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Menopause Matters magazine ISSUE 76 out now. (Summer issue, June 2024)


Author Topic: Low ferritin levels  (Read 4335 times)


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Low ferritin levels
« on: June 09, 2022, 06:24:37 PM »

Can anyone give me any advice on low ferritin levels.
I'm 64, on hrt patches, oestrogen only.
I've been feeling generally unwell for about 2 years now, but still functioning!!
General fatigue, cold hands and feet, numb toes, restless legs, hair shedding and easy bruising and breathlessness and blurred vision
I had a ferritin blood test done 2 years ago, the result was 30, but this wasn't followed up by my GP
The results mentioned something about low ferritin levels without anaemia
When I googled this it said that it was a low level and a lot of the symptoms I had were the same as they described
I've a doctor's appointment tomorrow, but wondered if anyone had any expertise on the forum
Thanks for listening


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Re: Low ferritin levels
« Reply #1 on: June 09, 2022, 09:02:56 PM »

I don't know, but a Medichecks blood test showed I had low ferritin and was a little anaemic last October. My symptoms were hair loss exhaustion and fingers going numb, so similar to yours.

My GP didn't investigate either, so I'm interested to find other women's experiences of this.

I'm going to have to go to a menopause specialist too.


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Re: Low ferritin levels
« Reply #2 on: June 09, 2022, 09:06:16 PM »

I’m not a doctor but you have the symptoms of hypothyroidism, which I also have. The NHS isn’t great at dealing with this, but approach your GP and see what they say. Otherwise Medichecks have a full thyroid profile home test kit that’s really good, it tests active thyroid hormones Inc free T3 & Free T4. You can go to a website called Stop The Thyroid Madness or to Thyroid UK ( not British thyroid ass ) for more info about it. Search the forum using the search tool for hypothyroidism, we have had a few discussions about it lately.


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Re: Low ferritin levels
« Reply #3 on: June 09, 2022, 10:08:47 PM »

Ferritin is the body’s store of iron. Mine has always been between 30-35 at its best. My GP says she likes to see a level of 50 so I am constantly on iron tablets.

The symptoms you have could be related to low ferritin levels or could be a thyroid issues going on, or something else

Maybe be a good idea to get some more blood tests done and see what the results are this time and then you can be given the appropriate treatment

Let us know how you get on



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Re: Low ferritin levels
« Reply #4 on: June 10, 2022, 07:22:25 AM »

Thanks all for your replies
I've got my GP appointment today, so I'll keep you posted
Thanks again


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Re: Low ferritin levels
« Reply #5 on: June 10, 2022, 07:44:45 AM »

My ferritin levels are always less than desirable, around 20-45. It’s been this way since I was diagnosed hypothyroid. I don’t have any symptoms or issues though and apparently 30 is enough, although they prefer you at around 60 at least. My husband eats the same as me and his is 110! I did lots of research on it, my other iron tests are all really good. Studies show that taking vitamin C with food or something called lysine, raise ferritin more than iron tablets. Good luck at your GP.


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Re: Low ferritin levels
« Reply #6 on: June 11, 2022, 09:22:56 PM »

I just got my ferritin tested and it was 43, which they said was 'normal but low'. I know my iron is on the low side because every time I try to donate blood and they test my haemoglobin, it's slightly too low for me to donate. But not low enough to freak anyone out. I've given up attempting now, after about 5 failed attempts.  ;D

I've heard that 'spatone' water supplements are good, because it doesn't tend to cause the side effects that other iron supplements can (like constipation) so I've got some of that to try.

I don't really bleed or have periods because I've been on the desogestrel POP for years so I've no idea why my iron would be low like this, except I do drink a lot of tea and coffee - which I think prevents iron absorption, especially if you have it with a meal. Which I always do.


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Re: Low ferritin levels
« Reply #7 on: June 12, 2022, 08:56:06 AM »

Hi everyone
Thanks for all your replies and suggestions.
After a rather rushed doctor's appointment on Friday, he was running an hour late!!
He agreed to do various blood tests, but I can't get an appointment until 2 weeks
I've upped my Holland and Barrett gentle iron tablets up to 2 daily to see if that helps
I'll look out for the spatone too
Thanks again Susan


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Re: Low ferritin levels
« Reply #8 on: July 03, 2022, 02:09:25 PM »

Very interested in this topic,as i have high ferritin  [Haemochromatosis] iron overload,
My twin sons have it too, but strangely they have just been diagnosed with ANAEMIA too which i must admit i don't really understand, something to do with low Haemoglobin,although ferritin is extremely high
My ferritin doesn't usually go higher than mid hundreds
Most Drs or consultants don't like Ferritin to go above 100, ideally 50, but mine is allowed to go a bit higher as i am experiencing hair loss, and don't really have any symptoms,
If you need to up your ferritin, best to do it naturally by eating more meat
Hope this helps


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Re: Low ferritin levels
« Reply #9 on: July 03, 2022, 02:14:09 PM »

Donating blood would also be a great way to reduce your iron  ;D

(Seeing they refuse mine because mine is too low!)


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Re: Low ferritin levels
« Reply #10 on: July 03, 2022, 02:48:50 PM »

Hi everyone.
Just an update, I got my blood test results back, ferritin and thyroid levels ok, but there's a problem with creatinine levels being just over the high limit, mine 91.
I appear to have early chronic kidney disease stage 3a, but have to have my blood taken again next week to confirm.
On googling the symptoms of this they are very similar to low ferritin and underactive thyroid
Hopefully the hight results are just a blip and ask will be well after the next blood test


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Re: Low ferritin levels
« Reply #11 on: July 04, 2022, 08:43:12 AM »

Joziel I do have venesections if my ferritin gets over 150, but rarely need them, i do sometimes question if i really do have Haemochromatosis as i don't have all the health problems my sons have


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Re: Low ferritin levels
« Reply #12 on: July 04, 2022, 09:30:03 AM »

Very interesting jaycee, I've not come across someone with too much iron before - everyone seems to have too little  :)

Suza good luck for your repeat blood test, that must be worrying. Hopefully it was some weird result...


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Re: Low ferritin levels
« Reply #13 on: July 04, 2022, 08:04:19 PM »

Thanks Joziel
All will be revealed next week, I get my test results online so I'll be able to check if all is ok 🤞🤞


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Re: Low ferritin levels
« Reply #14 on: July 05, 2022, 02:34:24 PM »

Joziel Even some Drs don't know much about it, and it is often found by accident when testing for Anaemia or other conditions,
If not diagnosed it can cause heart attacks or liver failure etc
It was only discovered in the beginning after someone died maybe at a younger age than should have been , it also badly affects your joints ,it is like rust on a vehicle etc, the iron sticks to the joint or organ and kills it off,
It should be part of a routine blood test really but it isn't; so often not found until after death
Orange juice and vitamin C are not recommended to drink if you have too much iron, [and alcohol ] or a lot of meat, but coffee and tea help the iron not to bind
I drink a lot of coffee and not a big meat eater so maybe why i don't suffer much, but i do get stiff knees