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Author Topic: Mirena and flooding  (Read 1475 times)


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Mirena and flooding
« on: May 12, 2022, 05:43:45 PM »

I am hoping for advice and support.
I came off the pill during the pandemic and  after 12 years of not a single period, they started and with a vengeance.  The bleeding time has increased to weeks rather than days and in November the gynae put the mirena in.
I was hopeful that this would work but when I went for my coil check they couldn't find the strings.  Back to the gynae - who said it was there but just short strings.  The next day I started to bleed.  Day 3 I flooded through my clothes.  Day 10 I flooded through my clothes  three times and was bleeding in some form for the whole of the month of Feb.
I spotted through March and April.   My blood tests revealed that I am now anaemic and I am taking iron supplements.
And then on Sunday, completely out of the blue, with no warning I started to flood.  I'm sorry if this is TMI but I am desparate for some support.  I passed 5 clots (large) in an hour, a further 3 the next hour and soaked through a night time towel.  I had some tranxamic (sp?) acid  and took it which stopped a trip to A & E.  It then went down to nothing until this afternoon Thurs  when it started up all over again,  large clots, it resembles a murder scene.
The doctor is referring me back to gynae, I have to have further blood tests tomorrow (check my iron etc) but I am really struggling to cope.  I can plan nothing because of it.  And I never expected   that "with" the coil that the flooding and clots (that I really didn't have before) would be  so bad.  I am  heading towards month 6 with the mirena. 
The GP won't give me  the pill because of weight/blood pressure etc to see if that combined with the mirena will work.  They have however, sent a prescription to the chemist for norethisterone.  The other doc in the practice doesn't want me to take it because it might make me bleed more (I am not sure that is even possible).
Has anyone else experienced this - I've just turned 54.


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Re: Mirena and flooding
« Reply #1 on: May 12, 2022, 06:33:16 PM »

Sounds horrific, how awful.
Can’t you have the Mirena out and go back on the pill?

No words of wisdom I’m afraid.
Could anything be causing the bleed? Fibroid? Polyps? Cysts?

That’s put me off having a coil now. Meant to be having one fitted soon, for post menopause bleeding.  :-\
« Last Edit: May 12, 2022, 08:17:40 PM by Nas »


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Re: Mirena and flooding
« Reply #2 on: May 12, 2022, 07:33:36 PM »

Thank you for reaching out.

There’s no fibroids or cysts. They wouldn’t put me back on the pill because my blood pressure rockets any time someone with a white coat comes near me!

The gynae wanted me to try the Mirena option before we get to step 2 (ablation) and then step 3 (hysterectomy).

I am sure there’s something going on with my hormones but they will not test them.

Denise Didi

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Re: Mirena and flooding
« Reply #3 on: May 12, 2022, 08:33:17 PM »

Hi there I seem to remember my first months on mirena were awful and bled for 14 days at one point had a few day off and bled again, I took iron tablets too. But it did settle down and I have no problem with it now, had it for about 3 years


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Re: Mirena and flooding
« Reply #4 on: May 12, 2022, 08:42:24 PM »

Things may settle down for you yet, but this current bleeding is not sustainable, it will make you ill!

I would be pushing for an ablation if I were in your shoes.
That should fix the bleeding.

Seems the jury is still out on the mirena, it can be great or awful.



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Re: Mirena and flooding
« Reply #5 on: May 12, 2022, 09:20:18 PM »

Oh you poor thing this just must be awful. Such severe bleeding must be making you totally run down. I hope you get an ablation soon to relive your symptoms. The Mirena does seem to be a bit hit and miss sometimes. I would have thought that by this time it would be doing its job.  Keep up with the iron tablets. If you find the tablets hard to take I can also recommend Floradix. I used to take the stuff by the bucketload when I had constant endometriosis bleeding. Mixed with fruit juice it’s reasonably palatable.