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Author Topic: Feeling on edge, tremor with patch  (Read 3369 times)


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Feeling on edge, tremor with patch
« on: May 03, 2022, 05:41:33 AM »

Hi all

Just to ask i havent been out since Friday again and since Saturday I've noticed I'm more on edge, my hands have a tremor in them and gave been quite spacey.
I did, as you all know play about with my patch dose going from 100 to 150 then down again.
Do you think I'm not matched with everol?, or is it the up and down from dose change?
I looked back in my journal and this tremor jittery feel thing only came on Saturday....last Wednesday I went out had a drink in the sun etc....had some lip filler Thursday was fine in the room chatting with the lady etc...all fine in the car on way back and in the flat x


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Re: Feeling on edge, tremor with patch
« Reply #1 on: May 03, 2022, 07:19:28 AM »

Was that an alcoholic drink Vicky ? as that can give you tremors if you are on Sertraline.


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Re: Feeling on edge, tremor with patch
« Reply #2 on: May 03, 2022, 07:26:58 AM »

Hi Vicky
When you say you haven’t been out since Friday again,  is this because you feel unwell? Or because you have had no plans. I ask as if you are feeling that your stuck at home with nothing to do it can cause anxiety which can manifest in hundreds of physical symptoms.
I know how awful it can be and sending you hugs


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Re: Feeling on edge, tremor with patch
« Reply #3 on: May 03, 2022, 07:42:47 AM »

Hi, no i havent drunk alcohol since last august.

Its deffo not the sertraline as i have been on this since January with no side effects at all.

I dont go out due to anxiety...because of peri.


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Re: Feeling on edge, tremor with patch
« Reply #4 on: May 03, 2022, 07:46:31 AM »

I am phoning clinic at 9 from work...i feel so jittery, and i am panicking now incase this stays with me! what a fool i was messing with the dose....i just dont know what to do now!!!

I also have a detailed blood test at 11 with Medichecks so i will see what happens from that too


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Re: Feeling on edge, tremor with patch
« Reply #5 on: May 03, 2022, 08:18:41 AM »

Do i just spoke to private clinic, explained everything. Dr Savvas adamant its not the upping and downing of patch....i am really frustrated as i have never had these symptoms since doing this!

I didnt feel listened to at all. He said it could be days i work in Broadmoor and i know when i feel "off" ...never had these physical shakes before....hand tremors, head lifting etc.

Another lady on here messaged me saying she had the same symptoms as me and it settled.

I just feel annoyed at myself, and also at the clinic that they couldn't tell me the solution, not even a "dont worry this will settle"


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Re: Feeling on edge, tremor with patch
« Reply #6 on: May 03, 2022, 09:55:23 AM »

If it’s any help, when I have bad anxiety I certainly have shaking hands, feel lightheaded, upset stomach, all sorts of physical symptoms. It can manifest itself in so many ways. So maybe it is your anxiety getting worse?


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Re: Feeling on edge, tremor with patch
« Reply #7 on: May 03, 2022, 10:39:17 AM »

Hi Vanilla - no i dont think its that, i have been not this bad since upping and downing the patch dose. Even my colleagues this morning agreed never had tremors...or the spacey feel, even on the gel - none of these symptoms, i also extremely tired....again  this wasnt the case in the past.

Spoke to my Clinical Ward Manager here she said absolutely no way it is the Sertraline. Because i would have had all those symptoms at the start (been on them since Jan)

Anyway, i have booked a second opinion at Dr Panay Clinic on Thursday at 2.30pm. See what they make of it as Dr Savvas wasnt help at all. There have been ladies here private messaged me saying that this happened to them, but he wouldn't have it!!! If he had just said "yes its because you did that and it will subside" i would be content with that....not go down the route of psychological as if im imagining it. I told him i know my own body.


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Re: Feeling on edge, tremor with patch
« Reply #8 on: May 03, 2022, 10:48:36 AM »

Your doctor is a member of the BMS and helped write their guidelines on HRT. Why consult with him and then go to colleagues at a psychiatric unit and favour their advice? They’re not your doctors, they aren’t specialists in menopause like he is. You should listen to him as he knows your situation more then them. He’s paid to help you. Tremors are a known symptom of perimenopause and menopause and a known symptom of anxiety. They can happen with low or lower estrogen and as you are in the luteal phase and have changed your dose up and down so dramatically, it may be partly that. You won’t know because it’s only been a few weeks. I would in your position be having weekly therapy, not with anyone at your work, while you wait it out on the evorel. Remember it can take 3 months to settle.


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Re: Feeling on edge, tremor with patch
« Reply #9 on: May 03, 2022, 11:15:43 AM »

Hi Vicky,
Keep writing the symptom diary. I know it’s tough but you’re doing better than you think. You are sleeping well and doing a full time job. The anger seems to be a bit better too.
I would cut out all processed foods, drink plenty of water and do short bursts of exercise when the anxiety hits hard. I don’t mean a mandatory run every morning, find something online that lasts ten mins and can be done anywhere without your gym kit on. Also look at Headspace or Insight app for breathing techniques that lower the anxiety within 2 mins. They do work but we have to really commit to doing them.
Just keep putting one foot in front of the other, getting rest, keeping work structure and believe in yourself. This is not forever. :)


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Re: Feeling on edge, tremor with patch
« Reply #10 on: May 03, 2022, 12:10:33 PM »

ATB - My colleagues are very experienced in mental health and highly respected, the advice was about sertraline not the patches so im a happy to take their professional opinions. For a "professional Gynae" to say these symptoms are not caused by the upping and downing seems ridiculous as i know my own body.

VictoriaV - thanks hun, yes i will keep going, keep o the 100mg patch for now and hope it settles. Like i say, i have a lady calling me on Thursday from Panay's clinic at 2.30 so that i can explain my current symptoms. x


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Re: Feeling on edge, tremor with patch
« Reply #11 on: May 03, 2022, 12:31:54 PM »

That’s the problem with Peri, I knew my body cycle until hitting peri and then the peri fluctuations took over. I think it takes a while for HRT to get into our cells and for our brain to adjust to it/ accept it/ rely on it. I don’t think my fluctuations calmed until about 4 months into HRT, most of the first 4 months I felt high but that was far better than anxiety.


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Re: Feeling on edge, tremor with patch
« Reply #12 on: May 03, 2022, 12:38:25 PM »

Well it’s totally up to you who you listen to. He’s telling you this for a reason. He sees thousands of women and understands better than anyone here what would happen, perhaps he thinks you weren’t on the higher dose long enough for it to affect you this much? Your colleagues don’t know what might happen with combining the medications for anxiety/depression & HRT, but your specialist will, he’s also aware of more of your case history. We do know our bodies, but as you keep asking questions daily maybe you don’t understand enough about menopause and HRT? That’s why you see him, right? If you’re carrying on with the patch as advised, then that’s what he wants you to do isn’t it? Perhaps it would still help you to listen to what he says about it being psychological and seeking extra help, outside of work, for that. You are testing a lot and seeking a lot of advice, you may want to pause and think if doing that is helping you or just confusing you.


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Re: Feeling on edge, tremor with patch
« Reply #13 on: May 03, 2022, 12:58:02 PM »

Hi i understand that, but he wouldnt listen to me on the phone really, thats why i was annoyed. You dont just get sudden symptoms out of nowhere. But anyway i shall be asking Panay on Thursday, and i asked if sertraline interfered at all with HRT and Dr Savvas told me that it doesnt.


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Re: Feeling on edge, tremor with patch
« Reply #14 on: May 03, 2022, 01:00:04 PM »

ATB, I don't think it is helpful talking to Vicky like she is a naughty school girl that needs to be told off! I totally agree with Vicky that these tremors could be caused by fluctuations in hormones and I don't blame her for asking for a second opinion.
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