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Author Topic: HRT after 70  (Read 5590 times)


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HRT after 70
« on: June 06, 2022, 03:06:44 PM »

I am the poster girl for HRT. I was prescribed it after early onset menopause at about age 42 and have done spectacularly well on it. I am healthy, fit, sexually active and feel much younger than my chronological age. I just turned 70.

The problem is this: my gynecologist of 30+ years, who supported my position that if HRT was working so well for me there was no reason to change the program, retired about a year ago, and I was shifted to another, younger doctor in the same practice. On my first visit with her, without asking any questions about my health and well-being, she announced it was time to wean me off HRT, citing the various general problems that have come up in various studies. I protested, but she insisted, and dialed back my prescriptions accordingly. I have been on a lesser dose since, with a few negative side effects which may or may not be related to the lesser dose — hard to tell whether it’s that or “aging.” But when I saw her a few weeks ago and again protested the “weaning,” she basically ignored what I was saying and dialed the prescription back even more.

Does anyone have experience with continuing HRT past 70? I know I should probably try to find a more responsive gynecologist, but wonder if I’m going to encounter this weaning approach with any other doctor.

Thanks for any advice and experience you can share.


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Re: HRT after 70
« Reply #1 on: June 06, 2022, 03:18:31 PM »

Oh my goodness, no you should not be getting taken off HRT!! The NICE guidelines say that you should remain on it for as long as the benefits outweigh the risks - and considering your risk of osteoporosis is going to be the same as someone who has never taken HRT about a year or two after stopping it - the risks of stopping are far greater!!

Please please find yourself another menopause-friendly doctor who is prepared to continue prescribing. You might need to go private and there are now many online clinics you can have video consults with and then be posted your prescription. I do video consults with the Newson Clinic, although they have a waiting list - but there are many others. Look at the BMS website for lists of members of the BMS and choose someone private from there... You can also get them to write to your GP and tell your GP to continue prescribing it for you. Your GP might still refuse but often they then agree....


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Re: HRT after 70
« Reply #2 on: June 06, 2022, 04:06:00 PM »

That’s great you’re doing so well on hrt at 70 it’s promising for the rest of us behind you. However, as Joziel  says you’re doctor is not up to date. You have a few options: You could print off the NICE guidelines and try her again. You could change GP’s. Or you could email Doctor Currie and ask  for her advice which you could then use to continue your prescription.

Good luck with it, don’t give in and let us know how you get on x


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Re: HRT after 70
« Reply #3 on: June 06, 2022, 05:12:50 PM »

Stand your ground.. I am 71 and been on HRT for over 18 years. Had some battles over the years with GP's. 2 female GP's said they don't believe in HRT and one accused me of "wanting to make myself younger!"  Unbelievable! Find a practice with a GP(s) who are menopause friendly.. Also google Louise Newson she is a menopause expert and there is plenty of info on her website.. she also advocates you can stay on HRT for life. All the very best.


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Re: HRT after 70
« Reply #4 on: June 06, 2022, 07:32:34 PM »

Just what I suspected! Thank you all for your advice and the resources.


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Re: HRT after 70
« Reply #5 on: June 06, 2022, 09:29:01 PM »

Oh my goodness why on earth would the Dr want to deny you something that is clearly working so well! I am 69 and have been on HRT since my surgical menopause aged 42.  I have absolutely no intention of ever coming off it unless something forces me too but that would be a medical something not a medical someone!  Is it worth you going to see a Menopause Consultant - they can prescribe for you if your GP won't.  In fact I think if a Consultant writes to your GP saying they want you on HRT I would think the GP would be hard put to refuse to prescribe it for you.  I have regular check ups and blood tests now with a Menopause Consultant and she wrote to  my GP who is totally happy to prescribe me my patches on the NHS.  It does seem that there are still so many GP's who are still not up to date with the latest research on HRT.  Hope so much you get to continue with your HRT on the dose you want and feel well and happy on.  x


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Re: HRT after 70
« Reply #6 on: June 07, 2022, 08:11:32 AM »

Get a referral to a dedicate menopause clinic, not a gynaecologist.  What GPs fail to remember is that across the spectrum of conditions, not simply menopause, if the correct regime works, then stick with it.  Regardless of age.  Because that in the long run, saves repeated Surgery visits when a patient feels unwell due to lack of support, both physical and psychogogially.  (sp).  This is common with thyroid function tests: GPs will read a 'normal' result and due to costs, are reluctant to do further testing or referallas to an endocronoligst.  ?? they forget to listen to the patient  :-\ ??

I would be reporting this GP to the British Menopause Society ;-).

Let us know how you get on and welcome !


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Re: HRT after 70
« Reply #7 on: June 07, 2022, 11:13:17 AM »

That's brilliant that at 70 you are doing so well . I would love to be doing as well . Do you mind if I ask what hrt you are on . I would see another doctor too as obviously it is still working for you so no need to stop


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Re: HRT after 70
« Reply #8 on: June 09, 2022, 04:40:19 PM »

Hi just wanted some reassurance lm 63 post menopausal 4 years last july had smear one week later all symptoms returned especially horrible thoughts of not being here dr put me on antidepressants which eventually started to work till 5 weeks ago bad news in family anxiety and thoughts back worst ever today .Seeing dr tomorrow first face to face do you think hrt would help ir am l too old and anyone else had this symptom   :'(thanks Dee  xxx


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Re: HRT after 70
« Reply #9 on: June 09, 2022, 08:15:12 PM »

Yes Dee, most of us have had these thoughts!
You need Hrt. I’m 65 and many women in their seventies are taking it and never intend to stop.
Find a sympathetic Gp if the one you have doesn’t think beyond AD’s.
This will get better, but you need to inform yourself so that you can talk to your GP in a proactive way.
Your on your way now.
Let us know how you get on xx


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Re: HRT after 70
« Reply #10 on: June 09, 2022, 09:24:08 PM »

Bebbo, uou shouldn't have yo go privately for these. Going privately is a yip off and these clinics might think they know more than they really do. You should, as others have suggested, see another gynaecologist on the NHS.  As for osteopotosis, I think it"s usually hereditary snd you would probably have to be underweight to be at risk.  I do hope that another NHS gynaecologist who is more clued up can sort something out for you.  I'm wondering if your current one is deliberarely refusing to prescribe you HRT because they are ageist and are trying to save it for somebody younger than you.  If that's the case then it's pure age discrimination.


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Re: HRT after 70
« Reply #11 on: June 10, 2022, 10:58:11 AM »

Hi Marchlove been gp this morning changing ads blood tests just to check he isnt missing anything see him 2 weeks if no improvement will consider hrt but not overly keen as mum had breast cancer .Thinking about it mum must have been suffering in menopause depression etc nobody noticed all too busy so got no help .Feel guilty about that .will keep updated thanks so much for replying Dee xxxx


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Re: HRT after 70
« Reply #12 on: June 10, 2022, 11:17:54 AM »

Dee, HRT doesn't cause breast cancer.

Estrogen-only HRT actually decreases the risk of breast cancer. (But you can only have that if you don't have a uterus.)

Progesterone and estrogen HRT only increases it by LESS than drinking ANY alcohol or being overweight. It is a tiny tiny increase, it is doubtful if it is even statistically significant and the research was carried out using the old progesterones and not body identical progesterone or new progesterones.

(My mum had breast cancer too by the way, and was not on HRT. She is obese and an alcoholic.)



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Re: HRT after 70
« Reply #13 on: June 10, 2022, 11:58:51 AM »

Thanks Joziel will make note of that for next visit to drs more ammunition for hrt just need these thoughts to go sure l can manage with other symptoms will post on outcome thanks so much  Dee x


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Re: HRT after 70
« Reply #14 on: June 10, 2022, 12:00:47 PM »

Yes Dee, joziel is right.

My mum had breast cancer in her thirties but none of her sisters or daughters have got it.
My mum also had full hysterectomy soon after and like you I feel guilty for what she must have suffered.

Hrt is quite different now and certainly with me I would rather have relief from symptoms now than worry about the minuscule cancer risk.

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