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Author Topic: Opinions on Testosterone :)  (Read 3775 times)


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Opinions on Testosterone :)
« on: May 28, 2022, 06:04:33 PM »

I'm considering giving Testosterone another go next month, in part because there is a connection between low T and allergies, and I'm struggling badly with allergy symptoms at a certain point in my cycle every month (when my T is at its lowest, that could just be a coincidence though). As I know my Free T is just below the normal range and Im also suffering a lot with fatigue and a few other things, I would like to try it. Back in October I previously only tried BHRT Testosterone (not a prescription like Testogel from my doctors which I would get this time). I only took it for 2 weeks because although I felt great on it - bags of energy and libido through the roof - I also started to put on weight. It was "only" 4 pounds in the 2 weeks and of course could have been a complete coincidence (but it did disappear when I stopped taking it).

I wondered if anyone else has or hasn't experienced weight gain from taking it, or whether it was likely just to be a coincidence in my case? I'm not very clued up on Teatosterone in general so not sure if it's a known side effect etc.

Thanks very much for any feedback!
« Last Edit: May 29, 2022, 08:24:44 AM by Gilla999 »


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Re: Has anyone experienced weight gain from taking Testosterone?
« Reply #1 on: May 28, 2022, 06:55:25 PM »

I have tried bio identical testosterone briefly 7 years ago, a doctor put me on it, and also put on weight. I’m now taking Androfemme through Newson clinic and not put on weight, I’ve almost lost all the weight I gained with this whole hormone thing now about 8 months on HRT. Testosterone made a huge difference to me, my mental focus, energy, body shape and even mood.


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Re: Has anyone experienced weight gain from taking Testosterone?
« Reply #2 on: May 28, 2022, 08:17:03 PM »

That's very interesting, thank you ATB. I've been referred to a gynae through the NHS over menopause - not sure why a gynae or if that's the normal course of action - but I'm hoping when I see them in July they will prescribe it to me if I take along my Testosterone blood test results. Thanks for your feedback - I have seen a lot of women here speak positively of it and none mention weight gain specifically, so fingers crossed! Hope you're doing well  :)


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Re: Has anyone experienced weight gain from taking Testosterone?
« Reply #3 on: May 28, 2022, 08:50:40 PM »

Yes thank you, doing great, this month seems better than last so can’t complain! Good luck :)


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Re: Has anyone experienced weight gain from taking Testosterone?
« Reply #4 on: May 29, 2022, 06:56:00 AM »

Glad to hear that ATB - every good month is a little 'win'!

Do you happen to remember what your T level was before you started on Androfemme? I'm just curious what level people have before they started taking it. I know tests aren't everything and symptoms are more important (I have those too). Just curious!
« Last Edit: May 29, 2022, 07:01:54 AM by Gilla999 »


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Re: Has anyone experienced weight gain from taking Testosterone?
« Reply #5 on: May 29, 2022, 07:45:36 AM »

I would be very surprised if weight gain in two weeks was caused by testosterone as the full effects take some weeeks and months to take effect.

The main thing about T is concerned with muscle metabolism (sorry I am hazy about the details) - so restores ones ability to build muscle after exercise which decreases with age. (Partly also I think due to thyroid function and its role in metabolism). I can imagine that possibly if you take T without increasing exercise it could lead to weight (fat) gain and there may be studies on this. Note that weight gain per se is MORE likely when taking T and increasing exercise, because muscle is more dense so weighs more than fat for a given volume so it is your body shape and the amount of fat you have - how toned you are - which is the crucial measure. Also more important - how you feel - libido, fatigue, oomph etc!

I did not gain weight/fat after starting T and have been taking it for 7 years. Recently I've gained fat but not to do with T or HRT!

Hurdity x


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Re: Has anyone experienced weight gain from taking Testosterone?
« Reply #6 on: May 29, 2022, 08:12:24 AM »

Gilla, my free T was just 1.4% pre Androfemme. My specialist wants it to be between 2-5%.

I discussed with her my previous try at the bio identical stuff and how I felt worse and puffed up after a month and she said it’s because it’s not great stuff, is unregulated and you don’t always know how much is in what you’re taking. She didn’t seem surprised I felt I gained weight in a month amongst other things. It is very different to using Androfemme or similar types of body identical regulated hormones.


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Opinions on Testosterone :)
« Reply #7 on: May 29, 2022, 08:24:18 AM »

Thank you Hurdity, that's helpful as always! I also have/had a LOT of other things going on (Estrogen possibly too high, taking ADs etc) that could/will have been responsible for weight gain, and it's not something I've observed ladies here talk about in connection with T, so fingers crossed it was unrelated.

ATB that's very interesting from your specialist - I only really went down the BHRT route because my GP couldn't prescribe and private meno appointments are just so expensive, but it does sound like it is absolutely worth paying for. I've booked an appointment with the meno specialist I haven't seen for a while and will discuss it with her.

My FIA is 0.49% (T is 0.29 nmol) so with all the symptoms I'm still experiencing I think it's worth a try.

Does anyone have any opinions on the best brand/delivery method, and the lowest dose it's possible to start off with? I quite like the look of the syringe you seem to get with Androfemme  :)

Changed the subject title in case it helps!


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Re: Opinions on Testosterone :)
« Reply #8 on: May 29, 2022, 08:28:48 AM »

Hi Gilla999 - Ive only ever tried the gels. Testogel and Testim - all the same concentration and used pea sized blob, so have no means of comparison. The concentration of testogel I gather has changed so the blob would need to be smaller for the same amount of T. It doesn't need to be that precise...Personally I would start with small dose over several weeks/months and see how you feel. It is not instant. Sorry I can't help further

Hurdity x


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Re: Opinions on Testosterone :)
« Reply #9 on: May 29, 2022, 08:36:39 AM »

Gilla, I’m with Newson clinic who only use Androfemme which is a testosterone specifically for women. That’s what I liked about it. The starting dose is 0.5ml and it is the most common dose that works for most women. My specialist there did say we can increase a little if I feel I need to. My free T is still only 1.9% when tested after 4 1/2 months. Next year I’ll test it again and see how I feel. We just do blood tests for T once a year if taking it because you don’t want it going to high. For me personally, adding Androfemme around 2 months after estrogen + prog/Utrogestan, I noticed the most drastic difference to how I felt, especially with energy and mentally with focus and memory and things like that. I exercise really hard now, 5-6 days a week and haven’t been able to do that for years.  I used to be a distance runner and swimmer and things like that so it was hard not to do that for so long. Good luck, I definitely think you would benefit from testosterone and should discuss it with someone. I will never regret paying money for this treatment, I wish I had sooner. I just resent having to and don’t think it’s fair.


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Re: Opinions on Testosterone :)
« Reply #10 on: May 29, 2022, 08:51:41 AM »

That's been very helpful Hurdity! Yes I definitely plan to start with the smallest dose and a good reminder to give it some time before expecting to see results, as I'm often guilty of impatience with this stuff.

ATB - I bow down to your exercise regime  ;D. I've struggled with exercise since putting on all this weight, from a combination of Peri and I take two different ADs (which were only prescribed because no one including myself realised for the first year that I was going through peri but now I'm having to reduce them really slowly or I get withdrawal effects). So I'm glad to hear that T has helped you with that, it must have been quite difficult to be used to all of that exercise and then not feel able to.

You're of course right on paying too - though I also resent the scary amount of money I have spent on this whole Peri journey between specialists and blood tests and all sorts - I can't even bear to try and calculate it.

Thanks ladies, this has been really helpful  :)


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Re: Opinions on Testosterone :)
« Reply #11 on: May 29, 2022, 09:10:48 AM »

I started low dose testosterone almost 2 weeks ago. Certainly no weight gain, that I've noticed.

I'm on compounded through my bhrt clinic - slightly alarmed to read your specialist's thoughts on that ATB. But, to be honest, the nhs haven't solved my conundrum, so I doubt I'd get any help from them on testosterone either.

I'm on 1mg a day.

I did take it back in Jan, along with DHEA - but I don't think I need the DHEA. And I had stopped it after 8 weeks. At that 8 week mark I was definitely feeling happy and calm... Those feelings left as soon as I stopped the Testosterone. Hence me restarting, but with just testosterone. 2 weeks in... I'm not happy and calm yet. So it definitely takes time.


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Re: Opinions on Testosterone :)
« Reply #12 on: May 29, 2022, 02:25:21 PM »

Thanks Crispy that's good to know and a good reminder as with all these things that it takes time to see the results. I hope you're generally doing a bit better than we all were in the nightmare time of this time last year with the Pill fiasco!


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Re: Opinions on Testosterone :)
« Reply #13 on: May 30, 2022, 08:27:40 AM »

I’m taking Tostran.
I’ve only been on it about a month.  I take a pea sized blob (about half a pump) every other day.

Not really sure about impact yet.  Not sure libido has improved but response possibly has.  Can’t see an improvement in energy or focus yet, but perhaps early days.

Wasn’t tested before starting.  After pressing, I will be tested after 3 months.  This has all been via GP and no need to fo to a menopause clinic NHS or private.

Blue Kingfisher

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Re: Opinions on Testosterone :)
« Reply #14 on: May 31, 2022, 03:16:01 PM »

Why is Adrofemme about double the price of the male versions of testosterone such as Testim unless I’m mistaken? Not a female tax is it…..?  ::)
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