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Author Topic: Seriously! How bad is progesterone withdrawal supposed to be?!  (Read 1498 times)

Blue Kingfisher

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When I stop Utro I feel properly Ill for about 10 days. I feel terrible all day, have to sleep sometimes, nauseas and have absolutely zero energy. I’ve felt so bad today that I stuck an Utro up there just to prove to myself that progesterone wouldn’t actually make me feel any better & this is indeed ‘just’ progesterone withdrawal. Needless to say, I feel just as suicidal a few hours after the Utro so it feels like I have no alternative but to go through this. I’ve been trying conti but couldn’t take it anymore due to the depression & fatigue so I stopped it. Felt mildly better for a couple of days & then wham, yesterday & this morning a complete tragedy!

Is this normal (whatever that means)? I’m beginning to think I need to go through the withdrawal no matter how bad it gets (will probably lose my job) and if I come out the other side…..hysterectomy might be the only option so I can be on oestrogen only. I’ve tried everything going for progesterone & feel I have no life! When my pg levels drop (or my oestrogen for that matter) my thyroid medication doesn’t seem to be to be utilised in my body. E.g been exhausted & freezing cold today (was in bed earlier, fully clothed with dressing gown on, duvet on top & reaching for a blanket). I know the fluctuation upset my thyroid meds massively. Would a hysterectomy take away the fluctuations I wonder? I might start a new thread on that. Sorry for the moan! Feels like this will never end  :'(

Does anyone else suffer this badly? Not that I would want anyone too! I’m just trying to understand what the hell is wrong with me  :-\


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Re: Seriously! How bad is progesterone withdrawal supposed to be?!
« Reply #1 on: June 20, 2022, 02:52:46 PM »

Well you wouldn't need progesterone post hysterectomy. But.... I had one last summer and it's a BIG op! Not to be undertaken lightly. But of course it sounds like you are really suffering. So..... Only you can decide. I would also imagine there is rather a long wait for such an operation at the moment unless you have private health care.

Blue Kingfisher

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Re: Seriously! How bad is progesterone withdrawal supposed to be?!
« Reply #2 on: June 20, 2022, 02:58:08 PM »

Hi Gnatty, I hope you’ve managed to recover ok, are you feeling better? I have private health care through work but would be surprised if the policy covered it. I guess the other options are to accept it & plod on or weaning off HRT altogether :-\


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Re: Seriously! How bad is progesterone withdrawal supposed to be?!
« Reply #3 on: June 20, 2022, 03:11:54 PM »

Have you tried a very long cycle, say three months? I believe specialist’s and even some Gp’s will go along with this. x

Blue Kingfisher

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Re: Seriously! How bad is progesterone withdrawal supposed to be?!
« Reply #4 on: June 20, 2022, 04:34:18 PM »

Hi Marchlove, no I haven’t but I’ve managed out of desperation & pleading to get a telephone consultation with a gyne this Friday morning so I’ll ask him about that. I suspect I’d need to reduce my oestrogen though as I’m on 5 pumps….


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Re: Seriously! How bad is progesterone withdrawal supposed to be?!
« Reply #5 on: June 20, 2022, 04:43:28 PM »

Just wanted to send you a hug Blue. Im sorry you feel so horrendous.
I would push for a hysterectomy personally. Then you won’t need to think about progesterone ever again!

Do you have a good endocrinologist working with you?

ATB on this forum is knowledgeable re thyroid and HRT and she’s lovely too.Ihope she pops over to read your post and maybe offer some advice.

Other than that, no words do wisdom.

I hope you can find a way through this hell and be at peace the other end  :foryou:


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Re: Seriously! How bad is progesterone withdrawal supposed to be?!
« Reply #6 on: June 20, 2022, 04:50:36 PM »

I have recovered well thank you, but it took me a good while and for various reasons suffered with the most awful awful anxiety post op, which took a while to get sorted. So it took me longer to recover mentally than physically. But it's complicated! There are certainly plenty of women that choose hysterectomy because of progesterone intolerance. That wasn't my situation, I had a very large fibroid. If you are on Facebook there is a UK hysterectomy support group, I forget the name but you could easily find it. Then you could search out similar situations to yours on there.


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Re: Seriously! How bad is progesterone withdrawal supposed to be?!
« Reply #7 on: June 20, 2022, 05:35:42 PM »

Yes I’d try a long cyclical Kingfisher.

Yes you would have to reduce your dose of estrogen though. X

Blue Kingfisher

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Re: Seriously! How bad is progesterone withdrawal supposed to be?!
« Reply #8 on: June 21, 2022, 04:19:17 PM »

Well I don’t think a hysterectomy is the answer at the stage after all. It’s either limp along on conti or come off HRT altogether. I’m re-trying the conti limping route first. I know I sound like a complete chopping & changing mentalist but the withdrawal from sequi isn’t at all feasible. My thyroid medication literally stops working in an oestrogen dominant environment & that’s what makes me feel totally vile and it’s not something I can cope with. I can’t even have a shower  or live anywhere a normal life when I’m in this state - totally horrendous, whole body shuts down. Right, decrease oestrogel, try 200mg Utro once every other day. Here we go again…I think I need progesterone for thyroid utilisation when on oestrogel. Total s*** show here  :-\ at least I just about have a sense of humour today, that’s probably the Utro I shoved up there at 4am this morning  :o


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Re: Seriously! How bad is progesterone withdrawal supposed to be?!
« Reply #9 on: June 21, 2022, 04:47:36 PM »

Hi Blue,
I totally get your exasperation with all of this. I’m the same and yes, s##t show comes to mind! This progesterone issue is a nightmare and am sure one of the key reasons why women come off HRT!

Really hoping your new plan of action works for you Blue...



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Re: Seriously! How bad is progesterone withdrawal supposed to be?!
« Reply #10 on: June 21, 2022, 09:24:48 PM »

When I stop Utro I feel properly Ill for about 10 days. I feel terrible all day, have to sleep sometimes, nauseas and have absolutely zero energy. I’ve felt so bad today that I stuck an Utro up there just to prove to myself that progesterone wouldn’t actually make me feel any better & this is indeed ‘just’ progesterone withdrawal. Needless to say, I feel just as suicidal a few hours after the Utro so it feels like I have no alternative but to go through this. I’ve been trying conti but couldn’t take it anymore due to the depression & fatigue so I stopped it. Felt mildly better for a couple of days & then wham, yesterday & this morning a complete tragedy!

Is this normal (whatever that means)? I’m beginning to think I need to go through the withdrawal no matter how bad it gets (will probably lose my job) and if I come out the other side…..hysterectomy might be the only option so I can be on oestrogen only. I’ve tried everything going for progesterone & feel I have no life! When my pg levels drop (or my oestrogen for that matter) my thyroid medication doesn’t seem to be to be utilised in my body. E.g been exhausted & freezing cold today (was in bed earlier, fully clothed with dressing gown on, duvet on top & reaching for a blanket). I know the fluctuation upset my thyroid meds massively. Would a hysterectomy take away the fluctuations I wonder? I might start a new thread on that. Sorry for the moan! Feels like this will never end  :'(

Does anyone else suffer this badly? Not that I would want anyone too! I’m just trying to understand what the hell is wrong with me  :-\
It's awful to hear you are suicidal, I hope help is at hand.
Have you tried oral, as I mention below, oral utro is the only route that relaxes me, I use both O and V.
I know I am addicted to progesterone, or it's metabolites, but only because I am tranquilliser dependent, and women who have been tranquilliser dependent cannot just come off progesterone, due to it's action on the receptors being the same as tranqulisers.

I did a very "loose" google search a few years ago and several women felt "addicted", however, I only skim read it, so cannot really comment on women who have never used tranquillisers getting withdrawals, I am sorry, I am not invalidating you, it must be awful.
Can you taper it?

I am tapering my tranquilliser under medical supervision.
I cannot taper a utrogestan capsule filled with fluid.
This used to scare me for years, until I figured out a way how I will do it when the time comes, as I no not like relying on pharmacies for anything.

I have had a lot of different help for different things from supplements and nootropics, however, as I am a bit ditzy, I do careful research and ask questions on interactions, and anything else I need to know. Maybe you could google supplements and research them.
As you have thyroid problems, I would research more.
I use reddit.

I use one oral and one vaginal utro (I could explain the reason in a different post/thread as I don't want to take this thread off on a tangent).
Only the oral one makes me sleepy. I need the V one though, to sufficiently oppose the O.
I wonder why?

Maybe explore trying oral utro. Maybe there are supplements and herbs to help on the non utro days if you are still peri? I can't stress enough, research is vital, as herbs and supplements, in my view, can affect us in various ways, good or bad, as drugs.

In meno, it's so easy to assume "The dark side" will happen, not just with meno, but with any problems, due to raised cortisol or other stress chemicals in our body, or lack of good ones.

Being in bed fully clothed with dressing gown on, and duvet on top & reaching for a blanket, sounds really difficult, as I don't know about thyroid, but I know you can feel the cold more, to say the least.

I feel glad this place is here when I have had moans in the past.

I don't have thyroid issues, my heart goes out to you.