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Author Topic: Bleeding after 6 months  (Read 1151 times)


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Bleeding after 6 months
« on: April 29, 2022, 12:34:56 PM »

Hello ladies , and thanks for all your posts and knowledge.
I have been on 2 then 3 pumps of oestrogel and utrogestan vaginally nightly for a bit over 6 months now .
According to my Gp and fhs levels before starting hrt i had gone through menopause and she started me on a conti regime , i am 49 and had no period for 10-11 months by the time i started hrt and very light irregular before that .
During the 6 months i have been bleeding a lot usually every 2 weeks and these have been mostly proper bleeds like periods with the most painful cramps and all preceded by pms like symptoms.
I recently had my 6 months Gp review and after all i have read here i asked :
1 . Could i double up on utrogestan, so 2 at night to see if it help with the bleeding . gp said she’s not allowed to prescribe it.
2. I asked to switch to Provera , she said that it is linked to a higher risk of breast cancer and will not prescribe.
3. Lastly i asked if i should stop the conti regime and go on sequi as at least i would get 1 bleed a month and not all the time, she said i should keep using a conti regime for a few more months and reassess.
However when we spoke about going sequi she said that the way  it works is that say i count the 1st of the month as my day one ( as bleeds all over the place so no real idea of when to start ) then as expected take double dose of utrogestan on day15-26 and then she said to count day one again from day 27 and so on .
From reading here I thought that after day 26 u wait for a bleed and count the first day of bleed as day one again .
So a bit confused , can someone explain to me if there are various way of doing sequi and all ok ,as want to minimise the risk of more bleeding and mess things up.
Any advice on this ?


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Re: Bleeding after 6 months
« Reply #1 on: April 29, 2022, 07:53:37 PM »

Hi Sfifties

Thanks for your pm which I was just about to reply to but seen you have posted a similar question on the open forum so I will answer on here for the benefit of anyone else who might be interested as well.

First thing is - FSH levels are no indication of menopausal status. The fact that you had gone 10-11 months without a period does not necessarily mean you are post-menopausal. You might have been, but equally might not have been.

Bleeding is to be expected within the first 6 months of continuous combined HRT even if you are post-menopausal but if your cycle is also coming into play this could also lead to bleeding.

Some of the time during those 10-11 months without a period - your lining will have been thickening as eggs start to develop and produce oestrogen but as your ovarian function was declining, ovulation did not occur - this could mean the lining had built up during this time, so once you added more oestrogen in the form of HRT and then a progestogen - the bleeding could be the shedding of this lining.

So answering your Qs put to the GP

Question 1 - she is answering like an automaton - "computer says no"...if she thought about your situation and read the BMS guidelines she would realise that increasing progesterone is and always has been one method to deal with unscheduled bleeding on HRT.  Here is the relevant excerpt from the BMS guidelines:

BMS Tools for Clinicians

Scroll down to Progestogens and endometrial protection

"Unscheduled bleeding on HRT

Women who continue to have unscheduled bleeding beyond 4-6 months despite modifying their progestogen intake or where there is a concern about the clinical presentation or bleeding amount/ pattern should have a transvaginal ultrasound scan assessment of the endometrial cavity and an endometrial biopsy where appropriate. Consideration should also be given to assessment of the endometrial cavity by hysteroscopy where clinically indicated or in cases with persistent bleeding and an endometrial biopsy obtained to assess for and exclude endometrial pathology..."

"Progestogen intake could be modified as follows:

For cyclical HRT regimens, the dose of progestogen could be increased (e.g. micronised progesterone 300 mg for 12 days a month instead of 200 mg, or switch to a different progestogen) or increase duration of progestogen intake (can take progestogen for 14 days a month or for 21 days out of a 28- day HRT intake cycle).
For continuous combined HRT regimens, the dose of progestogen could be increased (e.g. increase micronised progesterone daily dose from 100 mg to 200 mg daily on continuous basis, or switch to a different progestogen), particularly when combined with higher dose estrogenic regimens"

There it is in black and white - yes you can increase the dose to 200 mg per day and see if this sorts out the bleeding (though she might want to check the health of your lining too?)

Q2 If Provera were dangerous it would not be able to be prescribed. It is the only tablet progestogen (aside from Utrogestan capsules) licensed for HRT. There may be small increased risk of breast cancer with some forms of hRT but the link is not proven and the absolute risk is very small. You may also be at increased risk of breast cancer if you are overweight and drink more than the recommended amount of alcohol. The data from different studies are often not comparable due to different timescales and combining together result from studes where women took different formulations of HRT. Unless you have an increased breast cancer risk either through past history, family or genetic risk, then she cannot refuse to prescribe this licensed drug on personal grounds, if this is what you would like to try.

Q3 - Fair enough - this is an option (her recommendation to conti with conti for a few months) - though I think in your position I would be tempted to try sequi for a few months to ensure any lining which had built up would be shed predictably rather than continue to come away sporadically over the next few months.

She is also wrong about counting the cycle. The default cycle is 28 days. Full stop. Can be varied yes. However she is proposing shortening this. Who knows why. If you are post-menopausal (or very late peri) then you just start counting Day 1 on any particular day. From Days 15-26 you take the utro (licensed dose of 200 mg per day). count Day 27 Day 28 then back to Day  1 and start counting again. The bleed will come when it comes. Some women adjust their Utro each month so they can start counting again day 1 when the bleed starts. Some specialists suggest taking the utrogestan monthly starting 1st of the month because it is easier to remember - which means each cycle will be a slightly different length and gives 12 cycles per year rather than 13 with a 28 day cycle. It may not work for women who are very early peri....

She is proposing a 26 day cycle which is shorter. It may work fine but most women would prefer to take progesterone as little as possible so would not welcome a cycle like this!

Hope this helps and all the best - keep us posted!

Hurdity x


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Re: Bleeding after 6 months
« Reply #2 on: April 30, 2022, 07:25:29 AM »

Dear Hurdity,
THANK YOU for taking the time to reply and in such a detailed way .
A scan is now been arranged .
Re double utrogestan :i will be forwarding the paragraph that explain clearly that doubling up utrogestan would be the next step if bleeding persists.
Re provera : there’s no breast cancer history in my family and I don’t drink and have an healthy bmi so the view on it is a personal one of my Gp but she seemed unmovable on it .
Lastly thanks for clarifying the sequi regime .
I have never had this type of scan , so i am not sure how it works, can the professional who gets the scan results then advise my Gp on what to prescribe according to the outcome?
Thanks again for your expertise.
« Last Edit: April 30, 2022, 07:27:14 AM by Sfifties »