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Author Topic: HRT and Histamine issues / Urticaria / DHEA and Cortisol  (Read 27571 times)


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Re: HRT allergic reaction? Plus switching from Lenzetto options / tips
« Reply #15 on: June 26, 2022, 06:15:19 PM »

Yes, definitely connected as I increase. But also got on the pill. Both mini and combined I recall.

I think it's dry sinuses. I'm pumping saline solution up there...

Dryness would suggest low estrogen. Mind boggling.

How are you getting on with hard core antihistamines?


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Re: HRT allergic reaction? Plus switching from Lenzetto options / tips
« Reply #16 on: June 26, 2022, 08:11:34 PM »

Interesting!  Is it the opposite of what we’ve all thought and that it’s actually progesterone that causes histamine reactions!

Off to research…. X


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Re: HRT allergic reaction? Plus switching from Lenzetto options / tips
« Reply #18 on: June 27, 2022, 01:08:30 PM »

The allergy specialist tested me for that Progesterone allergy but we knew it would be negative - he did say that particular allergy is very rare. But what I think is not well understood or taken into account is the knock on effect that our different hormones have on other parts of the body. So for example in Crispy's case it might not be an allergy per se, but something physiological that happens when Progsterone changes that causes her to feel a certain way. Obviously not a doctor's words, but just my feeling - hormones are connected to so much in our body.

Crispy I'm just 'surviving' really. Overnight and mornings I cannot stop the raging urticaria, even with the AHs. But it does seem to abate during the daytime, I'm just still feeling super crap in general, perhaps because of disturbed sleep. I also generally feel mentally quite low at the moment over it all. These continued health problems have been going on for 3 years now, I'm a shadow of the person I used to be and it's getting hard to keep remaining hopeful and positive that things will one day go back to how they were for the rest of my life! But I realise I'm nothing special and lots of women are feeling this way... it's such a cruel twist of fate that we have to deal with this shit during the most stressful time of life in terms of careers and children and getting old etc!


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Re: HRT allergic reaction? Plus switching from Lenzetto options / tips
« Reply #19 on: June 27, 2022, 01:16:18 PM »

It is awful Gilla, sending you big hugs from my sofa where I’m also crashed out today   :bighug:


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Re: HRT allergic reaction? Plus switching from Lenzetto options / tips
« Reply #20 on: June 27, 2022, 01:51:37 PM »

Thank you Marchlove, sending them back to you from my sofa also!!  :love:


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Re: HRT allergic reaction? Plus switching from Lenzetto options / tips
« Reply #21 on: June 27, 2022, 04:43:36 PM »

Another sofa squatter here. Wondering if I can teach the dog to use running machine as I can’t find the energy to walk her but I’m getting the hard stare!
Sending hugs ladies, this is what sofa’s are for  :)


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Re: HRT allergic reaction? Plus switching from Lenzetto options / tips
« Reply #22 on: June 27, 2022, 04:58:19 PM »

Awww ladies. I'm not on the sofa today - but wish I had been.

I'm dancing around with prog doses and creating all kinds of havoc. I think your analogy makes sense gilla - not an allergy in itself but the hormonal changes create the issue of dryness, swelling, inflammation,  blockage... Whatever it is in my nose. If was better yesterday. Back today. Go figure. I cant mess with dosage any more though. I need to find consistency and see what transpires.

So sorry you're not getting relief. The daytime thing seems weird though... Allergies take it out of you, so your body will be continuously fighting, hence feeling run down. Just going to state the obvious, just in case - bed sheets??? Washing powder??? The night/day thing is odd.

Are you going to brave the lenzetto switch??? I feel for you, I really do... But I think you need to find out.

Totally hear you on how awful if is and how disrupting to life. This is my 5th year of this rubbish and I've not even reached meno yet. I do feel my kids have been cheated. But hey, there's folks worse off like they say  :-\


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Re: HRT allergic reaction? Plus switching from Lenzetto options / tips
« Reply #23 on: June 27, 2022, 05:56:56 PM »

Tora it really does help to at least know I'm not the only one having a rough time of it - it's rubbish when it feels like the rest of the world is going on out there having a grand old time without you. Sending hugs and hoping that tomorrow is a better day for you.

Crispy I can so empathise with the changing things up - I am terrible for doing that, but have learnt the hard way that it never really helps. I still have to be strict with myself over it though when I'm feeling ropey and you desperately want to just feel normal! What method do you take your Prog BHRT? I tried various types but always felt like the dose wasn't dispensing properly/consistently in both the cream and sublingual drops. The lozenges were the only way I felt I was getting a consistent dose.

Please feel free to state the obvious, I am open to all suggestions!! Funnily enough have actually just bought new bed sheets AND a new washing powder today. All the literature does say that hives is generally worse at night because of temp but I agree it does seem a little strange. And you're right about feeling run down - also it was only 3 days ago that I stopped the steroids and I was on a pretty high dose for some of those 10 days, so logically I know that will also contribute towards me feeling very tired and low.

As for the Lenzetto switch - I'm still toying with it but think I'm going to give it at least a week on the new antihistamine regime before making any more changes. Hard to know if you're going to find the magic answer or just cause even more upheaval!! x


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Re: HRT allergic reaction? Plus switching from Lenzetto options / tips
« Reply #24 on: June 27, 2022, 06:09:20 PM »

Absolutely gilla - give it as long as you need before trying the lenzetto swap.

I'd wash the new sheets first. I once had a reaction to unwashed sheets.

Remember my story about the decaying flowers... That only came at night because they were in my bedroom. That's the only time I've had proper hives. Go search that room!! Remove any plants etc from upstairs (assuming u have an upstairs!?) damp dust everywhere.

Anybody spraying anything upstairs??? Perfume, hairspray, deodorant???

Yip. That's me. Mrs Impatient. I upped the dose a little on sat to see if it helped my nose. Not a good day today - so stripping if back.

So, prog has been a roller-coaster in itself. I spent 3 awful months trying to get on my compounded cream. It really antagonised my estrogen. Then switched to troche. Reduced down really low and stuck it out for 3 cycles. Now added onas cream - night and day to my compounded. I think onas is far superior and I absorb a lot better. But obviously it's too early to tell properly.

I don't recall you being on bhrt prog...?! That was with estrogen though, right???

Fiingers crossed for the antihistamines... X


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Re: HRT allergic reaction? Plus switching from Lenzetto options / tips
« Reply #25 on: June 27, 2022, 06:35:59 PM »

Gilla, I could be barking up completely the wrong tree here and apologies if so! I recall you were taking mirtazapine at one point and I think you were trying to reduce your dose. Am I right that mirtazapine has an antihistamine effect at certain doses? Just wondering if that's the case and you have been reducing whether that could be playing a part ...


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Re: HRT allergic reaction? Plus switching from Lenzetto options / tips
« Reply #26 on: June 27, 2022, 06:50:19 PM »

Gnatty you are 100% correct. I've been slow tapering off Mirtazapine for about two years (I reduce it at 10% every 4 weeks, I take the oral solution). It is possible that the cumulative effect of reducing it has either triggered or contributed to the issue, I have definitely considered that. I just don't know and I can't face increasing it again as it's taken so long to even get to 7.5mg where I am now. The problem is there are so many things it could be... the Mirt, a reaction to covid as it seemed to start after that, too much estrogen, my thyroid, something else... nothing seems to fit exactly.

Crispy what I might do tomorrow is try sleeping in the spare room. I'm willing to try anything!

The allergy specialist was pretty clear that this was am autoimmune problem and not an allergy to something but I don't think anyone ever really knows do they. It seems bizarre that it could just start out of nowhere and be so severe and not a reaction to a specific thing.

Yes I took BHRT prog right at the very beginning on its own before starting HRT proper, that was lozenges. About 6 months ago I then also tried adding in extra prog again, as I felt maybe I wasn't getting enough from 100mg Utro vaginally and yet can't tolerate any more. That was when I tried both a cream and sublingual drops (via a doctor trained with Marian Gluck) but I didn't feel either gave a steady dose, I could tell different amounts where coming out each time.


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Re: HRT allergic reaction? Plus switching from Lenzetto options / tips
« Reply #27 on: June 28, 2022, 06:50:46 AM »

Hi ladies,
How are you doing today?
I think you’re right in not changing your Lenzetto yet Gilla. I reduced a week ago and was anxious yesterday and feel similar today. I have got to go into work today but am dreading it.
I hope today is better for you. X


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Re: HRT allergic reaction? Plus switching from Lenzetto options / tips
« Reply #28 on: June 28, 2022, 08:00:15 AM »

Morning ladies

Hope we don’t have to do any sofa surfing today!

Gilla, I’ve found this regarding urticaria and Covid 19, also accounts on line of it happening after the vaccine



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Re: HRT allergic reaction? Plus switching from Lenzetto options / tips
« Reply #29 on: June 28, 2022, 08:16:09 AM »

Me again!

I have ongoing issues with my cortisol:Dhea , which I thought I’d got sorted but after getting covid in early May it all went wrong again.

I’ve just remembered that I’d seen something about hives in all my research so I’ve had another quick look and found this.

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