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Author Topic: menopause is definitely an experience  (Read 1435 times)


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menopause is definitely an experience
« on: November 22, 2021, 05:43:07 PM »

Hello all, I’m brand new here.  Wow, so much info, it’s kind of overwhelming.  I had my last official cycle over 2 years ago, I'm now 50.  Menopause has been at the same time the most magical, awesome time and most baffling and bewildering of my life.  I’ve been so much more open spiritually and along with covid stay-at-home, I’ve done a lot of self cultivation.  I’ve been using hot flushes to help me ‘burn away whatever no longer serves me’.  5-6 years ago, when I had pre-menopause symptoms, I found it very helpful to read Dr. Christiane Northrup books.  It helped me prepare.  Then again, NOTHING can really prepare you for this!!!  Last year I was experiencing insomnia.  At times I’d have sensations like shrews just under my skin, running up and down me, especially my legs.  It was really like the rapid pitter-patter of feet going up and down.  So weird.  Lately the most bothersome things have been vaginal dryness, achey joints (one year ago I could do pull-ups and run 2K a few times a week.  Now I mainly walk and even have trouble opening jars, getting dressed, etc. due to achey joints.)  And the anxiety.  I’ve had it on and off for 6 years, but for the last few months it’s affected my eating and drinking.  I’ve never had weight issues or eating disorder, but for 3 months I’ve had issues, stopping myself swallowing, as if I’m fearful of drowning in a glass of water or something.  SO strange.  I’ve tried all the tricks in my hat and up my sleeve: hand-over-heart, left-handed writing, EFT tapping, mantras, visualizations etc, etc and I’m doing better but not totally getting through it.  I finally broke down and spoke with GP, got low dose of Propranol which takes the edge off enough for me to get through meals.  I also had a few sessions of counseling but private is so expensive and NHS I’ve been on waiting list for weeks.  My partner is very supportive but it’s not easy for him, either, as I’ve often been eating meals pacing around the kitchen while he sits alone at the table.  I’ve not tried HRT yet, I’ve not even  spoken to anyone about it yet.  I have a follow-up call with the GP this week regarding the anxiety, I plan to speak about the joints and see where that goes. 


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Re: menopause is definitely an experience
« Reply #1 on: November 22, 2021, 05:51:16 PM »

Hi! firstly, get some appropriate treatment for vaginal atrophy.  Do read the 'bladder issues' and 'vaginal atrophy' threads: make notes ;-)

As oestrogen levels drop off the body may become dry: inside and out; skin, deep in the ears, scalp, vagina ........ as well as muscles may become lax = aches and pains.  Weird skin feelings are 'common' too  ::) ? ants ?  ::)

Some find that keeping a mood/food/symptom diary useful to chart progress, mayB decide which symptom you would like to ease first. 

Propranolol helped me a lot.  It eased the early morning anxiety surges caused by cortisol, the waking hormone.  There is a 'hints for husbands' which is worth printing off, reading then handing over ;-).

Eating little and often can stop that sudden surge as the body becomes hungry.  4 me that = nausea  :-\.  Ginger is a good soother for the gut.

This will pass.  HRT can help but it can be a while to find a regime which suits. 


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Re: menopause is definitely an experience
« Reply #2 on: November 27, 2021, 05:21:45 PM »

Thank you!


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Re: menopause is definitely an experience
« Reply #3 on: May 25, 2022, 04:11:20 PM »

Hi Kay,
I’m new on here and came across your post… you may no longer be on here as six months ago… just wondering how you got on with the weird swallowing problem. I have similar, most annoying, going on for years. Recently started HRT which has taken the edge off it ever so slightly… would love to hear an update from you if you’re here!!


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Re: menopause is definitely an experience
« Reply #4 on: May 25, 2022, 04:40:59 PM »

Your swallowing problem may be silent reflux.  As oestrogen levels drop muscles may become lax which can cause reflux/cough.  Omeprazlolol help.


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Re: menopause is definitely an experience
« Reply #5 on: May 26, 2022, 06:10:07 PM »

Hi CLKD, thank you very much for your reply. It is a good idea - I do also have silent reflux (and have been on medication and take lifestyle measures accordingly) but it is not that sadly. It is very much in the oral phase, a hesitancy to swallow or a slow swallow reflex if you will, loaded with fear or a vigilance around the function. Nothing at all wrong with the actual swallow once it is initiated, just initiating it is the problem. Has been going on a long time, very distressing and caused me to take ADs at one point. HRT has taken the edge off a little and I’m hoping with time may help more. I have found a few old posts on here from ladies who have experienced the same sort of thing - would be lovely to hear from anyone who has or had this symptom. It is such an unusual symptom I think and took me a very long time to connect it to my hormones…