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Menopause Matters magazine ISSUE 76 out now. (Summer issue, June 2024)


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Author Topic: Utrogestan 100mg or 200mg?..I'm so confused (and drugged up like a zombie)!  (Read 4947 times)


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I would really appreciate some advice please.
I am perimenopausal and on Evorel 50, which makes me feel wonderful and alleviates all my symptoms. I'm a few days into my Utrogestan 12 day routine and I can hardly get out of bed. I feel like a total zombie.
I've already spoken to my GP about taking it vaginally instead, but she says she is going to speak to a pharmacist first and hasn't got back to me and didn't seem keen on advising me about it.

I think I really need to change the route to vaginally or I'm going to have to give up. I simply can'y function like this, let alone work or be slightly normal!

I've tried to read up on anything I can find on Newson Health and here about taking it vaginally, but I am confused. Some people halve the dose and even take it alternate days for their 12 day stint. Some stick to 200mg every night. Is it a case of try and see which one is tolerable and works and gives me a bleed or should I definitely be starting on my prescribed dose?
Anyone who has taken it vaginally, I'd really appreciate any advice or thoughts.

I'm slightly desperate as I can't even make my legs work to go and get my morning coffee! Help (or bring me coffee)!!


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It isn't licensed for vaginal use in the UK though it is in the rest of Europe so your gp may not be able to recommend it. According to besins the dose is the same, just push it up as far as you can before you go to bed. I tried halving the dose (100mg x12 days) but didn't bleed so have stuck to 200mg. Halving the dose is *probably* OK on your dose, possibly not on a higher dose, you can see if you have a proper bleed. The problem is that unless you have scans you won't know if your lining is building up.


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Hi Jess

I had a dreadful reaction to Utrogestan 100 and even took it vaginally - made NO difference, i felt out of it in the day time (even though took it at night)then i had the withdrawal! I had 4 days of anger, tears being irrational....that happened from the last day of my bleed. So, i changed to Provera 5mg and i have just done my first 10 nights on it....had a bleed...all mood swings/fuzzy was ok. Maybe ask for that instead?

Could i ask while here - how has the Everol 50 benefitted you hun? I have gone down to this mg over last 4 days and am trying to alleviate anxiety/very low mood. 


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Just to add, my private clinic told me you can use this vaginally, but as i said it made no difference to me at all


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Thanks for that Shelia99. I think I will try 100mg first and then see if I bleed. Trial and error!

Vicky81, Evorel 50 has been amazing for me. It was the first Oestrogen I tried and its worked perfectly. Very steady mood, clear head, no more hot flushes. I've always been very sensitive to hormones or any prescribed drugs, so for me personally, I'm not surprised that a low dose was just right for me.

Why have you reduced your dose?
I'm still stunned about what a minefield HRT is and how we are left to play around with dosages and find our own answers as GP's just aren't educated on it.


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Hi jess

I reduced because i felt so bad on the 100mg - dizzy/spacy/hands shaking.

Did you have anxiety prior to the 50 patch and low mood/tearfulness? If so how long did it take for the patch to get rid of symptoms? xxx


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I had low level anxiety and night cold sweats with palpitations etc before I started the Evorel.

The first week I took it, I had a few dizzy, shaky moments...almost like I had drunk too much caffeine and I did have to go to bed early for the first week, feeling very tired and slightly out of it, but, I think I am very lucky as I have settled into it very well and my mood is the most steady its been for about 20 years.

Last week, I accidentally managed to shave half my patch off in the shower, so, as I was right in the middle of a 4 day patch change, I cut half a new patch and used that, rather than overdosing on a whole new patch...I did get a little shaky and dizzy for a day or 2 and I assumed it was just a little too much Evorel. But that settled very quickly and I am back on a very even keel...except for these damn zombie mornings from the Utrogestan.

I'm absolutely certain that I could feel positive results within a day or 2 of starting Evorel. I realise that some people dispute that the patches can work that quickly, but my night sweats stopped within a week and I started realising that I wasn't getting anxious at all after about 4-5 days.

My moodiness has levelled off totally, although I am only a week into my Utrogestan, and not looking forward to the withdrawal, which might change it all.
I'm definitely going to start using it vaginally and cut it too 100mg and see if that works.

I'm so sorry you're having issues on the Evorel. It's been like magic for me. I hope the 50mg is enough to settle you. x



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If you still have problems with utrogeston it might be worth trying evorel sequi. Although utro is body identical so supposed to be the best I get fatigue on it but was fine with evorel conti. I had to change because I developed an allergic reaction to the glue.


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thanks Jess....i guess its not helped that i started on 100mg (as told by clinic) the stupidly decided to play around with my doses over he last two weeks!!! No wonder i felt out of i have decided to start off on 50mg. My mood is still on the floor so i guess more time is needed xxx


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Hi guys mind if I join you. I've just started Evorel 25 last week and am also planning to do day 12-26 with just 100mg Utrogestan vaginally. I'm 50 and peri - only started skipping the odd period mid last year and symptoms are cold sweats at night, aching hips, restless legs and anxiety and rage.

I am hoping that because the GP has given me the lowest dose Evorel (maybe too low?) I should be ok with just the 1 x 100mg of Utrogestan. So far so good on the second patch - bit dizzy for 30 mins or so after applying it each time but nothing else. Early to say put so far I haven't felt like crying or killing anyone since I started so that may be a positive sign.

I too am pretty disgusted with how useless the GP have been. I got the Evorel and Utrogestan 1 year ago after a 10 minute consultation and no advice how to take it or what regime to use. I have renewed the prescription once in that time to stock up but have only just started using it this month. And yet no one has contacted me to see how it is going or to check up. We're left to work it out on our own.

I am considering going to a private GP specialist. Is that the only way to get a scan in say 6 month to check that the Utrogestan dose is ok and uterus lining is ok?


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Hi MM2150, I've also wondered if we have to go private to get a scan. I'm guessing that if I go back to my GP and tell her that I am using the Utrogestan vaginally instead of orally, which she won't advocate, then private scans will have to be the way.

I'm hoping that 100mg every night for my 12 days will be enough, but I guess only time will tell.

My GP has asked that I go back after 3 months of HRT, which I think is the normal checkup. I think you should push for a review.

I'm not sure how long we should leave it until getting a scan...If we have a decent bleed of about 4-7 days, can we assume that all is ok? Or should we get scanned anyway? Its all so confusing and I've just looked up Nuffield Healths price list and the cheapest scan was restrictively expensive, yet from reading many messages on this forum, it seems to be the only way.


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Nothing to add as yet, but I had a very uncomfortable reaction to half dose utrogestan used vaginally (only once, I've decided to give it a miss until next month).  So following your journey.

I'm now also noticing that I'm having awful dizziness and migraine and even postural hypotension that seems related to use of vaginal oestrogen (different subject I know, but was ok for 2 years using vagifem but the change to vagirux seems to have brought this about, though it may be that my oestrogen in general is higher now, on 100 evorel)


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I use 100mg vaginally for 12 days every other month, no side effects except it makes me feel a bit wired up at times, like I have had too much caffeine, but works really well. I am only on a very low dose of 1 pump gel.


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I use 100mg vaginally for 12 days every other month, no side effects except it makes me feel a bit wired up at times, like I have had too much caffeine, but works really well. I am only on a very low dose of 1 pump gel.

I'm trying to work out what 1 pump of gel is in Evorel strengths...I'm on Evorel 50, which I gather is fairly weak (but has been magic as far as getting rid of my symptoms), so I'm guessing that 100mg vaginal Utrogestan, would be enough. Such a minefield! I had absolutely no idea a few months ago, what I was about to have to contend with!


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Cassie, can I ask how you came to your dosage of Utrogestan, once every 2 months. Was it trial and error or were you prescribed it at that amount? Also, does this mean you only bleed once every 2 months? I'm peri and have a very, very light period once a month naturally, so I guess I would do the monthly utrogestan so that continues? So confused  :-\
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