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Author Topic: Another update...  (Read 3125 times)


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Another update...
« on: April 26, 2022, 07:40:25 AM »

Hi all,

Firstly, i wanted to thank you all for your kindness and support that you have shown me throughout all its new to me and not sure my arse from elbow with it all!

Anyway, i thought i's report that my consultant said that if i wanted to experiment with the patch, i could, if feeling worse, just peel it off and stay on 100mg/or lower.

Last night at 4.30pm i decided "what the hell" and put another patch on to make it 150mg.....i had NO night sweats at all last night and i can say today i am full of energy! My mood feels good, although anxiety is still present.

Not sure if anyone else had experienced this? I just hope this MG is my golden ticket xxx


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Re: Another update...
« Reply #1 on: April 26, 2022, 09:36:47 AM »

It concerns me how often and how quickly you are changing your dose and you’re now on such a high one. The true effects of that won’t be felt for weeks. I don’t know, you do what you think but honestly I am concerned with your approach and lack of patience. Especially combined with changing your ADs a lot too. Please be careful.


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Re: Another update...
« Reply #2 on: April 26, 2022, 09:53:20 AM »

Yes, I echo ATB's thoughts entirely. Frankly, I was horrified to read of another impatient increase so soon in tandem with such a high dose of ADs. It feels quite reckless? However, as ATB says, do what you think, but please do take care! I, along with others I imagine, am very concerned for you now. We write this way because we CARE!


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Re: Another update...
« Reply #3 on: April 26, 2022, 10:16:29 AM »

That’s a lot of oestrogen …are you taking any progesterone at all now? I know you had difficulty with the utrogestan. I echo what the others say. Much as I would love HRT to be magic dust and make everything better overnight, it simply doesn’t work like that. Change one HRT thing at a time, wait three months etc. You can address your mental health issues at the same time, but allowing at least six weeks between dose changes as it can take that long to see the full benefit. You can also address your mental health problems in the meantime by getting yourself on a CBT waiting list, NHS or privately, or accessing some of the free online CBT the NHS does to get your started. Sorry if I sound harsh! It’s just that you are being a little unrealistic in your expectations of HRT perhaps ?


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Re: Another update...
« Reply #4 on: April 26, 2022, 10:21:54 AM »

Yes, to reiterate, we come from a place of genuine concern. A lot of your previous posts concerned me too. I also find it hard to believe any doctor would approve you increasing like this, and also starting both ADs and HRT at the same time. I am very worried about you Vicky. I think you are making yourself so much worse and I really want you to get some professional help. I don’t believe, I’m afraid, that you do have a doctor monitoring all of this because it would be reckless for them to advise you the way they have. Completely against guidelines. Please be honest. Did you just increase this by yourself? You are going to suffer worse symptoms almost guaranteed.


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Re: Another update...
« Reply #5 on: April 26, 2022, 10:35:07 AM »

Hi all

Thanks for your messages and concern. Honestly i am fine. My AD has been upped at the rate it would normally be, for any patient. I am going to stay on the 150mg sertraline as this suits me best. I spoke to my GP on the phone this morning and said for me to carry on with Sertraline, and if the 150mg patch is making me feel better, then stick with this as some ladies need more. I will just wait and see.

As for the patch, yes he said i could indeed try it, if it didnt help too much or made me worse, then just stick to the 100mg. I am due to start Provera on 1st May as the Utragestan didnt agree with me at all.



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Re: Another update...
« Reply #6 on: April 26, 2022, 10:47:42 AM »

Slightly confused about which thing you’ve upped, both? But as I say, your choice. I’m still not convinced any doctor would increase your oestrogen again and I will say here that anyone new to HRT reading this, please don’t do the same. Have patience and wait 3 months before increasing and only working with your actual doctor.


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Re: Another update...
« Reply #7 on: April 26, 2022, 11:02:58 AM »


I have upped Sertraline 3 weeks ago and intend to stick on this dose.

The patch was 100, now i am trialling 150. If need be, i shall go back to 100 if i do not feel it is benefitting me. And yes the consultant dis say (when i asked) that i could try it and see, so here's to hoping it works out!



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Re: Another update...
« Reply #8 on: April 26, 2022, 11:05:20 AM »

Yes Vicky I concur with what others are saying, it all sounds so reckless.
It also isn’t sending good messages  to people new to hrt.
Too much estrogen can cause anxiety as well as too little, it’s a question of getting the balance right and it doesn’t happen in a day!
The more you chop and change the longer your body will not be able to adjust.


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Re: Another update...
« Reply #9 on: April 26, 2022, 11:10:00 AM »

Yes Marchlove, my concern now is sharing something so reckless and never recommended by anyone on a forum full of anxious women new to this. Honestly I think it’s super irresponsible. I know we are here to share but upping estrogen like this is so so dangerous and I don’t think it should be shared as if it’s actually something recommended. It isn’t. At all.

Please anyone new, DO NOT FOLLOW THIS! It’s dangerous.


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Re: Another update...
« Reply #10 on: April 26, 2022, 11:42:23 AM »

Didn't you just start 100 patch a couple of days ago, Vicky? And now 150? I'm trying to get my head round the changes as they seem to happen so fast?


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Re: Another update...
« Reply #11 on: April 26, 2022, 12:03:30 PM »

Postmeno started the new patch of estrogen 8 days ago by my maths based on another thread and also said after a day night sweats were going on that so I too cannot make out why on earth there’s a need for an increase. Also, a 100 patch has been prescribed, if you add another patch that’s 200. How did you get a 150 patch? If you just decide at 4.30 you’re going to increase it, you won’t be able to obtain the correct dosage straight away. None of this makes any sense.


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Re: Another update...
« Reply #12 on: April 26, 2022, 01:09:26 PM »

Hi Vicky81,

Firstly I want to send love and support to you as I know how much you have been struggling with your symptoms.

I think most of us on here understand how difficult this whole process is and finding the right balance of HRT is way more tricky than I ever imagined.

I have replied to you previously about how long any adjustments can take to settle in.  On at least two occasions on my 'journey' I have been at the end of my tether, desperate to find answers and have emailed Dr Currie.  I only reached out to her after waiting three months to see how my symptoms balanced out.  On both occasions within days/fortnight of emailing her, things seemed to slowly settle down for me without the need for any further adjustments to my regime.

I think we all understand how hard it is to grasp waiting three months when we are feeling so desperate for things to improve but I am glad I was given this particular piece of advice on here as it seems to be an accurate timescale to wait. 

Best of luck.

Ali x


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Re: Another update...
« Reply #13 on: April 26, 2022, 03:11:00 PM »

Thanks all,

But i dont feel reckless, i did what i was advised and i have felt better today. There have been numerous posts on Mums net too that i seen about something similar.

Anyhow, i will carry on and see how i get,

Alibeau - thank you for being so kind, and understanding x


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Re: Another update...
« Reply #14 on: April 26, 2022, 03:15:56 PM »

Wow Vicky, I am also worried for you I am afraid. You are on a 150 patch? Didnt you just start 100? Do you know how powerful hormones are?

I am baffled as to who is guiding you in all this? Why did you increase to 150 and how??

HRT isnt a quick fix to every symptom. Ive been on this journey 3 years, many ladies even longer. We all want to feel well asap, but it doesnt happen overnight.

Be careful, you are flooding your oestrogen receptors massively!
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