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Author Topic: How do I switch back from continuous to cyclical HRT  (Read 977 times)


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How do I switch back from continuous to cyclical HRT
« on: June 19, 2022, 08:42:43 PM »

I’m hopeful that someone may be able to give me some advice.

I’m 57 years old and have been on HRT for around 4 years, after a few small issues at the start I settled nicely on 37.5mg Estradot patches and 200mg utrogestan taken orally ( or vaginally if I ate too late!) from the 1st to the 12th of the month.
I had some headaches on about day 3 of taking progesterone and then withdrawal headache for a day when I stopped, but this was bearable and otherwise there were no problems.
Around 4 months ago, after a consultation with my Doctor, I decided to try the continuous Utrogestan regime.  I was advised that this would give better protection from endometrial cancer long term and was also tempted by the absence of the monthly bleed and possibility of fewer headaches.

Since the switch I seem to have had loads of problems. First 2 weeks I was really fuzzy headed and developed night sweats, I also felt really bloated. The fuzzy headed feeling eventually wore off but the bloat and night sweats continued so I increased my patch to 50mg. This  helped the night sweats but I’m still constantly bloated and getting intermittent headaches. I have also bled on and off for the last for the last 3  months.  To add to that I suffer from cystic breasts and this seems to have got much worse. :(

In summary I’ve had enough  - I want to switch back to a cyclical regime but not sure on the best way to do this. Can I just stop anytime (ie tonight!!) and start with the 200mg on the 1st of the month , or do I need to wait for a certain point in the cycle. Can't find the answer to this anywhere,  so hoping someone can help  :)


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Re: How do I switch back from continuous to cyclical HRT
« Reply #1 on: June 19, 2022, 08:49:36 PM »

Welcome Marathonmum,

Gosh I don’t really know, but sounds like a good idea for you.

Probably though try and do two weeks just on the patches before adding in the Utrogestan. So yes stop tonight.

Somebody more knowledgeable might come along to help more x

Nellie Noo

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Re: How do I switch back from continuous to cyclical HRT
« Reply #2 on: June 19, 2022, 08:54:52 PM »

Im the same age and back in nov i switched from having a monthly bleed on hrt , to continuous. Well bleed .. it was horrendous ! Two weeks ago  Doctor switched me back to what i was previously on and bleeding has stopped , and i feel better as well , not as tired . I literally stopped the progesterone immediately . My doctor also said  i could do a long cycle  .. ie just take the progesterone every third month . Im going to try this x