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Author Topic: Estrogen  (Read 981 times)


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« on: June 08, 2022, 07:47:06 AM »

I did say, I'd give HRT a good 3 mths to work but I've finished my period (was a short one) & I'm on the estrogen patch. Unfortunately, I'm so exhausted on it. Having a good nights sleep but can barely keep eyes open. Mood is low, aches are easing.
I did the wrong thing & looked online & it said too much estrogen can make you tired or affect thyroid.
I was never this drop dead tired before. And always found after my period ended i had more energy until i started ovulating.
Is this a sign that maybe my body isn't actually requiring HRT or should i still give it time?
I'm 48 this year & maybe not in perimenopause & my symptoms of anxiety & general ill-health is simply due to my other illnesses.
I know no one on here can tell me what's happening with my hormones, just seeing if anyone felt like i did on HRT estrogen part.
I'm seeing gynae next week.


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Re: Estrogen
« Reply #1 on: June 08, 2022, 09:42:28 AM »

How long have you been on it? The 3 months? I have had moments of feeling more tired starting and increasing but they were short lived.


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Re: Estrogen
« Reply #2 on: June 08, 2022, 10:30:35 AM »

Coming upto 6 wks ATB. I think, i listen to these celebs on TV who say their life is perfect  since
HRT & they never say about the negative side of starting.
I can't even drink a cup of strong coffee to give me a boost as I'm not allowed caffeine anymore  🥱🥱


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Re: Estrogen
« Reply #3 on: June 08, 2022, 11:17:48 AM »

I know, I do wish we heard more about the fact it takes time for a lot of women to get it right. My life is drastically different to before HRT, but I’m on month 9, so it certainly isn’t quick. I wish I had known a bit more. I had about 2 months of much worse symptoms in some areas and other things that had resolved, so it is confusing and hard to know if it’s not enough or too much. I did tests after a certain time, around 6 months. I’m also hypothyroid, so it takes longer for a lot of us too. The estrogen seemed to make a difference, my medication needs reduced, but I was very anxious and jittery during that period I didn’t know that’s what had happened. I also stopped coffee and sugar so I didn’t have too many stimulants, although I drink coffee now. I would say that after just 6 weeks you should wait it out a bit longer, but obviously discuss with your GP or gynae next week. Unfortunately it does take time for oestrogen to optimise and while totally possible your dose may need reducing or even increasing, it may also just be your body adjusting to a sudden increase of something you were really lacking. It is such a hard time. I love the A Vogel YouTube channel for menopause, they have tips for everything you can think of. HRT is not magic, and we definitely can help ourselves in other ways.


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Re: Estrogen
« Reply #4 on: June 08, 2022, 11:51:23 AM »

I have seen some benefits already being on HRT as in i can manage my anxiety better. Its still there & on certain days, it can go through the roof but overall its an annoying grumble in the background. It just likes to prod me now & again to say, hey I'm still here.
The hard part is the fatigue & aches but I'm blaming HRT but as my hubby reminded me, it could be my osteoporosis or cystic Fibrosis playing up.  Its becoming complicated now for me to distinguish what illness is causing what symptoms atm.
I have awhole team of about 10 Drs trying to figure things out for me but they all agree on one thing & that's if i can sort my hormones out, the peri symptoms should ease, which will in effect help me to cope better with my other problems & see when problems arise so it can be dealt with. Atm, I'm blaming everything on peri.
I'll check vogel out thanks.


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Re: Estrogen
« Reply #5 on: June 08, 2022, 12:38:17 PM »

Oh that is a lot of things to deal with, it’s so hard to figure out what causes what symptoms if you’ve got more than just menopause to deal with. I find that the hardest part, the wondering and worrying. I am hypothyroid plus I had issues with my adrenals, and something kept cropping up with my prolactin swinging wildly so I suspected prolactinoma for a bit but it came down last test. I’m glad you have doctors helping you though, it makes it easier.


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Re: Estrogen
« Reply #6 on: June 08, 2022, 05:41:33 PM »

Sheri, what patch and progesterone are you on? Feeling tired can be caused by utrogestan if you're on that. It's why it's taken at night but it can affect some women beyond that and into the next day.

It's not something I've heard of happening with estrogen. In fact, the opposite - too much estrogen or a sudden increase usually makes women wired and jittery.

So it might actually be the opposite, that you are a bit progesterone heavy at the moment and might need more estrogen...


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Re: Estrogen
« Reply #7 on: June 08, 2022, 05:47:10 PM »

Yes Utrogestan sends me off to sleep within a few hours.


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Re: Estrogen
« Reply #8 on: June 08, 2022, 05:52:35 PM »

I'm on everol sequi patches which is northesterine. I was fine on the conti.
Maybe i have something else going on that's making me feel yuck.
Might take a covid test as i have been out for a meal last week. You never know these days.


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Re: Estrogen
« Reply #9 on: June 08, 2022, 05:58:09 PM »

That’s made wonder ATB, I wonder if I can still take utrogestan for sleep, even with the Mirena? Mmm.. will ask meno specialist tomorrow.

( sorry to hijack your thread Sheri  :))
I always thought Oestrogen was the ‘ feel good’ hormone which supplied the energy, whilst progesterone.. well god knows, it seems to affect women in all manner of ways!

Hope you feel better soon.


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Re: Estrogen
« Reply #10 on: June 08, 2022, 08:31:12 PM »

Yes, you can take utrogestan as well as the Mirena Nas. I know that because with endo, some women take utrogestan orally to suppress endo outside the uterus whilst also having the coil.