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Author Topic: Androfemme- Onset of PMS like feelings since taking anyone else feel like this?  (Read 2950 times)


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Hi there,

I have started androfemme but i have noticed since starting it I have definitely become very grouchy, snappy its like pms symptoms for sure. I stopped taking it and they have gone away. Im just wondering has anyone else had this symptoms while taking it. i was taking it every day on my bikini line, just wondering now if i should take it every 3 days or something like that .


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Yes lots of us take it 3 days a week and it seems to do the trick x


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thanks so much for your reply x


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Hi Molly xx
I know how you feel about the pms feeling x
I have been using Androfemme on and off for a few months.
I take it every second or third day. I feel my body cannot handle it every day.
I have experienced good things and bad things while on it so far x
The good being; I can exercise to excess, and my energy level is always high. My tinnitus has disappeared. I have dropped weight off my stomach ( weight that I gained while taking Livial ) I feel clear and confident, and the biggest plus being that my aches and pains have disappeared xx
The bad is ( for me ) my ovaries feel sore ( like I am trying to make a period ), I also get hot if I eat or drink ( it’s not a flush, and I have never flushed; I just get a warm feeling )And also I sting ( down there ) a little on the days that I use Androfemme.

I don’t use anything else with it ( I was advised that this is okay )
I have tried Estrogel and prometrium but quit after four days; I HATED it !
And I have also tried Livial which I was on for 18 months but stopped because I gained too much weight

Hope this helps xx
Justyna x


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Hi Justyna1970,

Are you taking any kind of estrogen or other hormones or just testosterone please? If you’re just taking Androfeme is it sorting out all the peri/meno symptoms?
I’m really curious about testosterone therapy, I use Testogel daily with Oestrogel and Utrogestan which I think is the same as Prometrium.
Where are you based please?
There’s a thread on the Postmenopause section asking whether anybody takes just testosterone, I’ll be back with a link in a minute.



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I’m not taking testosterone at the moment but low dose Dhea.
The reason being I feel it has a milder effect in terms of the usual symptoms associated with T theraphy, such as grumpiness, acne etc.

I’ve been using it for a month now and certainly feeling the benefits slowly.  Mild grumpiness around lunchtime but other than that ok.

Low and slow ….


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Hello Victoria V xx
Thank you for asking.
I am based in Australia ( where I feel it’s still shunned upon to take HRT )
I am 52.
I have tried; Livial (18 months)and then Estrogel/prometrium (4 days )

I have now been on Androfemme (on its own) since November. I have been assured by doctor that I can take it on its own.
It gives me the same result as Livial without the severe weight gain
I take it every second or third day (every day is too much and my emotions can become extreme)
My menopause symptoms (before HRT)where everything (including double frozen shoulder)….except for hot flushes and dry vagina.
The testosterone has fixed everything but ….has given me warm flush and a stinging vagina ( omg )
So the two symptoms that I never had before I now have !!!

My energy level is at 10/10 (I can’t stay still) until the evening, then I sleep 7-8 hours
And my confidence is extreme ( I now walk down the street and smile at everyone) (from the age of 44-46 I became agoraphobic and didn’t leave my home)

As far as I know the Androfemme ingredients are the same as testogel ( the difference being Androfemme has vitamin e cream and testogel has alcohol ), I asked a pharmacist to tell me the difference.
So please don’t think you have to use Androfemme ( instead of testogel ) to get a better result xx

For me testosterone has been a miracle x
If you have any other questions please ask xx




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Hi Justyna!

That’s fantastic to hear! I’ve got similar results with confidence, clarity etc. I agree with you about there being little difference between Androfeme and Testogel, we can get Androfeme privately here but so far luckily I’ve not needed to take that route.
The stinging sounds like the start of VA, natural menopause progression, there’s loads of info on this site about it and the topical treatments Vagifem/Ovestin seem to work well. I’ve not needed it yet but many ladies on here have. I’ve read that the sooner it’s treated the better it’ll be.

It’s brilliant to read someone else calling this a miracle as that’s how I feel too!

Thanks for replying and Happy Easter!



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Where do you place it Justyna1970? I had stinging when placing it near my bikini line, but now I put it on the inside of my knees and that resolved the stinging. Hope this helps x


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Hi ladies  :) jsut reading up and sighing as wish I felt great like you do too! I was on Androfeme but changed to Testogel 2 months ago - 2 reasons being I didn’t feel much benefit (yet... then) from AF plus more so the Testogel is much more affordable !  Was ok - actually I’m sure it helped my headaches and seemed stronger than andro but ... about 12 days into taking it (outer thigh and 0.7 as told to by my Meno doc) I started getting a cough and worse post nasal drip .. dry sore hoarse throat  etc. At the same time I was on fexofenadine an antihistamine so thouht perhaps this and wasn’t suiting me (giving me heartburn =reflux etc) so stopped BUT nothing has shifted. Only consistent thing is the Testogel. I’ve searched high and low and can’t find any similar possible side effects or ‘allergy’ to but a. Friend said she got heartburn and wind on Testogel so went back to AF.  Any thoughts ? I didn’t apply it yesterday nor today as wanted to see if anything shifts (cough is worse morn and early eve ) but I’m obvs also a little 😬 that I stopped it for obv reasons but had to try!!!! Don’t suppose any of you have had similar and not connected the dots? It’s almost like silent  reflux but it’s really affecting me . 


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Hi JM,
I’ve not had or heard of anything like your symptoms related to testosterone but I’m no expert. You’ve probably checked everything in the house/car/workplace already but if not is there anything like house plants, plug in air fresheners or any laundry / drains chemical that could be causing irritation?
Or could it be a combination of our bodies are dryer (meno) and a dry environment from central heating through winter?

Please don’t think it’s been a bed of roses here! I have no explanation why but this is the first month since December that I’ve not had yucky symptoms from progesterone.

I hope you get relief soon.xx


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Hi Vic. I know ! Bit mad isn’t it. I have had numerous viruses (cold type - throat nose etc!) though since Covid last year so did wonder if my body had just had enough and this was a whole new thing - everything combined. It’s also suspected I’m Histamine a intolerant hence me starting the antihistamines but I thouht perhaps these were too strong and poss caused it all (fexofenadine 180mg daily!) but I stopped them
5 weeks ago and symptoms still so bad. I’m Reluctant to stay off my testo too long so another day or so and really have to think about putting it back on! I do have some a Androfeme could use but I don’t want to NOT use Testogel if I can avoid it as it’s more affordable for me and I do also think better for me than AF. At a loss. My GP did say to retry fexo at lower dose but I’ve been too scared !
Glad you’re ok ! Yeah I think the progesterone does settle after a while (my last x2 cycles on it been ok) I think our estrogen levels when good also hold the progesterone phase better! X


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It’s like walking a tightrope constantly! Second guessing everything! I daren’t commit to doing anything with friends as it’s a 50/50 whether  I’ll be able to attend and I appear to be the only one who has found meno/peri hard amongst friends: everyone else has sailed through!
I don’t know anything about histamine intolerance apart from I eat a lot of fruit and veg which has a high histamine count, have you had to adjust your diet?
Thanks for the progesterone info, glad you’ve had two months of settled, long may it continue!xx


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Hi again Victoria - yes I did adjust diet BUT could have done /do better!! It’s quite a rigid diet the low H one so you need to be careful and supervised (so they say) but I just felt I weren’t in the right mind frame to also start worrying about foods and restrictions BUT what I did do was eliminate things that are high histamine like red wine tomatoes etc. It helped as my bloods were better (estrogen down, shbg down, testo and free testo up). I’m now tempted to just put my Testo on and take an antihistamine !! Know what you mean about friends - it can be a lonely journey this hormonal one. Some get it, others don’t. I don’t tell anyone except my nearest and dearest! Have a lovely Easter.


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Hi JM, I see what you mean about the diet being restrictive; 90% of what I eat daily is not allowed! I hope you find a way round this as it looks like very hard work! On the positive if you survive on onions and pineapple you’ll look like Twiggy very quickly! 😂