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Author Topic: Feel rough as hell  (Read 4114 times)


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Re: Feel rough as hell
« Reply #15 on: April 22, 2022, 04:11:35 PM »

It’s the crap that keeps on giving, this menopause.
Well last night, I added a spray of lenzetto and did the same this morning. I felt much better in myself, more focused, gained clarity, able to get on with my work and juggle different jobs ( i work in a school for SEN children).

It is clear that I am Oestrogen deficient on the femeston alone.
I’m not going to ‘accommodate’  as the specialist suggested, because I’m not prepared to go to the damm toilet 10 times a day to wee! I’m not doing it! Even the skin inside my nose is dried out, not to mention anywhere else!  :(

So, I will keep with the femeston and lenzetto until I run out. Then use up my sandrena with the femeston and then what ever I’ve got left in my box!

Don’t really want to go back to the patches, as I hate having something stuck to my bum. Will probably bleed soon, but who cares, I haven’t anything sinister and it’s all hormones kicking off  anyway.

Kathleen, I hope you enjoyed your lunch today and had a good few glasses of wine!!

Sazzle, I have been thinking of you. God what a nightmare. I hope you aren’t working right now. Didn’t the Estradot help you in the end?

How are you sweet? Is the additional Oestrogen from the patch helping you do you think ? Fingers crossed you start to pick up very soon! 🤞🤞

March, the journey is horrendous to say the least and never ending it seems!

Floo, those symptoms you describe are just like mine and I attribute them to low Oestrogen for sure. I also fear that this is going to be forever and can’t see a way out right now, other than chopping a changing regimes until something clicks.


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Re: Feel rough as hell
« Reply #16 on: April 22, 2022, 04:46:36 PM »

Hello again ladies.

Nas - I totally understand your strategy and the reasons for it. It's all very well for someone to tell you to 'accommodate' something but it isn't their life that's being disrupted and who knows if and when it will end.

I did enjoy my lunch today thank you and I shared a bottle of wine with my SIL. She is a few years older than me and took up running to help her deal with her menopause. She has never used HRT but she does like a drink and has consistently failed to give up nicotine lol. I don't have the same bad habits but sometimes I wish I did!

Back home now  and the jitters are back but they are a regular afternoon occurance anyway  so I can't blame the food or the wine. In about an hour or two I may feel calmer and by this evening I could be back to normal for the two hours before bed. Tomorrow morning will likely bring the jitters and tears again and so it goes on...

I am pleased that you have found a way to feel better for the time being at least. Hopefully a permanent solution will soon be found. This meno business would test the patience of a Saint.

Wishing you well.




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Re: Feel rough as hell
« Reply #17 on: April 22, 2022, 04:54:15 PM »

Thanks Sheila
I haven't got any long term mental health issues, this whole period has been an absolute nightmare.
I started not sleeping in March last year and by June was a complete wreck. GP prescribed my Sertraline for anxiety but couldnt tolerate it so switched to mirtzaphine just wish I could turn the clock back. This helped me sleep but I felt like a zombie, low mood and anxiety but completely blunted. Troubles started when I tried to stop it even after a relatively short time on 15mg, any reduction stared horrific side effects, I came of 4mg 2 weeks ago and have total insomnia, manic/psychosis I actually cannot believe what has happened to me.
I have reluctantly started Citalopram but only been on this for 9 days, feel really sick, shivering and honestly don't know whether to carry on or stop. People say the first 2/3 weeks are rough but depression/anxiety should start to go. I'm really not cut out for ADs it would seem but the start up and withdrawal are brutal. Have implant session booked for 21st May did want to be settled in terms of mood but I am absolutely wrecked.
What a mess


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Re: Feel rough as hell
« Reply #18 on: April 22, 2022, 06:42:00 PM »

Oh Sazzle.. what a nightmare for you lovely...
I can’t believe the gps have allowed this to happen to you.
Mirtazapine is brutal and not to be messed with I don’t think.
Are you off sick from work now? I hope so.

Really hope the implant is going to work for you Sazzle.. I take it Estradot didn’t work ? Xxxxx


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Re: Feel rough as hell
« Reply #19 on: April 22, 2022, 06:46:42 PM »

Glad you had a nice lunch Kathleen :)
Yes, I think the ms had a damm cheek telling me I would ‘ accommodate’ I bloody wont,  as my body has totally dried out I’ve discovered!

Don’t feel so good again and very tired. Maybe cos it’s Friday, maybe the job is wrong for me now, I don’t know. But I’m knackered.

Tomorrow the 75 patch is going on. I need to be rid of the bladder problem as I’m worn out and my life is dominated by
the toilet!!
Crikey what an existence  :-\
« Last Edit: April 22, 2022, 08:07:15 PM by Nas »


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Re: Feel rough as hell
« Reply #20 on: April 22, 2022, 08:00:39 PM »

Nas when I read your first reply re the lenzetto I perked up for you but I’m sorry you are not so good today and having all that bladder trouble etc etc whilst trying to work.  I think you’re right to go back to patch and then hopefully have head space to decide how to go fwd❤️
Thank you so much for thinking of me, I had a better day yesterday but horrible one today, sobbed and couldn’t even enjoy meeting up with a friend so has to come home.   All this scares me how do I get better?  I know I’m not low on Estrogen but since vaccine and recent covid it just isn’t working right😕 Is this just a matter of time?  Thinking of you ❤️❤️


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Re: Feel rough as hell
« Reply #21 on: April 22, 2022, 08:29:32 PM »

Oh sweet, how utterly frustrating. What happened when you met up with your friend? This should have been something nice for you.

I think it is still a matter of time. The only other option is to trial a different product to see if that helps? It’s not what you want to do i know, but nevertheless an option I guess?
I wish things would go back to how they were for you ❤️

I keep thinking things are going to improve on femeston but this week has been brutal. The bladder has worn me down! This weekend I need to formulate a plan of action to get through the next week!!



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Re: Feel rough as hell
« Reply #22 on: April 22, 2022, 08:48:04 PM »

Such a dilemma for us both!  That’s sounds right for you to reach a decision but totally get how hard that will be, I do so hope you get to a better place with hrt v soon🙏🏻
I’m not sure Nas what to do because the tablet was my magic bullet and my levels are really good so if I change, they could plummet!  The jab has affected receptors or something, it would appear the estrogen is there but just not working right.  Maybe covid has made things worse temporarily as I was making progress b4 it.  Terrified to change from tablet incase it makes things worse!
Thank you for your support Nas, I’m willing you to get better v soon xxx


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Re: Feel rough as hell
« Reply #23 on: April 23, 2022, 09:53:44 AM »

Hope you get better soon too sweet.. I really do  :)
Don’t change HRT, if it worked before, it can work again for you.
The receptors must react to the Oestrogen at some point soon, I’m sure!

I feel dreadful today. Got horrendous period pain ( probably from the lenzetto) I only applied 3 sprays over 2 days!  Head is pounding, heart racing.

Really and truly, I am in the bin, but trying hard to keep going at work and home. Existing rather than living. Just hell. I feel a hysterectomy might be the only option now.


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Re: Feel rough as hell
« Reply #24 on: April 23, 2022, 10:12:26 AM »

Nas, did you try the mirena?


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Re: Feel rough as hell
« Reply #25 on: April 23, 2022, 10:35:44 AM »

No Gnatty, just too scared of the mirena. Would be worried that it would make me feel worse and I don’t want  yet more weeks /months of settling time. Just can’t do it.
« Last Edit: April 23, 2022, 03:05:09 PM by Nas »


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Re: Feel rough as hell
« Reply #26 on: April 23, 2022, 10:55:21 AM »

Hi Nas,  mirena could also be your key?🤷‍♀️ It would be good perhaps to try that b4 a hysterectomy!  Can I ask why you are so afraid to try it?

Could you possibly have a bladder infection or something like that?  Are your vaginal potions not working?

My problem seems to be imbalance/fluctuations even though I’m 60 no ovaries and well post menopause, but it all kicked off few days after Pfizer.  I can feel good and then it flips, Iv taken extra little bit of patch off as I don’t think more is the answer.  I sleep well but when I waken my body is unsettled (this has lessoned as after jab it was horrendous) then I have to rest my legs, can feel v low or anxious or both and this can change/improve as day goes on, usually evenings are better when I feel human.

If any ladies have had similar since vaccine please let me know, I feel il never be right again and that’s scary xx


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Re: Feel rough as hell
« Reply #27 on: April 23, 2022, 11:58:30 AM »

Sweettooth do you take testosterone? I have no ovaries either - two/ three months ago I increased my dose from making one tube of testim last ten days to now lasting a week. It has been a gradual improvement but it's definitely there, and I would say the main benefit is that I feel more resilient, more able to cope with daily stresses etc.


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Re: Feel rough as hell
« Reply #28 on: April 23, 2022, 12:09:56 PM »

But Nas, surely it's worth a try before going down the hysterectomy route. It's such a massive upheaval to the body - and anyone who tells you it's just a six week recovery is lying!
Last June 15 is firmly etched on my brain! I am in a good place now but my goodness it's been a hellish journey.


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Re: Feel rough as hell
« Reply #29 on: April 23, 2022, 02:24:53 PM »

Yep Gnatty, you have a point.
You see, I thought I was post menopausal as no period for 27 months and bloods seemed to confirm this.

But then, end of 2020, bleeding begins erratically on the patch. Fast forward to January 2022 when I start femeston Conti and I’m bleeding every 23/27 days with pmt and cramps etc.

Specialist tells me, it’s not periods it’s that hormones influencing the womb lining? She has suggested the coil too.
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