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Author Topic: Gallbladder and HRT  (Read 2351 times)


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Gallbladder and HRT
« on: May 01, 2022, 10:58:53 AM »

Hello, I hope you are all having a lovely Bank Holiday weekend. Just wondering if anybody has had their gallbladder removed and still been able to take HRT?
I am going for an endoscopy and an abdominal ultrasound on the 11th of May and from what I gather my consultant thinks I may have issues with my gallbladder.  I have been experiencing pain under my right ribs now for quite sometime and have been nauseous and vomiting some days. I seem to recall vomiting years and years ago off and on right around when I started my perimenopause. I had an endoscopy back then and all they found was a hiatus hernia. I also remember getting it while pregnant with my daughter back in 2009 but I put it down to morning sickness. I used to get an awful pain out through my back as well. Well move forward to late last year and I am suffering with pain under ribs on a weekly basis. In January I went to my doctors surgery and saw a different gp who said maybe pancreatisis and sent me forward to consultant. Waited weeks and weeks to be called and no call which i found unusual so i rang gp office and doctor had forgotten to send the request through for appointment. Anyway, going private now and lovely consultant seems thorough wants to do endoscopy and ultrasound and if that shows nothing he wants to do some 24 hour study with camera which I really didn't understand but I'll ask him more about that when I see him.
Anyway, I had come off my HRT of mirena coil and Zoely last month as it wasn't suiting me and was given lenzetto spray and Ultrogesten and I read on the package that if you have gallbladder issues then you shouldn't take them. When I had told the consultant what medication I was on he said they were fine. I havent started the new HRT because I was worried that if they found gallstones or something and they needed to remove my gallbladder that I'd have to stop HRT for the operation anyway so i thought it best to just not start the HRT until I've had my endoscopy and ultrasound.
I am just wondering if any ladies on here have experience with gallbladder issues and whether they can take HRT? 
Thank you very much. X


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Re: Gallbladder and HRT
« Reply #1 on: May 01, 2022, 12:31:45 PM »

Sorry you're going through this but it sounds as if your consultant is giving you a thorough overhaul. I know that using HRT puts you at risk of developing gallstones (according to my patient info leaflet) but I'm not sure whether you can take it once you develop them. Personally I'd wait before starting your new regime if you can put up with meno symptoms.

The camera he mentioned is probably the capsule one which you swallow and it takes pictures as it travels through your digestive system. I'm sure I haven't made that up!!  ;D

Let us know how you get on at your appointment and I hope the pains not too bad today.

Taz x  :)



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Re: Gallbladder and HRT
« Reply #2 on: May 01, 2022, 01:51:12 PM »

Hi Taz,
Thank you very much for replying. Yes, I think it might be the capsule camera thing too that I swallow. He said he may not need to do that if he finds anything in 10 days time.
I am thinking I will hold off in starting the HRT as well. I can cope with the symptoms for now although mood is very up and down. If my mood was brighter I'd be fine. But I'll wait it out.
Thank you again for replying.


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Re: Gallbladder and HRT
« Reply #3 on: May 04, 2022, 06:22:14 AM »

Let us know how you get on. Just a thought but what medication are you on for the hiatus hernia? I was diagnosed with this a few years ago and have had episodes similar to yours. My doc went down the possible pancreas inflammation route due to left side pain and occasional vomiting. Luckily nothing found but I did have to change to esomeprazole for a while as the omeprazole was no longer effective.. Hiatus hernia can give weird symptoms at times.

Taz x


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Re: Gallbladder and HRT
« Reply #4 on: May 06, 2022, 07:24:13 AM »

Hi Taz,
Thanks for getting in touch and apologies for the delay in replying. I am on esomeprazole krka 20mg foe my acid reflux at the moment since January. It has helped my throat as in my throat isn't as raw or tight bur I still get the pain under my right ribs.i haven't vomited in a few days so that's a plus. However, last night I are a pizza and my gosh the pain out through my back was awful for an hour or two. It was excruciating. I've also noticed I'm getting upper back and neck pain in the last week too but that may not be related.
I'm hoping I get answers next week and that it's something straight forward and not anything sinister.
I will let you know how I get on. There always seems to be something going on. Although, I'm convinced I've had this issue with the last 10 years but it's only getting worse now.


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Re: Gallbladder and HRT
« Reply #5 on: May 09, 2022, 05:11:36 PM »

That does sound like gallbladder to me. It will be good to get to the bottom of it. Do other fatty foods have the same effect?

Taz x  :hug:


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Re: Gallbladder and HRT
« Reply #6 on: May 09, 2022, 08:51:22 PM »

Hi Taz, no not all fatty foods have the same affect. Sometimes I just get a pain under my right rib that just lingers for hours......and other times I get the pain below the ribs that goes out my back and really feels like terrible. Then other days I might eat things that I think will cause pain and nothing........🙄
Say for example, yesterday evening I was a bit late getting home and my daughter wanted fish takeaway  so I ordered fish and chips from a fresh fish shop and went home. Within half an hour I was feeling nauseous, so bad I thought I'd bringa bowl to bed with me just in case. I had a few hours feeling so queasy but managed to fall asleep.
Well I had hot flushes through the night and in the morning I got up and had a cup of tea like I always do and within 10 minutes I was throwing up the tea in the sink. Once I get sick then I'm OK again for a while.
It's baffling. 2 more until I know what's happening. Fingers crossed


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Re: Gallbladder and HRT
« Reply #7 on: May 10, 2022, 05:46:55 AM »

Sounds like gallbladder pain to me too.  Chips would have been fried.  If you are seeing a private consultant hopefully you will get something done sooner rather than later.
The type of stones you have may be causing your differing pain.  You can get a lot of small ones that may be trying to pass through or larger ones.  My daughter had a lot of small stones removed and was sick a lot beforehand with lingering pain. I had 2 large stones removed and mainly got bad lingering pain.
« Last Edit: May 10, 2022, 05:51:14 AM by Minusminnie »


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Re: Gallbladder and HRT
« Reply #8 on: May 10, 2022, 07:18:58 AM »

Hi Minusminnie,
Thank you for posting. Did you just get your stones removed and not the gallbladder? Do the stones keep coming back? I'm probably thinking too much about it and I don't even know if that is it. I'll find out tomorrow either way. Thank you for posting.


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Re: Gallbladder and HRT
« Reply #9 on: May 10, 2022, 07:47:21 AM »

Not long until tomorrow for you  :)
I don't think they can just remove the stones. They can't be shattered which i think they can do with kidney stones.
I had gallbladder removed laproscopically in 2000 my daughter had it done in 2020.  IMHO it is not an operation to worry about. It is lovely to be rid of the pain and wondering what you can safely eat.
Let's hope you get some answers tomorrow and can move forward.


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Re: Gallbladder and HRT
« Reply #10 on: May 11, 2022, 09:34:17 PM »

Hi Minusminnie,
I saidni would come back and update after my endoscopy today. Well I don't have results of my biopsies or my ultrasound back yet but I was given a medication pantoprazole 40mg to take for 6 weeks and then to go back for a review and I presume the results of the other tests too. 
I'm a little disappointed that I don't have all the results yet but I guess they have to wait for the ultrasound technician to write a report etc and wait for the biopsies testing for h.pylori. if the biopsy comes back positive then I must start a triple therapy treatment according to the notes.
So, I'm one step closer. They did say I has gastritis in the stomach and soem gastric erosion but whether that's causing all the symptoms I'm not sure.
So for now, I must be patient and wait and give the new medication a chance and see if that eases things. Today I haven't had much pain as I was starved for most of the day before the procedure and slept for a few hours when i got  home so who knows what's going on. I might ring his office next week and see if the ultrasound results are back although I may not get them over the phone.
Thank you again. I will update further in a few weeks time in case it is of any help to anybody else whatever the outcome. 😊