms too. For a start everything, and I mean everything, is so dry. From my eyeballs down to the top of my toes. It's costing me a fortune in e45 cream. I have no motivation to do anything and when I do I end up aching. Even hoovering gives me back ache. I'm not depressed but I can't say I'm overly happy either. I don't sleep well. It takes ages to drop off then I'm awake a few times a night. I seem to have anxiety that gives me butterfly feeling in my tum and I get worked up if I do anything out of the ordinary. Can't seem to make a decision. Hubby asks if I want to do something and my reply is always 'if you want to'.
This past few days of warm weather has been torture as I worry about getting overheated if I go out. I had a really bad experience when I was out with hubby a while ago in the sunny weather - I got that hot that my shoulders went all tense, the rest of me was shaky, vision went all white and I nearly passed out. Hubby had to almost carry me back to the car and put the Aircon on full blast! The thought of that happening again terrifies me.

Oh and I have no libido whatsoever.

I think it's time to see the GP about some form of HRT but I'm worried that the GP will just tell me to pull myself together.

Please can you lovely ladies give me some straight talking.

I've even got butterflies typing this in case you think I'm making it all up or blowing things up out of all proportion


PS 4 or 5 years post Meno and thought I'd been coping well   ::)


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Re: Worried I'll be told to stop being silly by gp
« Reply #1 on: June 23, 2022, 07:41:24 PM »

You are not silly. Please do not think that. You are suffering with very real and horrid symptoms and they can be treated.

I had the extreme itching you describe and found it was due to lack of oestrogen. Now that I have oestrogen I no longer have that awful itching.

I have found hyco san eye drops are very helpful for dry eyes.

It is understandable to feel low and have no motivation while you are having these symptoms. I think it is worth trying HRT. Just know you can stop if you do not like that. You are not under any pressure.

You are very brave to make this post. I know how hard it is to open up.


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Re: Worried I'll be told to stop being silly by gp
« Reply #2 on: June 23, 2022, 08:03:49 PM »

Welcome Sundaygirl,

Phew, you’ve made a Great Leap Forward already by realising that these are very probably all menopause symptoms. Well done you!

I don’t think your doctor will laugh at you, but if they do, it’s their fault not yours and you’ll have to find a GP who has knowledge of menopause and it’s symptoms.

I don’t know if you’re on AD’s? If you are that’s fine, but many doctors try and put you on them before trying hrt. So, try and stand firm if you want to try hrt, it’s best not to try them both at the same time as you won’t know what might be working for you.

If you do decide to take hrt, go low and slow. So if you’re offered a patch say, go for the lowest dose to start so your body can get used to it.

Good luck and let us know how you get on xx


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Re: Worried I'll be told to stop being silly by gp
« Reply #3 on: June 23, 2022, 09:10:11 PM »

Hi Sundaygirl,
I had all your symptoms but borderline VA. The symptoms were horrific and I started to not leave the house unless I had to. I had a lot of overnight anxiety/depression/ aches/brain fog, tears,frequent weeing day and night and insomnia. Probably more I can’t remember.
HRT removed most of it quickly.
I would take a printed off copy of the NICE GUIDELINES to the apt. If that doesn’t work I’d ask for an appointment with a doc that is more knowledgeable.

Don’t give up or be fobbed off and good luck.  :)


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Re: Worried I'll be told to stop being silly by gp
« Reply #4 on: June 23, 2022, 09:41:41 PM »

Thank you so much for the replies ❤️

It has taken a long time and a lot of courage to finally post this and now I have, I feel so much better. There's nobody I can talk to about this in real life - hubby is lovely and supportive but doesn't really do medical/personal stuff.

Marchlove  I have no intention of taking antidepressants. My late mum was given valium in her 40's for anxiety but with hindsight it was probably peri/Meno. She became addicted and relied on them for many years.

Now I've put all this down on paper I realise that I do need help. And that's the next hurdle. My GP surgery currently has a 6 week wait for an appointment.

Really glad I posted this. I find it difficult to ask for help. But this is a good start for me.

