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Menopause Matters magazine ISSUE 76 out now. (Summer issue, June 2024)


Author Topic: HRT decision  (Read 1057 times)


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HRT decision
« on: June 18, 2022, 04:56:25 PM »

I know no one can make this decision for me but advice would be gratefully accepted. I have been given Evorel Conti patches by my GP as I am really struggling to function, go to work, do housework basically it feels like every part of living is effected by these horrendous symptoms, it doesn’t help that I already have a history of depression & anxiety & health anxiety which is now out of control. The silly thing is since I picked up the prescription it has sat in my cuboard. I am absolutely terrified to start taking it, all the risks which I felt reassured by when talking to my GP, listening to Lisa Snowden’s & Doctor Naomi Potter & also Doctor Newson on You Tube have just now come to the front of my mind as it being to risky to take HRT, and am I doing the right thing. I’m so annoyed with myself because it should be a no brainer if something is going to help you get through the day/night. Has anyone else felt like this when given HRT or am I just over thinking & making myself more Ill. Xx


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Re: HRT decision
« Reply #1 on: June 18, 2022, 05:05:25 PM »

Hello Poppy. I think it is understandable to feel anxious when first trying HRT. We do not know what to expect and if you read the side effects it would put anybody off. The thing to remind yourself is, you could stop it at any time. You are not obliged to carry on if it does not agree with you. I think it is worth trying. You sound like you feel really bad so anything is worth a try. You may find it eases your symptoms.  :)


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Re: HRT decision
« Reply #2 on: June 18, 2022, 06:54:53 PM »

I understand how you feel. I'm new to HRT aswell & it took awhile to build up the courage to put a patch on. I think i had one really bad day & thought enough!
It has helped with my brain fog & i think its helped with my anxiety. Before an anxiety episode would floor me for the whiole day but now i can tell myself, its just the anxiety taunting me. I couldn't do that before HRT.
I did have a few rough days & by rough i mean bad aches, bloating & a horrible health anxiety which made me think HRT was going to give me hyperthyroidism but it didn't last long & hasn't come back.
Overall i would say its been a positive experience & I'm going to continue for another two months before i decide if HRT is right for me.
What you feel about starting HRT is how i feel about AD. You want to start them. You know you need them. You know they could make you feel better...but the apprehension & reading the side effects scare you witless.
I hope you gain the courage to start the patch & as has been said by Flossieteacake, if you don't like it, you can just take the patch off.
Good luck & please let us know how  you go.
Ps, when i did my patch for the first time, i put it on, on a Monday morning & knew it was going to be a busy day so my mind was occupied & i actually forgot i had it on a few times.
Don't put it on if your in the house by yourself all day as it will play on your mind. Stay busy, occupied is my advice.


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Re: HRT decision
« Reply #3 on: June 18, 2022, 07:25:17 PM »

Thankyou  for replying with you advice & support. I’m sure I’ll get my head around it & hopefully when using it see the benefits which will out weigh all the worry I’m going through about it. I think the children in my class would be pleased if I could speak a sentence some days without forgetting half way through what I’m saying 🤔🤦‍♀️. So pleased I joined this MM group, my mum has been helpful at times but she is very anti HRT as for her she was going through it when it had really bad press with the breast cancer risk. She also has had breast cancer so doesn’t really want me to go on it but will respect my decision if I do, xx


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Re: HRT decision
« Reply #4 on: June 18, 2022, 08:00:39 PM »

Thankyou  for replying with you advice & support. I’m sure I’ll get my head around it & hopefully when using it see the benefits which will out weigh all the worry I’m going through about it. I think the children in my class would be pleased if I could speak a sentence some days without forgetting half way through what I’m saying 🤔🤦‍♀️. So pleased I joined this MM group, my mum has been helpful at times but she is very anti HRT as for her she was going through it when it had really bad press with the breast cancer risk. She also has had breast cancer so doesn’t really want me to go on it but will respect my decision if I do, xx

I have found that the people who read about HRT dangers when it was printed in the newspapers, are more likely to be against HRT. That was the older style HRT and I have read so much positive things about the new style. If you have concerns about cancer being in your family then maybe talking to your GP will help to reassure you.

Anne G

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Re: HRT decision
« Reply #5 on: June 19, 2022, 09:22:14 AM »

Hi Poppy,

You could be describing me a year ago.  Please try it.  It has given me back my life.  I felt better within 24 hours of starting and have never looked back.  You are anxious because your oestrogen is fluctuating or low.  I had terrible healthy anxious and like you a supposed history of mental health issues.  Actually I now understand I didn't!  I had hormones all over the place and the regular oestrogel has levelled that out and I am now the least anxious person on the planet - well most days!!  The oestrogen in my experience helped me put my health anxieties in perspective.

Try it for a week or a month and if doesn't make a difference you don't need to continue.  A months worth of use will not impact you negatively but it might just make a whole lot of stuff better  :) :)



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Re: HRT decision
« Reply #6 on: June 19, 2022, 10:07:21 AM »

Couldn't agree with you more Annie G


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Re: HRT decision
« Reply #7 on: June 19, 2022, 12:07:40 PM »

Thank you so much for your comforting reply Anne G. I’m feeling more reassured about taking the HRT now by all these replies. I know I can’t go on feeling like this everyday/night, I don’t know who I am anymore. Xx


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Re: HRT decision
« Reply #8 on: June 19, 2022, 12:14:08 PM »

I understand the worry but really in my mind, the risk of NOT taking HRT is far greater than the risk of taking it.

I am already worried about my bones and my risk of osteoporosis in the future because I believe I have been low in estrogen for some years now, thinking about my symptoms. I just hope I'm not too late to start taking estrogen and improving my chances. Three of my 4 grandparents had falls at home and damaged bones and ended up in and out of hospital and really it was all the beginning of the end for them and saw a real loss of independence.

One of my aunts has early on-set dementia from the age of 65 and there is just nothing which can be done for her because we have no treatment for dementia. It's so sad to see her unable to even hold a conversation.

My dad has heart disease and angina which he is trying to manage with diet and exercise - and I know that without estrogen, my risk of heart disease will rise to equal his, post-menopause.

Frankly if I can take something which is going to massively improve my chances with all the above, I'm not going to worry about a probably statistically insignificant increase of BC which is less than if I were overweight or drank alcohol (neither of which I am/do). It's not (just) about addressing my current symptoms. ALthough I do see those as my body screaming out that something is very wrong... as the canary in the coal mine - because I had no hormones.

I would be far more anxious and worried if I were told that I couldn't take HRT than I was about starting it.


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Re: HRT decision
« Reply #9 on: June 19, 2022, 02:25:04 PM »

Hi Poppy,

You could be describing me a year ago.  Please try it.  It has given me back my life.  I felt better within 24 hours of starting and have never looked back.  You are anxious because your oestrogen is fluctuating or low.  I had terrible healthy anxious and like you a supposed history of mental health issues.  Actually I now understand I didn't!  I had hormones all over the place and the regular oestrogel has levelled that out and I am now the least anxious person on the planet - well most days!!  The oestrogen in my experience helped me put my health anxieties in perspective.

Try it for a week or a month and if doesn't make a difference you don't need to continue.  A months worth of use will not impact you negatively but it might just make a whole lot of stuff better  :) :)

Totally agree Anne G. I’d be dead without HRT. I thought I’d gone mad, physically felt 90 and the mental torment was relentless.

Don’t be scared Poppy. X


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Re: HRT decision
« Reply #10 on: June 19, 2022, 05:17:43 PM »

I have osteoporosis. Was diagnosed at 32, I'm now 47yrs old. Mine isn't due to low estrogen, but if you can take HRT to help cancel out you getting it, please do.
I got diagnosed after suffering with repeatedly breaking my ribs (and god do broken ribs hurt). Osteoporosis isn't just about breaking bones, it also causes a malaise & pain in the bones.
I have these infusions every three months to help strengthen my bones & so far its working but for a week after, it feels like i have the worst flu & can not get out of bed.
The breast cancer risk scares me too, but i read & listened to Louise Newsome who said the chances are the same as those who drink 2 glasses of eibes day...i neither drink alcohol, am not overweight & eat an almost vegetarian diet with only fish & maybe chicken once a week. So i think overall - hopefully - my chances a low to zero.