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Menopause Matters magazine ISSUE 76 out now. (Summer issue, June 2024)


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Author Topic: Bit of a strange one.  (Read 2461 times)


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Re: Bit of a strange one.
« Reply #15 on: May 09, 2022, 10:21:18 AM »

Marchlove, It is so hard for me to figure out which issue is causing this! I think it’s more like it’s oestrogen because it’s at the time of the month when it’s lowest. My doctor and I are considering adding a little more oestrogen at that time but waiting a few months to see if it settles or not- also my heart palpitations. I’ve had a recent thyroid test of just free T4 which is too high so I lowered my meds and it’s still happening so I’ll test thyroid full panel this week just to check again so I can have more info at my next meno appointment. It’s a very common menopause symptom and I agree, the stuff they give you to lower stomach acid makes the problem so much worse and is the opposite of what needs to happen.


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Re: Bit of a strange one.
« Reply #16 on: May 09, 2022, 05:10:06 PM »

Yes very hard for you to figure out, it amazes me how people in peri do it as it’s bad enough post for some.
Good idea to do full thyroid again to check how it’s going.

Yes the omeprazole thing is amazing, the cynic in me makes me wonder if it’s all about profits for the pharmaceutical companies as apple cider vinegar and the like can’t be patented!

The damage caused taking it long term just isn’t told and folk are completely unaware that without sufficient stomach acid you do not digest your food properly and you end up with mineral and vitamin deficiencies, especially magnesium and b12. That is actually mentioned on the enclosed product information but no one is told it should only be taken short term.

Anyway found this link regarding side effects, the list is very long!




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Re: Bit of a strange one.
« Reply #17 on: May 10, 2022, 12:45:46 PM »

If you read the side effects written in the leaflets on medicines and a condition causes potential damage that could be life limiting some people won’t have a choice but to take the medicine.
As Dr Whitty said at one of his many Covid press conferences, if we read the leaflets we would never take the medicine.

Some of us have no choice, we have to take the meds that make our life bearable.  I am a total fan of modern medicine, I rely on it and I thank the scientists every day for their amazing research work.

What I despair of is the people who take their statins, diabetic meds but continue with their old lifestyle that caused their condition in the first place, when you get diagnosed with an illness you have to change your old life style.



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Re: Bit of a strange one.
« Reply #18 on: May 10, 2022, 01:20:11 PM »

They don’t write the leaflets just for the fun of it Gracie, it’s based on trial results and long term use reporting. I should think the manufactures would much rather not put side effects in their leaflets but I for one am glad they do.
All drugs cause side effects, including hrt, and it is up to the individual to research, way up the risks and then make an informed decision.

PPI’s are a short term fix and do not treat the cause of acid reflux. No one has ever claimed they do. X


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Re: Bit of a strange one.
« Reply #19 on: May 10, 2022, 01:54:27 PM »

Unfortunately PPI’s can be long term and even for life for some patients.  People shouldn’t be put off by not taking them because of any side effects, they are an essential drug for those it has been prescribed for.


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Re: Bit of a strange one.
« Reply #20 on: May 10, 2022, 03:56:40 PM »

That depends on the side effects! People here have worse GERD in the end from then so long term use is known to make the actual GERD worse for a lot of people. There are other options.

This from NHS
Long term use of PPIs has been linked to serious adverse effects such as:
o Clostridium difficile infection
o Increased risk of bone fractures
o Increased mortality in older patients
o Acute interstitial nephritis
o Hypomagnesaemia
o Vitamin B12 deficiency
o Rebound acid hypersecretion syndrome o Community acquired pneumonia
o Hyponatraemia
 PPIs should be initiated ONLY where clearly indicated and for the shortest duration that is appropriate, in order to minimise adverse effects.2 By stopping or reducing treatment when appropriate, the risk of serious adverse effects will be reduced.


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Re: Bit of a strange one.
« Reply #21 on: May 10, 2022, 04:49:49 PM »

Absolutely ATB!

Acid reflux mainly caused by hiatus hernia, inappropriate diet and as a result of medications.

My DH developed bad acid reflux from a blood pressure medication. GP wouldn’t have it, so we gave him research, he reluctantly agreed to change the medication and within a few days it was gone and has not returned in a year.

If you discover the cause in most cases it can be fixed. x


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Re: Bit of a strange one.
« Reply #22 on: May 10, 2022, 06:40:01 PM »

Acid reflux and other stomach events can happen out of the blue with the ageing process, even after having a lifetime of healthy eating.

For those people who have no choice but to be on PPI’s long term I would advise taking supplements to counteract any possible side effects. Vitamins B12, Vitamin D and Calcium are some of the supplements suggested whilst taking this type of medication.


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Re: Bit of a strange one.
« Reply #23 on: May 10, 2022, 08:06:44 PM »

Ah Gracie, it’s nice to see you acknowledge that mineral and vitamin deficiencies can occur from taking PPI’s.
I am surprised but delighted that you have this information as to what supplements to take,  so readily to hand. Especially as you said earlier that it was unnecessary to read side effects leaflets given with medications because if we did nobody would take them.


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Re: Bit of a strange one.
« Reply #24 on: May 10, 2022, 08:23:39 PM »

Oh, but you forgot one- magnesium.
Probably more, so if you know of any Gracie, please let us know.


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Re: Bit of a strange one.
« Reply #25 on: May 11, 2022, 11:54:25 AM »

You do have a way of twisting and taking out of context my words to suit your own agenda don’t you!
Your last comments are nothing short of vindictive and nasty but I will now exit the forum and leave you to no doubt harass others who might have a differing point of view to your own.



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Re: Bit of a strange one.
« Reply #26 on: May 11, 2022, 12:09:16 PM »

 :( Oh that’s a shame Gracie. I don’t think anyone wanted you to leave, Marchlove was simply sharing an opinion I don’t see a nasty intent. It’s just that official recommendation is NOT to use long term and so many have worse GERD from them that finding an alternative is a really good idea!
The thing about not reading the inserts, good old Chris Witty! is that while it’s true they do have to warn us about side effects that can be minor and not as big an issue as the one medication is for, if you do have side effects it’s good to know that they are caused by the drug you’re taking so that you can find a different solution or factor them in, as in the case of supplements.

Sometimes it’s hard to read tone and intent when someone writes instead of a face to face chat, I try and bear that in mind on a forum. Marchlove is always so helpful to me!


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Re: Bit of a strange one.
« Reply #27 on: May 11, 2022, 12:28:14 PM »

I am sorry Gracie, my only excuse is that I was feeling so irritable last night (hormones) and was frustrated that you would not acknowledge initially that these side effects are real.

That is no excuse though and I apologise unreservedly for my attitude. I do hope you read this somehow and come back to the forum.  x


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Re: Bit of a strange one.
« Reply #28 on: May 12, 2022, 08:33:37 AM »

You did nothing wrong, her last comment was much worse than anything you said xx
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