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Author Topic: Excruciating fatigue  (Read 4516 times)


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Re: Excruciating fatigue
« Reply #30 on: May 18, 2022, 05:47:14 PM »

I'm sure the moderators are here to help if need be


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Re: Excruciating fatigue
« Reply #31 on: May 18, 2022, 06:08:18 PM »

So confusing with Estrogen as both too high and too low can cause the crushing fatigue, as (in my experience) can a big change in E level (eg from changing your dose). I know for me the overwhelming fatigue is always a sign of low E but if you're having The Nipple Problem low E doesn't sound likely in this case. It may just be the change in your dose that's caused it and it will hopefully level itself out soon.  :love:

In my early days (and still sometimes now  ;) ) I too posted multiple threads so I can totally understand the panic and desperation that triggers it. However both ATB and CKLD have personally taken the time in the past to respond and given
 me some really kind, helpful advice, and I'm sure everyone is coming from a good place! Everyone's going through their own challenges and it's inevitable at times on this (generally very supportive) forum that opinions will differ. Sending good vibes to you all  :)


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Re: Excruciating fatigue
« Reply #32 on: May 18, 2022, 06:47:06 PM »

Low VitD levels can cause fatigue, when I suffered I couldn't move for hours after 20 mins. housework or weeding in the flower borders  :-\.  As can thyroid function issues.


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Re: Excruciating fatigue
« Reply #33 on: May 18, 2022, 07:11:32 PM »

Thanks gill- yes its hard to know sometimes isn't it??
Glad you understand about putting up posts,, we are all individual and are in need of advice.

CLKD- yes I thought about vit it checked and it was 66 - normal range. I also had thyroid checks and again normal...its such a headache isn't it!!


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Re: Excruciating fatigue
« Reply #34 on: May 18, 2022, 11:08:33 PM »

Hi Vicky,  if there’s one thing that would benefit us all is that the symptoms of too high be completely different to too low!  My advice would be to increase slowly and stay on that dose for 6 to 8 weeks at least, otherwise you could be increasing unnecessarily thus creating more problems.  Hard I know when all you want is to feel well. 
I am even doubting my levels at present, it’s sooo frustrating!
Perhaps go back to 75 mcg and give it more time.  Sending you big hugs 🥰❤️
Ps have you had your levels of Estrogen checked? X


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Re: Excruciating fatigue
« Reply #35 on: May 19, 2022, 06:41:51 AM »

Hi Sweettooth - I am actually having my bloods done twice, monday coming and the following monday.

Gosh, i woke up this A.M moody to partner, low mood, felt teary, my hands are still a bit shaky. I just dont know what to do! Plus just to add, i have been changing my patch every 3 days, as i saw on here that some women do this in order to get "more out of the dose" not sure if this is sensible or not??? any ideas??

I am at work now, feel really low, light headed a bit. Do you think i should stick at the 75?


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Re: Excruciating fatigue
« Reply #36 on: May 19, 2022, 07:06:30 AM »

Hi the patch is designed to release the same amount of oestrogen every day, so changing it more regularly shouldn’t make any difference at all.

My advice is to stay on one dose for at least 8 weeks and don’t change anything in that time. You seem to have been on a lot of different doses and types of hrt in a short space of time. I can understand that as that’s what I did in the first couple of months but it really doesn’t help. Using a higher dose than what you need doesn’t help either. You need to build up your oestrogen stores slowly until you reach the right amount. Think of it as filling a tank . You fill it slowly and then keep it topped up.

I know it’s hard but it’s the only way to do it. xx


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Re: Excruciating fatigue
« Reply #37 on: May 19, 2022, 07:48:06 AM »

Hi Vicky! ❤ I haven't spoken to you for a while and send my love.

I agree with Dotty and Sweettooth, I think the only way is to stick with one dose, for at least 12 weeks. I have been on one dose of Sandrena now for 10 weeks.  I spoke to my GP about 2  weeks ago and she said it was still really too early to tell any difference..... but.... I do feel so much better mentally, more like my old self. 😊

I still have horrible symptoms of heart palpitations, sore throat, swollen glands, nausea etc. But I feel mentally better to cope with them.  I must admit though, I'm quite scared about my recent blood results.... I have elevated white blood cells, high LFT's, borderline cholesterol and low folate,  but feel better mentally! Stupid, I know 😆.

Anyway, sorry to hijack your thread sweetie, but I think the key here is to stay on the same dose for longer.  And I was up and down still for a few weeks on the HRT.

Much love to you xxx


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Re: Excruciating fatigue
« Reply #38 on: May 19, 2022, 07:59:00 AM »

Hi Vicky,
I hope you don't mind me posting my issue here as I also suffer with fatigue which i think is due to not sleeping well. I have posted previously about not knowing whether my estrogen was too high or too low - i still had early morning flushes that were waking me up and fatique, my breast started being sore. I decided to try to use less of Sandrena (I am on 1mg  and Utrogestan, post meno) and slowly tapered off for 10 days to 2/3 of the sachet. I started feeling quite hot and thought that hot flushes are returning. Spoke to my GP and they said that I probably need more estrogen (not offered a blood test) and prescribed Estrodot 75 for better release. This is out of stock everywhere so i started taking 1 and 1/3 of Sandrena instead. I hope I haven't done a major damage because i was on 10 days on lower dose and now I am on higher. I have problems with sleep, I feel like I am sleeping so lightly that it feels i am not asleep for most of the night. I also wake up so early.
I was just hoping for any comments, advice, and if it's OK to change to Estrodot when it finally appears in stock.


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Re: Excruciating fatigue
« Reply #39 on: May 19, 2022, 08:26:29 AM »

Hi Dotty - thankyou so much for your message honey. well...oh my days....please nobody shout at me....BUT i have just taken the 75 off at work!! I feel AWFUL. my colleague came to have a chat with me privately about an issue we had and i felt in  a dream and dizzy. Just had my blood sugar done, blood pressure and oxygen levels on the ward - all normal so i know its the patch.
Dotty - not sure but i think i need the 50??

Hi Unicorn!! awww nice to hear from you! i am sorry to hear about your blood results, anything that seems "abnormal" always a worry - please let me know how you get on. I am glad you feel better mentallly though thats so great!!!

Stella - thank you for replying.
Dont worry about posting here - i dont mind at all! So sorry that i cannot give any advice as i am too learning about all this!! I hope someone else can help advise you hun. keep in touch xxx


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Re: Excruciating fatigue
« Reply #40 on: May 19, 2022, 08:56:09 AM »

Thank you Vicky, wishing you all the best. I see that Unicorn also responded regarding the length, I might have made changes too quickly.
It's so hard when you can't speak to the GP when you need them and they might not have the knowledge, and you can't afford private consultations and blood tests...I can see from other posts that even the private consultations sometimes cannot help as we are all so individual. Lucky women who don't have difficult time during this period.


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Re: Excruciating fatigue
« Reply #41 on: May 19, 2022, 09:26:49 AM »

Stella i am feeling very very fatigued today.....not sure if this is due to high or low estrogen? anyone know please? and would the 50mg be more suitable?


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Re: Excruciating fatigue
« Reply #42 on: May 19, 2022, 10:05:14 AM »

Hi girls, it's so confusing too when you have ladies that improve within 2 weeks and feel better consistently within that time too.  I think it's fab that it works so quickly and consistently with some, but it can also make other ladies who are not feeling the benefit so soon very scared and confused, thus chopping and changing doses early on.... I get it Vicky, as it can send you into a panic and you will alter any drug quickly to feel better, even for one day, regardless of any advice given.  I get where you're coming from totally ❤

It's a very scary thing this perimenopause/menopause as there can be so many bizarre symptoms and can worry the most laid back sufferer.  I have had a multitude of horrible symptoms, and I do worry i have some sort of neurological disease/cancer/ swamp fever 😁 and my worries have escalated even more because of my dodgy blood results.  I have to be retested in 3 months.

Also, Dr Google doesn't help as I worry my symptoms don't fit into the criteria of peri 😥.

Much love girls and hold on..... this rollercoaster is a rocky ride ❤❤

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Re: Excruciating fatigue
« Reply #43 on: May 19, 2022, 11:22:28 AM »

Hi Vicky, I'm sorry you're feeling so awful. This was one of my first symptoms &I found hrt patches did help but it took a while to work.
    Have you had your bloods done at Gp surgery to rule out thyroid issues,anaemia ? Best to get theses checked as well.
    I also had insomnia and the hrt helped with this .
     For me the progesterone side of things isn't great,as it gives me fatigue &low mood also, but I have 2 weeks feeling better .
    I'm considering a mirena now ,as an alternative.
  The only other advice I can give is if you use electronic devices at night ,try to stop a few hours before you go to bed,as the light from these can stimulate the brain .
  I'm trying to take mine upstairs at 6 pm now,so I'm not tempted.
   Hope you get something that suits you soon x


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Re: Excruciating fatigue
« Reply #44 on: May 19, 2022, 11:37:06 AM »

Hi Vicky
Sorry you’re struggling so much.
The fatigue is one of my main symptoms. I could cry I feel so tired.
I’m not on HRT, and this fatigue started after my awful experience with HRT.

Just to be sure, I would recommend taking vitamin D every day, especially if you work inside all day. Maybe some gentle iron supplements like floridex or spatone.
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