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Author Topic: giving up on HRT  (Read 2935 times)


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giving up on HRT
« on: June 02, 2022, 07:50:21 PM »

Hi ladies well after trying various HRT for a couple  of years I have given it a good go but its never made me feel that better so am going to stop .I work in a pharmacy and have so many patients telling me it makes them feel wonderful but not me  i known its not for everyone just wondered if anyone has had the same experience xx



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Re: giving up on HRT
« Reply #1 on: June 02, 2022, 08:05:50 PM »

Hello devonlass. I think we are all different and you need to do what is right for you. I personally have not found a progesterone I can tolerate and still waiting to find one. I do not feel wonderful on HRT at all. Oestrogen helps with my itchy skin and joint pain but I have other side effects. I think the media tend to only report on famous people who say they feel amazing.


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Re: giving up on HRT
« Reply #2 on: June 03, 2022, 07:42:48 AM »

Sadly it doesn’t always work well for every woman and I’m sorry that’s the case for you. Mostly we hear about when it does well. In forums like these you’ll see more range and more of the women who have trouble with it or at least at the beginning. It’s working for me after changing method.
If there are any symptoms you have you think you might be able to alleviate even a little with some advice here then do ask, there are other things that can help some women.


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Re: giving up on HRT
« Reply #3 on: June 03, 2022, 09:24:41 AM »

Hello devonlass

I began taking HRT in 2013,  three years after my last period and I still haven't found the magic formula!

I took a complete break in 2019 and some of the symptoms that were under control came back. My main issues are the emotional ones and I have been told by every medic that I have encountered that HRT is not so good with this aspect of the menopause. My latest prescription is for Sandrena gel but I have noticed breast tenderness and now bleeding so I have had to reduce my oestrogen dose. I am beyond tired and frustrated with it all!

I am so envious of those women who do well on HRT but I wonder if the benefits will last for them? There are plenty of ladies here who have noticed their symptoms returning and have needed to re think their dose and delivery method. Perhaps the menopause is more of a moving target than we thought?

I hope you do well without HRT and please keep us updated on your progress.

Wishing you well.




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Re: giving up on HRT
« Reply #4 on: June 03, 2022, 11:44:24 AM »

What are your symptoms? Most (all?) meno symptoms can have other causes so it's possible there's something else that should be investigated. Have you tried sequi or have you always been on conti?


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Re: giving up on HRT
« Reply #5 on: June 03, 2022, 04:56:27 PM »

Hi Devonlass I feel the same way as you
I have been on HRT in tablet form (sequential) for around 3 years and have tried a few different types but settled on Novofem
I have had very bad PMT type symptoms before each bleed and also gained a lot of weight
I still have hot flushes at night too
I recently spoke with my GP who has prescribed Oestrogel and progesterone tablets but the Oestrogel is not in stock so I’m just going to stop altogether now I think and see how I get on
It may be that I forgot how awful I felt before the tablets but I’m now in a position where my symptoms are not being controlled by the HRT anyway and I’m having a monthly bleed that I may not need to have naturally so going to try without
Good luck to you - wonder if there is a support post on here for people stopping HRT?


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Re: giving up on HRT
« Reply #6 on: June 04, 2022, 08:58:46 AM »

I am sorry to hear the HRT hasn't worked for you. You have certainly given it a good go and it's made you feel this way.

I think I may be in the same boat as you. I doubt I will give it as long as you though!

I only started in February and was prescribed the gel which I was delighted about. I had such high hopes especially after hearing and reading all the positive news and comments. I was very much looking forward to getting over the night sweats and having a full nights undisturbed sleep.

A few months on and still little change and I'm on the patches now. I'm about to increase the dose so maybe something will change but I'm not putting my hopes up. I will probably give it a few more months tops.

It is quite a mixed picture from what I see now. For many it has worked wonders but there has also been many side effects.

I think overall, you do what you think is suitable for you. Just think, no more hassle having to chase around pharmacies for supplies  ;D


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Re: giving up on HRT
« Reply #7 on: June 04, 2022, 09:16:37 AM »

Hi Devon,
 Yes I echo what you say re HRT. It’s not working for me either.

 I started on gel and worked up from one pump to four. Absorption level was 88 on four pumps! Plus a ton of symptoms remained.

Next the patch, at various doses. 75 worked the best, but bleeding was awful on them ( post menopause). So I dropped to 50, symptoms returned.

Then oral, great for 10 weeks, then mega bladder issues. Oestrogen dropped hugely.

Had a Mirena fitted this week. Back on 75 patch and all symptoms have returned again!

 So, as I type and with work looming, I’m wondering what the hell do do next. The 100 patch does zero for me, except make me more irritable ( if that’s even possible!)

I think Kathleen has hit the nail on the head. Menopause is a shit of a moving target. You are lucky if you hit the symptoms with your chosen product and dose at that time.

If I could get the bladder issues under control, without systemic HRT,  I would give up HRT today. I don’t think enough is highlighted around the fact that like any medication, it just may not work in the way we want for everyone

Best of luck.
« Last Edit: June 04, 2022, 09:45:16 AM by Nas »


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Re: giving up on HRT
« Reply #8 on: June 05, 2022, 06:23:43 AM »

I feel like this! I restarted in February for hot flushes, sweats, extreme anxiety, bladder issues. From the get go there were supply issues so had to swap from Oestrogel to Sandrena. Flushes, sweats and anxiety all improved,  but now horrendous breast tenderness and continuous spotting. Also soreness down below! Bladder issues no better.  Asked to drop down to 500mcg Sandrena - is that the issue? (I've had a Mirena since November and the spotting was just settling when I started HRT) -but that's not available. Oestrogel now in stock and I have a spare pump. Tempted to go back to that and use one pump instead of two. No HRT has worked for me -tried off and on for 7 years. I'm in a new job and so miserable. I'm still peri. My husband has been so supportive but I think he's now sick of it. I'm so fed up of wearing pads and feeling like my life isn't my own. Thinking of dropping to one pump of Oestrogel today but scared how I will feel and still getting used to my new job. Plus I share an office with an overbearing Mansplainer.  :'(

Sorry to vent! X


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Re: giving up on HRT
« Reply #9 on: June 05, 2022, 09:31:33 AM »

Hugs for you Skylark 🌸🌸
If it’s any consolation, when I started my current job, I had just hit menopause too. I’ve been juggling hormonal shit, work, family, house, living miles from parents for years now and it’s hard!

 Do you use vagifem? Ovestin cream? You need to use local Oestrogen down there daily. I’ve got the bladder issues back too and it’s horrible.

You need to pick a product and a dose and try to stick with it for as long as you can I think. Have you tried the patches? They give a more consistent supply of hormone and might be better for the breast tenderness? Star flower or Effamol is good I think?

Give the oestrogel another go i would ?
Hope you feel better soon x


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Re: giving up on HRT
« Reply #10 on: June 05, 2022, 11:55:07 AM »

Sorry that things haven't worked for you.  I tried tibolone which made me bleed post meno, which scared me as I'm such an anxious person.  Now I just use local oestrogen which I can't do without.Heard good things on here from use of testosterone but I don't seem to be able to face changing anything these days. I've found the menopause to be a miserable time.  Good luck to you x


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Re: giving up on HRT
« Reply #11 on: June 05, 2022, 07:31:54 PM »

Suzysunday and Nas, so sorry you're struggling too! I've used one pump of Oestrogel today and hoping for the best. I'm using vagifem for bladder issues but I just seem to have become sore and itchy so worry it's either that or Sandrena. Would a cream be better? I'm feeling so miserable tonight.  :( xx


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Re: giving up on HRT
« Reply #12 on: June 05, 2022, 08:29:35 PM »

I find ovestin cream really good for bladder issues. I use it alternate nights.  X


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Re: giving up on HRT
« Reply #13 on: June 05, 2022, 08:35:32 PM »

Just re read posts on this thread and feel so fed up for you all. When my atrophy hit a few years ago I was devastated.  I never knew such things were in store with the menopause.  The ovestin is great but it took a couple of years to get the bladder feeling okay.   I don't use systemic hrt as I said,  but I think I should feel better than I do. 


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Re: giving up on HRT
« Reply #14 on: June 06, 2022, 07:04:54 AM »

 The Dygesterone in Femoston is as  breast friendly as utro . they have a low dose conti and sequi in this type . These are options if you want to try in the future. Also drinking, smoking and being over weight carry more risks. Our risk of heart attack rises to that of men once we reach menopause.

Best wishes PMXX
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