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Menopause Matters magazine ISSUE 76 out now. (Summer issue, June 2024)


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Author Topic: So down  (Read 3028 times)


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So down
« on: June 05, 2022, 09:59:10 AM »

Just very down today. Had to battle with my GP to go on HRT but when I did brought back horrendous bleeding and bloating and total messed up my digestion. Stopped HRT as just couldn’t cope with the bleeding as having to drive a lot due to work demanding everyone back in the office. GP has now put me on anti depressants as menopausal anxiety has been bad. But it’s actually got worse. Might have to leave work. All just too much.


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Re: So down
« Reply #1 on: June 05, 2022, 10:06:11 AM »

Morning.  Why put someone onto anti-depressant medication for anxiety  :-\

Did your GP not talk through with you all the HRT options?  Or refer you to a dedicated menopause clinic?  I would be ringing the surgery in the morning to request a referral to an NHS Clinic.


Which type of HRT were you prescribed initially?  How are your periods doing?   There are a lot of queries to be answered B4 stopping HRT - did you have digestive problems previously?  I've had IBS for years  ::) and slow transit really upsets my stomach. 

Eating little and often can help ease anxiety surges.  My go-to : dried fruits and nuts; bananas; a good quality muesli; chicken curry; pancakes. 

Some find that keeping a mood/food/sympto diary is useful to chart progress.  Try not to despair.  It's The Change - does what it says on the tin  ::).  Ask away!!!


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Re: So down
« Reply #2 on: June 05, 2022, 10:18:03 AM »

Thanks for replying. I resisted anti depressants and pushed for the HRT. I went on Evorel patches. The bloating made me look pregnant. They did suggest IBS and even did a test for bowel cancer but as the progesterone was seen to be the issue I stopped the HRT. All other HRT would mean the bleeding back which is horrific and impossible to cope with on a long commute. So basically HRT took away the only positive of menopause ie no periods.  My boss has the view that menopause isn’t something you should talk about at work, so no support there. No family or friends so very alone  :'( :'(


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Re: So down
« Reply #3 on: June 05, 2022, 10:37:06 AM »

 :hug: Sorry you feel so down. If you've only tried evorel there are many other options you can try. It isn't unusual to get bad side effects from one form of progestin but to be fine on another. I would ask for gp for something different or ask for a referral to a menopause clinic if the gp. Have a look at thd treatments tab to see what else you could try. Evorel uses norethisterone so perhaps try o e with something different. Why would all other hrt bring back the bleeding? I'm assuming you're meno (1 year without a bleed when not on hrt or the pill) so use any other hrt on a conti regime and not bleed. My anxiety has completely gone with hrt so IMO it's worth pursuing.


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Re: So down
« Reply #4 on: June 05, 2022, 10:42:09 AM »

Thanks Sheila. It was my GP who said there would have to be a bleed which is why I gave up and just accepted the anti depressants. I had to really push to even go on HRT as she believes anti depressants are the solution. My anxiety also went on HRT , I was so happy until the progesterone problem hit. GP says only other solution is a hysterectomy, which seems extreme and if I asked work for that time off it would definitely be bye bye job.


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Re: So down
« Reply #5 on: June 05, 2022, 10:54:58 AM »

Tell the gp she should educate herself before talking sh*t. Show her the NICE guidelines that say hrt should be used to treat menopause symptoms and ads are not the appropriate treatment. Given how ignorant she is I think you need to educate yourself so you know when she's wrong or else see someone else. Does she REALLY think evorel conti is the only conti hrt available?? Is there another gp you could see? You can ask for a referral but really your gp should k ow enough to prescribe something suitable herself.


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Re: So down
« Reply #6 on: June 05, 2022, 11:04:50 AM »

Agree completely with Sheila, your GP is horribly misinformed and not giving you the appropriate care. Nothing they’ve said is true. Please ask for a referral to a menopause clinic ASAP. I went private personally and am so glad I did. There are many HRT options, you do not have to have a bleed if you’re post menopause, that’s ridiculous.

Sadly on the NHS my experience is they typically treat anxiety with anti depressants. It’s annoying, that’s what they suggested to me. I went private and got HRT instead. I have had horrible anxiety for years but it’s now significantly better after 8 months HRT and 3 months of therapy which is ongoing. You do not have to take anti depressants for anxiety and it should not be the first option just because a specific HRT isn’t right for you. What a terrible GP, I’m so sorry you are experiencing this. Yes Sheila gave good advice, print the NICE guidelines for menopause and take them with you to the stupid GP! They are not following them!


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Re: So down
« Reply #7 on: June 05, 2022, 11:22:53 AM »

Thankyou. GP has got better to be fair, I got her to watch the Davina McCall show. I did research it all and thought the patches would work well. Anti depressants actually felt like a good option as my anxiety was so bad. But here I am feeling worse, terrified of losing a job and crying at the prospect of work tommorrow. I will keep trying.


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Re: So down
« Reply #8 on: June 05, 2022, 11:28:26 AM »

Is there any way you can take a short break from work? Ask your GP? A week of two away from work and other responsibilities may help you feel less burdened and able to find a pathway to resolve your anxiety. I know how awful it can get so sending you hugs x


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Re: So down
« Reply #9 on: June 05, 2022, 11:31:59 AM »

No, I can’t take time off work. It’s a new job so I would just end up sacked. I’ve coped with anxiety for years without needing medication so now I feel a failure on top of everything else. Thankyou for being kind.


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Re: So down
« Reply #10 on: June 05, 2022, 11:35:17 AM »

You are not a failure.  How long have U been in post? The Company needs educating about menopause!!   Does it tell you in your Contact how many days 'off' you are allowed per 12 months? 

Many cannot tolerate the progesterone part of an HRT cycle.  Which is why advice from a menopause specialist is important, a letter of appropriate treatment can be sent to. your GP.

Let us know how you get on.  I don't think that one can lose a job due to menopause symptoms  :-\.  There has to be a procedure in place ......... how large is the Company for which you work?


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Re: So down
« Reply #11 on: June 05, 2022, 11:43:41 AM »

Hi the company I work for are large and associated with the NHS. They pay very well but expect massive hours in return. I rarely even get lunch. It’s just statutory sick pay during probation period but they do tend to exit people a lot if their face doesn’t fit including if they take time off sick. Others in the company wanted to set up a menopause support group, which I offered to help with. That’s when my boss made it very clear she isn’t interested in people using menopause as an excuse, her words. Biggest joke ever is I work in HR.


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Re: So down
« Reply #12 on: June 05, 2022, 11:51:34 AM »

"not an excuse". This needs reporting to the Union!!! I'm not a Union person, but every company should have a menopause ?? searching for word ??  :-\ in place.

NHS expects blood.  I always said that we would be rolled under the examination table should we faint whilst in Clinics!  I wasn't aware that the NHS pays particularly well  :-\.  I would continue to set up a menopause support group ....... mayB begin in the Obs and Gynae Dept., talk with the Sisters/Staff Nurses, District ........ Midwives.  This can be taken out of work hours if necessary, getting support and advice.  That way it won't be seen as 'eating into NHS hours' ;-).

Your boss - how old?  Hopefully her TIME WILL COME  ;D


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Re: So down
« Reply #13 on: June 05, 2022, 11:55:33 AM »

The NHS has a menopause policy for employees. I think your boss could be in trouble for saying that, in any workplace.

Please don’t feel like a failure. Anxiety makes us very self critical, which only makes it worse. Be as kind to yourself as you would be to your best friend experiencing the same thing.


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Re: So down
« Reply #14 on: June 05, 2022, 12:00:03 PM »

We don’t have a union presence and boss hates unions. She’s very vocal on that subject to. She is 50 , like me. I’m not in pure NHS but a private company that supports it so the pay is way over my previous job plus benefits. Think boss might be on the way to menopause as her migraines have suddenly got worse. Sadly just someone with no empathy for others, which can’t be changed. I was warned about her before joining to be fair, should have listened.  :'(
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