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Author Topic: Increased HRT advice needed please  (Read 1459 times)


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Increased HRT advice needed please
« on: May 29, 2022, 01:24:54 PM »

Hi all
I need some advice and help please.
I was on Evorol 50 patches for a couple of years until January this year. They seemed become less effective and symptoms started to return over a few months before. Saw a GP who suggested I tried gel and utrogestan which I did but had a bleed and other undesirable side effects so GP told me to stop. I had a break of a couple of weeks meanwhile because of the bleed the GP wanted me to have a ultrasound scan to check that I did not have a polyp etc. I was then put on patches again on GP’s advice , the gynae who sent me for the scan told me he thought I should be on a higher dose and so following his advice I upped it to 75 twice a week. My symptoms have not got any better in fact my anxiety has gone through the roof. My night sweats are worse and I just feel like I am walking through treacle all the time. It has not helped now that although I was told by the lady doing my transvaginal scan that everything looked okay, I have had a letter from the gynae to say he did not like the lining of womb measurement and now I have to go for a hysteroscopy again!
This will be my third since starting HRT and if they do not like the measurement what do they do?
I am tired of the it all now. I seem to not be tolerating HRT as well as I would like to but I know if I stopped it completely all the symptoms will return as I tried this before. Although mainly physical symptoms not psychological.
I have been on HRT since 2018. Before that I was put on anti depressants for anxiety etc which I now know was peri menopausal symptoms.
Sorry for the long post. I suppose with my anxiety a referral for something I know I have had before but now seem to be going into panic mode over it all. QOR. Xxx


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Re: Increased HRT advice needed please
« Reply #1 on: June 01, 2022, 01:51:32 PM »

Oh QoR what a palava, I do feel for you.

Your story is similar to mine in that I tolerated patches and utrogestan for a couple of years, and for the past year I've not had a great time - my third hysteroscopy is coming up in two weeks and I'm getting totally fed up with it.

Basically after the second hysteroscopy, they put in a mirena to thin the lining and suppress polyps and this seemed to work for a while but now I'm bleeding again and there's something in there so here we go again. I think I've just been very unlucky though.  It's possible that if your lining comes back as too thick they may put a coil in and usually this works.

I don't know what to suggest about your patch level as you say you've felt worse since increasing it. Night sweats and treacle brain sound like low oestrogen to me but since you felt better on a lower dose that's a little confusing. Perhaps you'd be better on spray or gel - have they offered this?


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Re: Increased HRT advice needed please
« Reply #2 on: June 01, 2022, 05:14:01 PM »

Thank You for your reply applejack. Sorry to hear you too are having a time of it. I was beginning to think no one loved me😊lol. Although looking back at my post it was really me getting things off my chest, but I am still very anxious about it all. I have tried to be logical and say to myself well at least they are checking it out etc etc. Then I think of the procedure and I feel sick , I am like this with every appointment. I just am fed up with gynae problems, I have tried the gels but GP was reluctant to offer anything different until all investigated. I have for this week stuck to the 50 so at least I am where I was. I have been looking into different ways to help my anxiety by looking at apps therapy etc. I suppose I will go along next week and see what comes of it.
My oestrogen levels are 350 at last test but they are not always reliable.
Good luck with your hysteroscopy, poor mellobelly had a nasty time of it , I hope we haven’t got the same consultant! Xxx


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Re: Increased HRT advice needed please
« Reply #3 on: June 03, 2022, 10:26:55 AM »

Hi. I’m now getting cramping and bleeding trying to start again  so fed up as was ok for 8 months on 2 gel pumps and utrogesten 100 mg. Continuous. I’m 13 years post meno. Had endo and a fibroid. Was given it for osteoporosis. Gp says I had to stop it all for 6 weeks if I get a bleed! I didnt wasn’t to stop but they will only investigate lining if you bleed after 6 weeks and no hrt post meno! New guidelines she told me. I tried utrogesten vaginally  though she disagreed with this method and bleeding stopped but now cramps and looks like it’s about to bleed again. So surely on continuous hrt the lining must build up ? She suggested trying oestrogen patch with the utrogesten can’t see that helping. A different gp mentioned trying combo patch but then told me the progesterone in it is not as safe. I have benign breast disease too.  So didn’t really want to use that one! Don’t want to give it all up though as need it for osteoporosis! Should I try to get appointment privately? Looks like it’s going to be the only way.


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Re: Increased HRT advice needed please
« Reply #4 on: June 03, 2022, 01:01:06 PM »

Hi Nigella
Sorry you are having a bad time of it too. There are so many of us on here suffering either physically, mentally or both. I woke up this morning feeling very sorry for myself and thinking is this it? I have lost the ability to enjoy life and my confidence has taken a new low. I have a supportive O/H but I don’t think he really understands why I feel like I do. I would stop HRT but I know my joint pains, bladder issues will all return. I looked into private too but it is too expensive and even those that see a private specialist still have issues. I will see what I am told at the hysteroscopy re way forward etc. Maybe a sequins regime is the answer?  I work with ladies who are my age and take nothing and sailing through it, lucky them! Good luck in sorting it all out. Xxx


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Re: Increased HRT advice needed please
« Reply #5 on: June 03, 2022, 01:14:30 PM »

Queen, it annoys the hell out of me too, when I see women apparently sailing through this damn horror pause!

How can they get away with zero symptoms, just how??

Like you, if I stop all HRT, my bladder goes awol and I’m irritable as hell, yet I don’t feel A1 on HRT either!

Sequential can work well because at least then the bleed is predictable ( or meant to be)



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Re: Increased HRT advice needed please
« Reply #6 on: June 03, 2022, 01:22:55 PM »

It seems it’s a case of damned if you do etc? And I get fed up when I tell others about the hysteroscopy they reply with ‘ oh just get it all taken out?… what! That does not solve it all, my mum had a hysterectomy and suffered from symptoms for 15 years after, shows their ignorance . Sending big hugs Nas. I hope you have managed to rest and feeling a bit more comfortable. Do you have good support in your school? I don’t in my job and I work for the NHS😊xxx


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Re: Increased HRT advice needed please
« Reply #7 on: June 03, 2022, 02:11:29 PM »

Hi Queen,
Yes my mum keeps telling me to request a hysterectomy, as I don’t need all the bits and bobs any longer. Gynae say no to a hysterectomy, as there’s nothing wrong with my bits apparently, which is why I was forced down the Mirena route

My mum also has a hysterectomy years ago, but 1mg Premarin was all she needed. She is 70 now and has been on that dose for a long time.

To be honest Queen, my school know nothing of my issues. I just plod along for 6/7/8 weeks at a time and then deal with the fall out  of it all during the holidays  :( I’ve contemplated quitting many a time. They wouldn’t understand anyway I don’t think. Half of management are women and are either on a great HRT regime or sailing through!

It doesn’t surprise me that the NHs are not supportive. They damm well should be though, being such a huge organization!

Time will tell re the Mirena. My mood is the one to watch. Can’t have that taking a nose dive!

