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Author Topic: Polyp/Fibroid & HRT  (Read 1168 times)


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Polyp/Fibroid & HRT
« on: May 31, 2022, 12:25:57 PM »


What a nightmare. Sorry, it's a long one. Again. Rant in progress.

Gynae consultant said in January he was happy with the results of my 2 previous scans, 2 biopsies and a hysteroscopy (which I didn't have!)  :o So gave me the all clear to go back onto HRT for post menopause symptoms (all of them. I get all of the symptoms). My GP suggested that I have another scan after 3 months of HRT to check on womb lining which was previously 8mm.  Consultant agreed, said lets just do another scan to see if lining has shrunk before HRT, if it is more than 5mm we should keep an eye on it. If it is less than 5mm then no further tests required, go back on HRT.

I had the scan, 5mm. Everything looks nice and smooth, everything where it should be and the right size (his exact words) ::) GP agreed I could go back on HRT, re-scan in 3 months - emailed consultant to ask if that was OK.

Consultants secretary replied, said that's OK, no more scans required.
Cool. Cancelled the scan for 3 months time and happily started re-taking HRT.

DIFFERENT consultant rang me last week (3 months after I was given the all clear) - I want to see you urgently for a scan and biopsy.  ???????????  No explanation, just "as a precaution".

At this point, I figure that they have realised they have been looking at the wrong file when they see me - especially as they were happy with the hysteroscopy results - that I never had.

2 days later, I am in for a scan & biopsy same day.  Scan operator asks if this is the first time I have had a scan and biopsy..... No, no this would be the third time for each.  Oh, she replies, I don't see any other scan results on your file.  :o

An hour after the scan, I have an appointment with new consultant for biopsy.  Previous consultant has moved to Dubai.
Sorry Menomelly, he says, but no biopsy for you today, you have a polyp approx 10x13x5mm in size, we need to remove it. Can you come back on Thursday for a hysteroscopy and if it is a polyp I will just remove it? By the way, womb lining is at 9mm.

Me: the hysteroscopy I was SUPPOSED to have last year and you never did? How did a scan 3 months ago not see this? How fast do these things grow? Is this something that is fuelled by HRT?
His VERY frosty reply: I don't know! 

Fanfuckingtastic. (sorry) A consultant that doesn't like being asked questions.

Last Thursday, I spent the most horrific 45minutes of my life whilst this man attempted to force his way through my cervix with no anaesthetic and cut the "polyp" out. He managed the scope through to locate the polyp, painful, but I could manage it. Then my cervix clamped shut and so he FORCED the tools through - there was an audible POP sound which made me and the two nurses jump. At this point, the assisting nurse demanded he stop (I was hyperventilating at this stage) and inject some local anaesthetic.  Which he did, quite begrudgingly. I felt the needle go in 4 times. He then proceeded to ram the tools through again, and this time the pain was actually worse. The procedure involves pumping the womb with water - by this point I am trying not to scream as he is telling the assisting nurse: MORE PRESSURE. She replies: We are already at 300... MORE pressure, and he glares at her.  As he is cutting this not particularly big polyp out, he starts saying:  Hmmmmm. This is very fibrous and thick, like a polyp on a fibroid.


He continues to hack at it. Gets it out and then goes back in to "tidy up" the area he has been cutting. He says: I will send it off and ring you in 2 to 3 weeks with the result.

It took about 20 minutes before I could stand and get my clothes on because I thought I would faint and puke from the pain, then a further 30 minutes in the recovery room.

IS THIS NORMAL?!! This can't be normal, surely? It was brutal. Am I just being a wuss? How is this not done under a general anaesthetic?! I bet if he had to have a polyp removed from his arse he would want a freaking general anaesthetic!

SO, polyps and/or fibroids, is this something that is driven by hrt? Can I expect this to happen again?

Also, I can't go back to that clinic. The thought of it makes me feel sick. My daughter has recently seen a consultant at a private facility through the NHS for a hysterectomy - her consultant is actually a meno specialist - how do I get referred to him rather than this consultant I saw last week, is it even possible to change consultants, or do you just get who you get on the NHS? I can't go back there.  :'(

Thank you. And apologies for the graphic nature of my rant.


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Re: Polyp/Fibroid & HRT
« Reply #1 on: May 31, 2022, 02:29:06 PM »

Hi Menomelly

I am so sorry you have had to go through what you have been through. What a cock up. The gynae sounds awful and his manner is disgusting. I feel sick for you and myself too as I am booked in for one next week to investigate the lining of womb. I have had 2 hysteroscopies before, not nice but was not offered any anaesthetic with either. Polyp and fibroid removed in each. I know what it is like though to have a awful experience as I had one with a colposcopy performed many years ago, I will not go into details but if I see that gynae again I will run out of there!
I like you would like to know if HRT cause these polyps lining growth etc. I have asked GP and gynae and both shrug. My anxiety is through the roof even more now knowing I have this procedure at a hospital I have never had it before. I just wish I could feel normal again . I wonder if you contacted your GP and mentioned what happened and say you would like a different consultant or even hospital. I did that with my transvaginal ultrasound, they made a bit of fuss first but then agreed.
I am sending a big hug though. Good luck with it all. QOR. Xxxxx


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Re: Polyp/Fibroid & HRT
« Reply #2 on: May 31, 2022, 09:05:00 PM »

Oh how absolutely awful for you Menomelly.

If you can I would schedule an appointment with your GP and tell them exactly what you have told us. Ask for advice going forward and if a letter of complaint should be sent. More importantly for you though is for your Gp to reassure you that this will never happen again. X


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Re: Polyp/Fibroid & HRT
« Reply #3 on: May 31, 2022, 09:36:12 PM »

Hi menomolly thats absolutely terrible that you had to go though that a few months ago i had a thickening of the womb it was 17mm so i had a polyp / fibroid removed was given local anesthetic bit od discomfort but nothing like you went through, after removal i asked the gynecology what happens now about the thickening of the womb and she just said the polyp/ fibroid caused it and i could go back on hrt but its being playing on my mind so i asked my gp and she said i dont know, i also asked her do you think hrt as caused them as i also previously as had 4 cervical polyps removed she said it could be but not sure,, so i have no idea if my womb lining is back to normal as i got no follow up appointment


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Re: Polyp/Fibroid & HRT
« Reply #4 on: June 01, 2022, 12:41:25 PM »

Thank you all - it's pretty scary that professionals in this field don't have many answers for us. I am trying to switch gynae consultants - if I get some more information, I'll let you know! XXX


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Re: Polyp/Fibroid & HRT
« Reply #5 on: June 01, 2022, 02:00:03 PM »

Menomelly that is absolutely unacceptable! I would complain, that is little short of butchery - how DARE he!

Re the polyps being driven by HRT, I am in the same boat. I keep getting polyps despite barely absorbing patches/gel/spray. My oestradiol level is about 200 so not exactly sky high.

I've a meno specialist and a separate consultant who is doing the hysteroscopy in a fortnight.  Former says it's unlikely the hrt is driving the polyps in my case, consultant says it might be but also that women who have never taken hrt still get polyps post menopause anyway so it's not really conclusive.

I'm being no help here at all but that's what I've been told!


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Re: Polyp/Fibroid & HRT
« Reply #6 on: June 01, 2022, 02:19:56 PM »

Total butchery! 😬
How bloody traumatic for you!

Definitely put in a complaint about that gynaecologist. What a trauma. I have read that fibroids and oestrogen aren’t a great combination but you need to get the opinion of a more professional and knowledgeable medic to help you move forward.   

In the meantime, a virtual hug coming your way 🌸