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Author Topic: Transvaginal scan info  (Read 1248 times)


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Transvaginal scan info
« on: May 01, 2022, 07:20:09 PM »

Hi , has anyone had a transvaginal scan  ?
I will have one as constant bleeding on hrt beyond the 6 months .
I was wondering do u get given and discuss the results of thickness etc there and then after the scan?
Mine is in the ultrasound department in a London hospital.
Also has the professional who might give the results in charge of then according to results , change hrt ( ex increase progesterone or change type) or they just send the results to your Gp who then will reassess?


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Re: Transvaginal scan info
« Reply #1 on: May 01, 2022, 07:42:33 PM »

I’ve had a few TVs scans. due to PMB.
My experience is that when gynae did the scan, they talked me through the thickness of the lining etc. But when it was done at the ultra sound dept, no results, just scan and go!

Mine resulted in 2 hysteroscopies, which were fine.
I’m now waiting for an appointment for a Mirena coil as my bleeding just won’t settle on utrogestan and I can’t tolerate 200mg each night.

IF Mirena is a disaster, will try cyclical utrogestan. 

You have progesterone options. Some control bleeding better than others.
For me, I need to be on the 75 patch to feel well, but utrogestan doesn’t work for me on that dose.

Good luck. Bleeding is a right headache.
« Last Edit: May 01, 2022, 07:44:49 PM by Nas »


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Re: Transvaginal scan info
« Reply #2 on: May 01, 2022, 08:06:02 PM »

Thank you Nas ,
Yes constant bleeding is making this a very tough journey..
Thanks for the info, the thing is that my Gp says she’s not allowed to prescribe more utrogestan ( i would be keen to see if bleeding settles) or prescribe Provera ( thought i would try that ) and at the moment has advised me to keep the current conti regime consisting of 3 oestrogel pumps and utrogestan nightly for another 3 months .
So this scan is just worrying me but potentially will not provide my Gp with the  guidance to up my utrogestan or try provera.
She didn’t suggest the Mirena as i have gad a copper coil since the birth of my daughter for contraception.
I hope it works for you , have heard good and bad about it .
May i ask what were the symptoms  you experienced when taking 200 mg of utrogestan nightly?
Did that settle the bleeding?
Thanks for your advice


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Re: Transvaginal scan info
« Reply #3 on: May 01, 2022, 08:35:41 PM »

Yes the bleeding is a real nuisance. Are you bleeding erratically or once monthly? Either way, you could try the utrogestan cyclically instead?

Your gp is unlikely to prescribe 200mg nightly. For that you would need a referral to a menopause clinic. Can’t see why she won’t trial you on provera? Utrogestan isn’t great  for bleeding control apparently and provera may do a better job. If you look on the Bms website, the options are stated clearly and provera and norethistone both feature. 

I felt tired all day on 200 utrogestan. I didn’t last more than a week, just too fatigued by it.

The gynaecologist unfortunately is unlikely to suggest a different progesterone. It’s very frustrating indeed. You may need to see a different gp or ask for a referral.
« Last Edit: May 01, 2022, 08:39:14 PM by Nas »


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Re: Transvaginal scan info
« Reply #4 on: May 02, 2022, 11:35:29 AM »

Hi Nas ,
Thanks for your reply.
I am bleeding every 2 , 2 and a half weeks with cramps and all other  pms symptoms.
My Gp view is that provera is linked to higher risk of breast cancer ( although no family history) so she will not prescribe.
I have asked a referral to the meno clinic and will be waiting months for it .
Yes the Bms info is very clear so Gp should be comfortable following it , but she’s not . She’s extremely cautious with prescribing, i had to “argue” to have one more pump of oestrogel although my level was 216 !
Unfortunately she’s the only Dr in my practice to prescribe hrt and have a basic knowledge so for me now it’s a waiting game as can’t force her to prescribe me more utrogestan or provera .
Take care


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Re: Transvaginal scan info
« Reply #5 on: May 02, 2022, 12:56:03 PM »

How terribly frustrating. This is where women are being let down badly i think.

I’m pretty much in the same boat, in that my bleeding is roughly every 3 weeks with all the pmt/cramps. I need the 75 patch, but utrogestan doesn’t work for me either, so going down the coil route now.

Can you afford to go private?

Maybe print off he BMS guidelines to show your GP re provera?

Menopause is very high profile right now and patients have choices.
To be to told “ no” because of this risk and that risk, is unacceptable.

If we read every patient leaflet for every medication that existed, no one would ever take anything!

Are you certain you are post menopausal?

I would give the cyclical regime a go. In going to do it this month, while I wait for coil.

The bleeds could settle down, but then again they may not.
Mine didn’t unfortunately and I have what appear to be periods each month now.. regardless of what I take. It’s the downside of HRT sadly.

« Last Edit: May 02, 2022, 01:04:51 PM by Nas »


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Re: Transvaginal scan info
« Reply #6 on: May 02, 2022, 01:19:57 PM »

Hi sfifties

I've had several TV scans - NHS ones always carried out by sonographer who writes a report and sends to referring doc who will then decide what action if any to take. However I've always asked the sonographer what the thickness is and if she can see any abnormaliities - informally, before she sends it off to the GP. Also I can access all my records online - I think most practices have this facility now so you should be able to see what the report says eventually?

I've also had a couple of private scans and these have been carried out medical practitioner who write the report straight after giving the scan - but in that case one would need to take along to your NHS doc to decide on further action.

My advice - ask what the thickness is etc at the actual scan so at least you will know....

After you've had the scan and in any case if bleeding persists you could have an e-mail consultation with Dr Currie at a cost of £30 (look under "contact" on menu) andf then depending what she says then take this to your GP. You will need to give a summary of the relevant information and ask one question.

Hope this helps

Hurdity x


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Re: Transvaginal scan info
« Reply #7 on: May 02, 2022, 01:20:43 PM »

Will give this conti 3 more months and then try the cyclical regime a go .
I am hoping than maybe bleeding will settle now i am in my 7th month ( i am disillusioned?) and i am scared that changing to cyclical will cause even more havoc in my body and since i would start a new regime i would then expect bleeds all over the place for another 6 months !
I have read that some bleeding can be expected up to 12 months so don’t want to rush before i am sure that the  conti option on 1 utrogestan is not working long term .
I would prefer not to have periods since I didn’t have one for ages before hrt but can put up with one a month , at the moment i am getting at least two!
And these bleeds , cramps and everything that comes with it are unsustainable for much longer , both physically and mentally.
My Gp thought i was postmeno looking at my pre hrt blood test levels and the fact that i had not had periods for almost a year and very light and erratic prior to that, when i went to her she said that i had already gone through the  menopause and advised on conti ( i know understand how unreliable everything is leading to it).
I look forward to reading how will you be doing with the mirena .
Take care


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Re: Transvaginal scan info
« Reply #8 on: May 02, 2022, 01:25:30 PM »

Thanks Hurdity ,
Yes i will ask there and then and then arrange a Gp call to discuss finding .
I did use Dr Currie once and it could prove to be the “push “ and advice my Gp needs rather than waiting for the  menopause appointment that will prompt her to change my hrt , as that will take months.


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Re: Transvaginal scan info
« Reply #9 on: May 02, 2022, 01:42:37 PM »

I know the bleeds are unsustainable, I really feel for you.
The problem is, unless you give these things a go, you are never going to know what works.

Frankly I’m dreading the coil.
I’ve never taken hormones on my life until now and am petrified.

Somehow we must navigate our way through this minefield and reach the other side in one piece.

I echo what Hurdity has suggested re Dr Currie.

Good luck.