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Author Topic: late onset of symptoms  (Read 1687 times)


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late onset of symptoms
« on: June 14, 2022, 03:59:13 PM »

Hi all, I am 59, post meno  5 years and had been managing without feeling I needed help not nice but was getting on with a reasonable life.  Thought i was coming out of it!   How wrong.  in last 6 months developed acid reflux/GERD, sluggish bowels and D&V, anxiety, flushes, VA, dry eye, sinusitis, tinnitus, poor sleep/insomnia, brain fog, fuzzy head, general weakness,  etc etc.    Tried HRT but anxiety rocketed and I was frightened so stopped it.    Still thinking about whether to try again.
Has anyone experienced this late onset of symptoms at similar age to me?           
The acid reflux/GERD and dry eyes are what really impacting on me.   Between them I feel unwell most of the time and the dry eyes make me frightened to drive as my version can get blurry.

Its all just a miserable time when I was hoping to have a happy early retirement....  thanks 


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Re: late onset of symptoms
« Reply #1 on: June 14, 2022, 04:59:42 PM »

Hi my symptoms got a lot worse when I was 3 years post menopause, so, yes, you can get worse in post menopause. X


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Re: late onset of symptoms
« Reply #2 on: June 14, 2022, 06:26:14 PM »

Hi lmpost meno past 4 yrs last period 58 last 11 months having all symptoms of menopause thought l had sailed through the worst symptom being depression and anxiety with fear of death had cit 20 for 10mnths which helped initially but last 5 weeks thoughts back ads changed to mirtazapine and possible hrt when checked in 2 weeks anybody else had this symptom did it go on meds  so scared please help .Dee x


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Re: late onset of symptoms
« Reply #3 on: June 15, 2022, 04:31:23 PM »

Yes, my symptoms became worse post menopause and one of the them was to do with aging and dying. Constant age calculations in my head; horrible. I've been on AD for just over 2 years and it helped somewhat, but I started HRT beginning of March and reading this post has made me realise I no longer do this. I also decided on HRT as when I took my ADs and supplements, they seemed to be getting 'stuck' in my chest.  I realised after about 6 weeks it was probably another post meno symptom and again, this has stopped. Kind Dotty is aware I am still not quite there with my HRT dose, but I definitely think for both of you it is worth reconsidering/starting. I'm 61 and last period at  55. Oh, its also helped tremendously with joint issues that started very recently. Good luck both of you x


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Re: late onset of symptoms
« Reply #4 on: June 15, 2022, 05:07:05 PM »

Hi all, I am 59, post meno  5 years and had been managing without feeling I needed help not nice but was getting on with a reasonable life.  Thought i was coming out of it!   How wrong.  in last 6 months developed acid reflux/GERD, sluggish bowels and D&V, anxiety, flushes, VA, dry eye, sinusitis, tinnitus, poor sleep/insomnia, brain fog, fuzzy head, general weakness,  etc etc.    Tried HRT but anxiety rocketed and I was frightened so stopped it.    Still thinking about whether to try again.
Has anyone experienced this late onset of symptoms at similar age to me?           
The acid reflux/GERD and dry eyes are what really impacting on me.   Between them I feel unwell most of the time and the dry eyes make me frightened to drive as my version can get blurry.

Its all just a miserable time when I was hoping to have a happy early retirement....  thanks

Hiya and Welcome :)
I'm 59 as well, almost 60 ;)   I thought I was past it as well... However like yourself I started to have increased brain fog, forgetfullness, very dry eyes esp at night, very poor sleep ( wasn't great to start with due to arthritis) ,tinnitus getting worse.. was making silly mistakes at work.. It was then I realised I needed to do something about it...
Lucky that I have a very understanding GP... she listened to me... checked some bloods just in case something else was the issue.. ( on B12 inj and folic acid, Vit d ) had issues with iron levels in past being super low... thought originally it was that.. Blood work came back.. was told NO issues with any of the bloods.. and that yes it was indeed possible for menopause to cause these kind of issues soo long after last period.. ( for me over 10 years)..
Was started on Everol Conti patches a fortnight ago , so since its just barely 2 weeks I can't say if its helping or not.. but soo far not many side effects I'm aware of..
So plenty of us in the same situation... Just ask away .. Seems to be a very good supportive group here and no such thing as a silly question.. :)


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Re: late onset of symptoms
« Reply #5 on: June 15, 2022, 05:29:27 PM »

Thanks for your replies especially poppy61 these thoughts of dying are flooring me cant shift them l know you can get them with anxiety and depression which can come with menopause feel better knowing other people have had this though sorry you have suffered with them too just hope they go soon cant function hope dr agrees to hrt to help too will keep posting on outcome if you dont mind thanks Dee x


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Re: late onset of symptoms
« Reply #6 on: June 20, 2022, 07:12:30 AM »

Thanks for your replies especially poppy61 these thoughts of dying are flooring me cant shift them l know you can get them with anxiety and depression which can come with menopause feel better knowing other people have had this though sorry you have suffered with them too just hope they go soon cant function hope dr agrees to hrt to help too will keep posting on outcome if you dont mind thanks Dee x

Update from Ange 63:    I decided to stop worrying about it and just give HRT a go.    So last week put on my half Everol 50 patch (building up slowly).  and first 3 days good and confidence back up to level I drove to Wales for first time in months.     But yesterday things took a dip and last night woke at 2am from a peculiar dream (not nice) and feeling nauseous.  Felt heavy headed and bit detached from myself but this has calmed down now.  But think hormones/moods continue to fluctuate so will try to stick at it...  rollercoaster.   And last week got a small p/t job in hotel housekeeping - must be nuts! x


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Re: late onset of symptoms
« Reply #7 on: June 20, 2022, 08:15:54 AM »

Morning Ange63 Thank you for the update and very pleased to hear you are giving hrt a go.Building up slowly is a good way to go, as we've usually been without our oestrogen for a while and need to adjust. Now on 3/4 of 50 patch and desperate to slap the whole 50 on, but I will contiue to be patient. Well done for your achievements so far; they do help us to feel better about ourselves and more normal. Enjoy the new job! X


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Re: late onset of symptoms
« Reply #8 on: June 20, 2022, 08:18:49 AM »

Dee if your Dr dosent agree to HRT, come back on here and we will help you get it and keep posting both of you. We await a happy outcome! X


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Re: late onset of symptoms
« Reply #9 on: June 20, 2022, 04:33:14 PM »

I can't help with the list of symptoms (although they sound very much like mine before I started) but just wanted to say that I've also experienced a surge of anxiety, heart palpitations, episodes of high blood pressure, feeling jittery and like I had about 8 Red Bulls with HRT. I even went to A&E with the heart palpitations last time. But it passes...

It lasts about 2-3 weeks after each increase. It's really unpleasant and awful but it does pass. So I just wanted to let you know, in case that gives you courage to try again. My recommendation would be to start low (25 patch or equivalent) and to stay at each dose for at least 10-12wks, perhaps less at the first 25 dose as that is so low it might not help your symptoms much - but definitely after that... I think some women are just very sensitive to estrogen. You can cut patches smaller and use less of gel etc, to increase more gradually.


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Re: late onset of symptoms
« Reply #10 on: June 22, 2022, 02:22:46 PM »

Well, I couldn't stand feeling so off and unwell.   Removed patch .    The fact that I get some improvement in the early days gives me hope so waiting to see doctor to see what else could try instead.....  fingers crossed.     (PS started p/t job and it was like 2 hours of hard labour... and hottest weather this year didn't help.   But got through it and hope I can keep at it!)


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Re: late onset of symptoms
« Reply #11 on: June 22, 2022, 04:39:50 PM »

Thanks ladies thanks for support helps to know lm not going off my mind with thoughts will keep updated with what dr says friday some respite from thoughts today ads must be kicking in changed to mitrazapine last 2 weeks  Dee xx


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Re: late onset of symptoms
« Reply #12 on: June 25, 2022, 03:23:09 PM »

Well ladies just thought l would update on recent gp visit no hrt yet instead will write to gynea /meno clinic on advice re hrt as mother had breast cancer upped the ads instead but not taking increased dose will only take 15 mg anxiety worse again really bad see gp again in two weeks if no joy then thinking of going private to meno clinic in area what do you think ?Dee xx


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Re: late onset of symptoms
« Reply #13 on: June 25, 2022, 06:24:51 PM »

Your mother having breast cancer is no reason for you not to be given HRT! My mum had breast cancer (thankfully now recovered) and I'm on HRT. There are many lifestyle risk factors to breast cancer and my mum's was undoubtedly caused by being an alcoholic and being obese - she wasn't on HRT. And no other family members with it.


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Re: late onset of symptoms
« Reply #14 on: June 26, 2022, 06:26:19 AM »

I felt awful going from 50 to 75 so perhaps start at a lower dose for 4-6 weeks and gradually ease up?

I had a week if weird dreams; it was a bit like when I’ve started ADs in the past. It settled though and then I slept really well (till I needed more!)
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