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Author Topic: What if feels like having an hysteroscopy please?  (Read 4072 times)


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What if feels like having an hysteroscopy please?
« on: May 13, 2022, 12:29:26 PM »

Hello , has anyone had an hysterscopy performed?

I have just had a call and have an appointment on Monday as sn outpatient following my transvaginal scan results.
I had the scan a week ago so i know what it feels like but was wondering if the hysteroscopy causes more discomfort or pain as the nurse told me to take some painkillers 1 hour before it.



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Re: What if feels like having an hysteroscopy please?
« Reply #1 on: May 13, 2022, 01:24:49 PM »

Hi! mayB put 'hysteroscopy' into the search box ?  Make notes?


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Re: What if feels like having an hysteroscopy please?
« Reply #2 on: May 13, 2022, 01:59:33 PM »

They want me to have one too  :(. According to Google some women have discomfort, others find it painful. Telling you to take painkillers sounds as though they expect it to hurt. Not convinced mine is necessary so I might chicken out.


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Re: What if feels like having an hysteroscopy please?
« Reply #3 on: May 13, 2022, 02:27:28 PM »

I feel the same the thickness of endometrium according to scan is 3 mm so very low risk of cancer.
1 small 1.5 cm fybroid and apparently some anechoic  fluid found  but main reason is the bleeding after 6 months of conti with utrogestan which it seem to be a very common problem.
I suggested to my Gp to up to 2 utrogestan to see if bleeding settles after my tranvaginal scan showed no thickness but instead she has referred me to the urgent two weeks gynaecologist referral.
I was ok with the tranvaginal scan, it took long so was uncomfortable at times but not in pain .
I am trying to find out if the feeling and discomfort might be the same or greater .
Sheila can one actually refuse to have it?
The amount of stress this is causing is just too much and my Gp even mentioned that i should come off hrt while this gets investigated .
But not sleeping because getting awaken all night from palpitations that feels like i am having  a heart attack and sweats  and  the same during the day palpitations and hot flushes all day is something that i cannot imagine ever again , so now i am more stressed because she might not prescribe hrt and it and will run out soon …



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Re: What if feels like having an hysteroscopy please?
« Reply #4 on: May 13, 2022, 02:41:51 PM »

I’ve had one before. I found it totally fine, bit like having a smear test but taking longer. I think they did advise having a couple of painkillers an hour before.  I wouldn’t say it was painful more just very uncomfortable!


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Re: What if feels like having an hysteroscopy please?
« Reply #5 on: May 13, 2022, 02:43:33 PM »

Hi … I went in for one last week at the womens health day unit but the consultant had to stop as I found it really painful… I have a high pain threshold normally but have never had  vaginal births ( just C sections ) and someone said this can make a difference.  I’m now booked in for one under a general anaesthetic next week !


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Re: What if feels like having an hysteroscopy please?
« Reply #6 on: May 13, 2022, 03:04:26 PM »

Hi Sfifties

In the last 20 years, I have had 2 hysteroscopies, although a little uncomfortable I did not find them painful. I had them to remove polyps and fibroid.
I have a scan on Monday to investigate post menopausal bleeding after starting utrogestan which like you I think is normal, I have stopped it now as caused too many side effects. I am preparing myself for another hysteroscopy in the event they find another polyp.
Take some painkillers like advised. It is a very quick procedure, I think for me it’s more thinking about the worse before you have anything like this. I suffer from anxiety so not in the best place at best of times. I was told if refused you may not get a referral again if any problems arise in the future, I don’t know if that is true but the GP was quite adamant. Good luck for Monday, big hugs. Xxx

Amazing grace

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Re: What if feels like having an hysteroscopy please?
« Reply #7 on: May 13, 2022, 03:09:48 PM »

Hi I've had two, and can say from my first one only having the pathetic paracetamol and ibuprofen they gave me an hour before was totally inadequate to relief the pain, at my hospital they offered gas and air if you couldn't tolerate it, I didn't I had that in childbirth and it made me sick just sweated my way through it, I've had 3 vaginal births so didn't make a difference, I'm not a whimp either had 3 births with no pain relief other than gas and air, 2nd time my gp said to ask for anesthetic, which I did and consult gave me a local, two injections either side of the womb internally sounds awful but 3 minutes of mild pain, to have the procedure blissfully unaware of any pain was so nice after my first experience , I would definitely ask for the local anesthetic x


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Re: What if feels like having an hysteroscopy please?
« Reply #8 on: May 13, 2022, 03:38:32 PM »

I found it very painful and I took painkillers beforehand. If I ever had to have another I’d ask for help in the form of anaesthetic or whatever Amazing Grace had. Hope this helps x


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Re: What if feels like having an hysteroscopy please?
« Reply #9 on: May 13, 2022, 03:39:20 PM »

I’ve had two now.
Both were uncomfortable but painless. No bleeding and straight back to work after.

I took ibuprofen before and after.

Best of luck x


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Re: What if feels like having an hysteroscopy please?
« Reply #10 on: May 13, 2022, 04:53:20 PM »

Thank you so much for sharing your experiences , i will take the painkillers  and hope for the best on Monday .
It’s absurd i was not given the choice though.
the transvaginal scan was ok in tetms of discomfort/pain although it lasted too long.
Looking at the instrument used for the hysteroscopy  i panic  it looks like a torture instrument and in the hands of a non experienced technician might a disaster .
My transvaginal scan was performed by what looked like a student , the scan took 20 min of constant insertion  and moving around as  she was unsure she was measuring the right part and after 20 full minutes she called somebody else to check she was doing it right , so hoping that the hysteroscopy will be quicker .
Thanks everyone



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Re: What if feels like having an hysteroscopy please?
« Reply #11 on: May 13, 2022, 06:00:42 PM »

I feel the same the thickness of endometrium according to scan is 3 mm so very low risk of cancer.
1 small 1.5 cm fybroid and apparently some anechoic  fluid found  but main reason is the bleeding after 6 months of conti with utrogestan which it seem to be a very common problem.
I suggested to my Gp to up to 2 utrogestan to see if bleeding settles after my tranvaginal scan showed no thickness but instead she has referred me to the urgent two weeks gynaecologist referral.
I was ok with the tranvaginal scan, it took long so was uncomfortable at times but not in pain .
I am trying to find out if the feeling and discomfort might be the same or greater .
Sheila can one actually refuse to have it?
The amount of stress this is causing is just too much and my Gp even mentioned that i should come off hrt while this gets investigated .
But not sleeping because getting awaken all night from palpitations that feels like i am having  a heart attack and sweats  and  the same during the day palpitations and hot flushes all day is something that i cannot imagine ever again , so now i am more stressed because she might not prescribe hrt and it and will run out soon …
They can't force you to have an invasive procedure but there's always the threat they can refuse to prescribe hrt. I asked my gp for a course of norethisterone first but she sounds like yours 'I am not an expert (she's right there) but the book says urgent investigation under the 2 week pathway and I can't/won't deviate from what the book says'.
My problem is that I rarely bleed now on sequi hrt, lining is 6.7mm after the latest 6 week cycle with no bleed. I think that's actually quite thin when it's a couple of months since the last bleed but there's a big panic because it's thicker than 4. I'm starting to wish I'd kept my trap shut.


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Re: What if feels like having an hysteroscopy please?
« Reply #12 on: May 13, 2022, 07:39:32 PM »

I don't see how paracetamol or ibuprofen would be any help.  I was petrified and asked for a general anaesthetic which I got, although it wasn't offered. 


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Re: What if feels like having an hysteroscopy please?
« Reply #13 on: May 13, 2022, 08:06:53 PM »

Hi susysunday , i was called today for the Monday appointment as this is a two week urgent referral, so not a planned appointment as such and when i queried how the procedure would be performed i was told that as an outpatient they do not offer any form of anaesthetic and that’s why i was told to take painkillers before
It didn’t look like i had a choice at all .
I think that should they not be able to perform  the  hysteroscopy on Monday they will possibly offer it as a planned appointment with a  form of anaesthetic but will have first endure Monday .
Was yours a planned procedure ?


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Re: What if feels like having an hysteroscopy please?
« Reply #14 on: May 14, 2022, 06:40:14 AM »

Hi. i’ve had two. The first I was so scared of the pain that I opted for a general. completely pain free but obviously a risk and I wouldn’t ever have it that way again. Way too much risk for me for a procedure which didn’t have to have one for. I DO feel terrible pain during smears as I’ve become menopausal so I just anticipated I would with this.

The second I had with a non general.
in my opinion, and I can i only speak for me, there’s no way over the counter pain killers would let me cope with this. As soon as I went in there, I asked could I have an injection to numb the pain. Doctor agreed.
So she inserted the needle and proceeded to inject something to numb me. Did it hurt? I’d say as uncomfortable as a dentist injection. Yes it was painful ( ish) but not so I screamed or writhed in agony painful. The nurse held my hand the whole time and within 20-30 secs it was over. The doctor could then perform the hysteroscopy. And as I had complications - i actually can’t remember why, something to do with my cervix and a backward facing womb I think, mine took ages. But i didn’t feel pain and that was the crucial thing. In fact the nurse kept asking me loads of questions about my holidays and kids- to the point where I really wanted her to shut up  ;D but I know she was doing it to distract me. For me, if I had to do it again, I’d definitely have the injection. 💯 %
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