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Author Topic: Hit the HRT wall?  (Read 920 times)


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Hit the HRT wall?
« on: May 05, 2022, 07:16:28 PM »

Can anyone relate? I feel I’ve suddenly fallen off a cliff or hit the HRT wall. I’ve been on HRT since 50 and felt pretty good on it. In the last few months (53 now)  I wasn’t feeling so good and felt more emotional and as if something had changed. I had a review and after testing my HRT was changed (I’m getting it privately so DHEA caps and bio identical hormone cream, I have a mirena too). My test results show my natural hormones are in the low range so my new HRT prescription is stronger to replace rather than top up my own hormones but tbh I’m not feeling much benefit on it. I feel flat, low, detached, weepy, no motivation or energy, dragging myself through the day, not so much physical symptoms but feeling hugely rubbish mood wise and so it impacts everything.  Why have I fallen off a cliff suddenly? It’s possible I have thyroid issues. My TSH results were in the normal range but I have lots of symptoms that could be under active thyroid too. Do I need anti depressants or testosterone? I just don’t feel like myself all of a sudden and am struggling with lots of symptoms.


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Re: Hit the HRT wall?
« Reply #1 on: May 05, 2022, 09:40:47 PM »

So sorry your feeling rubbish.
How long since your hrt change and the Minerva being fitted?  It can take quite a few moths to settle on the
Search this site for Minerva threads, some love it immediately, some it takes a few months and a some don’t settle with it.
Email you specialist and tell them how you feel and ask them for advice.
If you’re still early in this regime you need reassurance from them that this is all going to settle. Or when you should decide to change course.
Keep talking, tell you family what is going on, this is important. This is not unusual in the menopause journey so don’t despair, you’ll get there.
Well done for sharing xx


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Re: Hit the HRT wall?
« Reply #2 on: May 11, 2022, 01:52:29 PM »

Thanks, mirena’s been in a few years so not that. Been on HRT since 50 and was doing ok. I hit ‘the wall’ at 53. I could feel something changing and my test results confirmed it as all my hormones were low. I’ve e mailed the consultant so hopefully she’ll help me plan my next steps. It just feels so hard to take control when you’re feeling low, anxious and rubbish. It’s easier to let it slide than be proactive which was never like me. It’s so good to be able to share on here. Thank you for replying.


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Re: Hit the HRT wall?
« Reply #3 on: May 11, 2022, 02:47:43 PM »

Hello Fizwhizz and welcome to the forum.

I am sorry that you are feeling so rubbish and that your HRT is no longer working. Many ladies have posted with similar experiences and report that their HRT has suddenly stopped working or that a change of prescription or even a COVID infection has caused their meno symptoms to return. Hopefully other ladies will be along soon to help you and it will be interesting to see what your consultant advises.

Wishing you well and sending hugs.



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Re: Hit the HRT wall?
« Reply #4 on: May 12, 2022, 09:00:18 AM »

Hi Fizzwizz


Sorry to hear about your hRT woes

As you blood tests have confirmed - your oestrogen levels are low and I guess, as you are taking bio-identical creams, that you are seeing a private specialist not endorsed by the British Menopause Society.

In your position as you feel unwell still, I would urge you to see a recognised specialist and get the tested and tried treatments that you need to make you feel better: try here:

Also depending on how long your mirena has been in, it might need changing - strictly speaking as part of HRT 4 years is the licesned time but some docs say up to 5 years is OK.

I would attend to this first before looking at other things like testosterone. Re thyroid - a proper test should look at more than just TSH - so T3, T4 and antibodies, to test for Hashimotos, the most common form of underactive thyroid in middle-aged women (I know very little about thyroid). If you hhve the main symptoms - feeling unnaturally cold when others aren't, weight gain, and unusual fatigue - then this could mean a thyroid problem.

You don't need anti-depressants for a hormone problem!

Hope this helps and good luck  :)

Hurdity x



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Re: Hit the HRT wall?
« Reply #5 on: May 13, 2022, 03:12:46 PM »

Thank you. My meno GP is registered with BMS so that’s not a concern. It’s just weird that for 3 years (peri I’m assuming) I was good on HRT then ‘wham’ I did literally hit a wall. My recent testing confirmed my natural levels of everything are in the low range and balanced but I’m feeling rubbish. Lethargy, can’t be bothered ness, poor concentration are plaguing me the most. My meno GP has just upped my HRT to see if that helps maximise the treatment better. I guess it’s trial and error to find the right level and am aware other things could be happening too. It’s really hard to find the motivation to do the self care, exercise, eating etc too when I feel like this. I’ve done lots of reading on here though and remain hopeful things can be improved.