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Author Topic: Changing from Lenzetto to Evorel 50 any help or advice appreciated  (Read 2036 times)


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Re: Changing from Lenzetto to Evorel 50 any help or advice appreciated
« Reply #15 on: May 13, 2022, 05:51:39 PM »

Floradora - thanks so much for your post.  Yes the anxiety is really horrible and hard to deal with at times.  I am on day 5 of Evorel now and have noticed an improvement today.  Really interesting what you say about blood sugar and anxiety in the mornings.  Makes total sense as I only eat a very small supper at around 6pm then nothing till the next day due to reflux problems so have to go to bed with an empty stomach but might try a light snack in the evening and apple juice sounds a great plan first things.  Thanks so much for the suggestion.  How are you doing? xxxx


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Re: Changing from Lenzetto to Evorel 50 any help or advice appreciated
« Reply #16 on: May 13, 2022, 07:51:35 PM »

That’s a long time to go without anything to eat Pippa. Def I would try just having even a small snack before bed and even just a plain biscuit first thing before you get up and about. I would be shaking and heart palpitations if I went without anything for that long. It might really help you feel better in the mornings. I’m doing ok thank you. Getting settled on 3/4 of the Evorel patch at the moment. Will slowly lessen the amount I cut off over the next couple of weeks to hopefully get up to the full 50 x


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Re: Changing from Lenzetto to Evorel 50 any help or advice appreciated
« Reply #17 on: May 15, 2022, 05:47:30 PM »

Hi Floradora, yes you are right it is a long time and thanks so much for mentioning it.  Will definitely try a small snack later this evening plus some apple juice in the morning.  Having done some calculations I think actually the patch is a lower dose of estradiol than I was on for many years. (I was on just under 3 pumps of Oestrogel for over 25 years) and may explain more why I never seemed to be able to get the Lenzetto dosage right (almost impossible even with taping off the applicator)  That may explain the grotty anxiety and headaches and hot flashes etc. I am still having.  I notice you are also cutting up your patches to slowly increase to get to the right dose so I may do that in the future too - just want to give it at least a month to see if things level out. 1 week today since starting the patches. Still much preferring the patch administration method just now the trickiest bit of the lot i.e. getting the right dose - minefield is an understatement. Hope so much your slow dose increasing is working well for you and that you  are starting to feel better xx


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Re: Changing from Lenzetto to Evorel 50 any help or advice appreciated
« Reply #18 on: May 15, 2022, 07:01:01 PM »

Hello Pippa52

Your post really resonated with me because I have all the symptoms that you have described.  I am 65  and moved to Sandrena after trying Oestrogel. To put the tin lid on it I also had a flush earlier today! Your experiences have convinced me to increase my gel until I can see my doctor next month to discuss other options.

I have always needed to eat a small supper just before bed and I have found that a very small amount of cereal mixed with a plant milk helps to satisfy me and doesn't cause any digestive problems.

Take care and keep us updated.




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Re: Changing from Lenzetto to Evorel 50 any help or advice appreciated
« Reply #19 on: May 15, 2022, 07:01:42 PM »

Hi Pippa yes 3 pumps of estrogel would be a higher dose, more than the 50 patch. Although I think it’s so variable really, it depends on how much you actually manage to absorb I think rather than the actual dose sometimes.  Hopefully you will find that you absorb well from the patch and that it keeps the levels steady. I’m quite pleased with the patch so far. Even after just a week I’m finding that it must be giving me a stable dose as I’m not aware of any fluctuations. I’m due to change it tomorrow so I think will just cut a tiny bit less off and see how I get on. Enjoy your snacks and sleep well! X


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Re: Changing from Lenzetto to Evorel 50 any help or advice appreciated
« Reply #20 on: May 16, 2022, 08:41:56 AM »'s such a total minefield getting the dose right it really is. I had this problem big time with Lenzetto which is why I am glad my GP swopped me onto patches (Lenzetto was unavailable) as I think they will be better for me personally.  As Floradora rightly says in her post people respond differently to different products and it seems to be all about which one each person absorbs the best.  I get to the point sometimes when I despair of ever getting the right dose but I feel sure it will even out eventually.  My daughter in law (she is a vet so quite medical) who is also on the patches told me too  that it takes several months to even out on a new product and dose so I will persevere.  I do hope increasing your dose works for you - keep in touch and fingers crossed you feel better very soon. xx


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Re: Changing from Lenzetto to Evorel 50 any help or advice appreciated
« Reply #21 on: May 16, 2022, 08:46:09 AM »

Floradora - so so pleased that you are doing well on the patches that is great news.  I am totally sure you are right in that it is the amount we absorb best from the product that suits us best is what makes the difference and probably not so much the actual dosage..  I wasn't absorbing Oestrogel hardly at all apparently (blood test levels were 98 and I felt really awful) on 3 pumps and for me personally I think a consistent level like the patches provide will be a better option. Horses for courses as the saying goes. Snacking started btw :)  Hope so much you continue to do well on the patches.  We will all get there!! :) xx
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