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Author Topic: progesterone and bloating - where is your bloating coming from?  (Read 3886 times)


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I had an interesting conversation with my dr yesterday. I'd heard about progesterone causing bloating but my understanding of what that meant, was water retention and possibly build up before a bleed in the uterus.

I told my doctor yesterday that I've been experiencing a lot of wind(!) recently - and she said it could be caused by the progesterone and a lot of women get bloating and blah blah etc....

So this then interested me - when we say 'bloating', what exactly is doing the bloating? If you get bloating where do you feel it? Are we talking gastro 'bloating', water retention, uterus.... or can we just not tell and it's all of these...?!


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Re: progesterone and bloating - where is your bloating coming from?
« Reply #1 on: June 09, 2022, 12:39:47 PM »

Gastro bloating usually accompanied by intense burping and for two months, palpitations and pounding in my heart. When those symptoms stopped this month, what I got instead was the first 2 days of Utrogestan I got rapid huge bloating at around 5 and it went away within the hour. My belly went huge! It was so weird. That was a first. It feels tight and full when you are bloated, rather than kind of soft hanging fat or rolls you get if you’re carrying extra weight.


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Re: progesterone and bloating - where is your bloating coming from?
« Reply #2 on: June 09, 2022, 12:43:32 PM »

I don't get any burping really, never have had that one. Definitely the palps you know I can relate to!

What do you mean you got rapid huge bloating around 5? 5pm? 5am? When did you take the utrogestan to see that? Did it stay like that or did your body get used to it?

Slightly anxious about doubling my utrogestan to 200mg soon(!).


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Re: progesterone and bloating - where is your bloating coming from?
« Reply #3 on: June 09, 2022, 12:53:39 PM »

Sorry, 5pm. Just two days at the start of taking Utrogestan, no burping or palps. I take it around 5-6pm now, used to be just before bed but I struggled to get up in the morning the next day. I now go to sleep better and wake more refreshed taking it so much earlier. I’m falling asleep by 9.30! Which happens to suit me. I only got the crazy bloating for 2 days.


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Re: progesterone and bloating - where is your bloating coming from?
« Reply #4 on: June 10, 2022, 05:09:31 PM »

Gastro bloating for sure. I'm flat stomached in the morning & by evening esp after food, i look pregnant.
My stomach goes hard & it can feel like i have wind.
No bloating really on conti, just estrogen. Think I'm awkward lol
Does anyone take bicarb to ease wind in belly? Its the only thing that works for me.


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Re: progesterone and bloating - where is your bloating coming from?
« Reply #5 on: June 10, 2022, 05:13:49 PM »

No, I use apple cider vinegar in water before meals. It does actually work. I swear it makes me lose weight too. I read a study that actually says that it is meant to do that! So another positive. We buy it in bulk!


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Re: progesterone and bloating - where is your bloating coming from?
« Reply #6 on: June 10, 2022, 05:23:27 PM »

Oh my days I'm having the exact same thing....the wind and bloated stomach!
Sheri- bicarb? As in...? And how do you take it?


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Re: progesterone and bloating - where is your bloating coming from?
« Reply #7 on: June 10, 2022, 08:46:27 PM »

I've been doing some reading of others' experiences and it seems to be probably the progesterone causing this. Some women seem to get used to it after many weeks. Some switch to taking the progesterone vaginally.

Whilst I'm trumping away  ;D I don't TOTALLY mind and this is one symptom I'm prepared to give time to settle and see if it does. I work from home so can fart away to my heart's content  ;D

The waking at 4am thing (which might also be progesterone related) sucks more and isn't something I'm going to let go on for months. If it continues, in a few days I'm going to try taking the utrogestan vaginally and see if that helps. It's a good time to try this experiment as I'm also on Cerazette (which will help suppress endo) and only taking one utrogestan at the moment. (My next step is supposed to be trying to stop the Cerazette and take 2 utrogestan instead, and it will be harder to do the experiment then... )

But... if taking it vaginally does stop the 4am waking up, I can't really do that long-term because I want to take progesterone systemically to suppress endo (which is not all up my vagina/uterus  ;D ) - so it might mean changing progesterones. But it will be useful info anyway, to figure out if it's the estrogen or progesterone causing the waking up at 4am thing. (It wasn't happening before HRT. Unless I got a night sweat, which I haven't had since starting HRT.)