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Author Topic: Watery Discharge, Anaemia - peri-menopausal ?? Advice please  (Read 1217 times)


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Watery Discharge, Anaemia - peri-menopausal ?? Advice please
« on: October 13, 2021, 01:02:37 PM »

I am new here  :) and just wanted to pick the brains of all you lovely lot please - I have been reading some stories, but wanted to tell you about mine and see if I am heading down the same path  >:(

About 2 months ago, I was at work and I was having my period.  I walked into the toilet, changed my tampax, by the time I walked out the door, I had to return!  This carried on for sometime, I am just glad I was coming to the end of my shift when the place was empty when this all kicked off!  Anyway to cut a VERY long story short, about an hour later I was rushed into A&E because the bleeding was relentless - I had all sorts of towels, flannels stuffed down my trousers but the blood was coming and it wasn't stopping - all I can say is thank you for black trousers!

I was passing what I can only describe as huge pieces of liver (blood clots) which scared the living daylights out of me.  I was taken straight into A&E where I sat for a further few hours.  I got up to go to the toilet (risky move I know!), where I then collapsed due to even more blood loss and no doubt the shock of what was going on.  I then ended up on a bed in the emergency ward, where I was asked if I was pregnant numerous times and had they done a pregnancy test - it seems they thought I was having a miscarriage!  I told them I was nearly a nun and not to waste their time LOL!

Anyway, I was eventually let out at around 4am (Friday 13th of all days!), but where I had lost so much blood I struggled to walk or stand for any length of time.  By this time the blood had practically stopped, but the doctor said my symptoms showed signs of peri-menopause but they said they had seen this happen to people alot older than me - when I told them I was 47 they thought I was about 10-15 years younger!

I had a further 5 hours of heavy bleeding the following day, I was at home resting - and then all of a sudden the bleeding stopped and I had nothing further for 2 weeks.  I had what I can describe as a normal period and that was all good, I thought great, body back to how it should be - absolutely not!

During this time I was diagnosed with severe anaemia, my blood count was 95 and my iron level was 8.  I was having these feelings of wanting to pass out and could only stand for seconds - thankfully nearly 2 months later, I am on the road to recovery with this and my iron level is now normal.

My blood level is still low so I am on another course of iron tablets and I have also been given a 10 day course of Tranexamic Acid tablets.

For about 4 weeks I have been constantly bleeding, albeit it's been manageable and I have had the need to run to the toilet every 5 mins (before this I was finding I needed to make a sharp exit to change every half hour or so!)

A few days ago I had 3 days of horrendous bleeding and ever since then I have had NOTHING - now I am not getting too excited as I am sure in another week or so it's going to hit me, BUT I now seem to be losing what I can only describe as clear liquid out of vagina.  It doesn't smell or has any sort of texture, it is literally like I have had a bath and its bath water LOL (Sorry saw someone else describe it like this).

I have had this on and off for a good few weeks now, but now it does seem to be every night and I have woken up with wet PJ bottoms like I have wet myself in the night, but I know that is not the case.  I am now using a sanitary towel during the day and night to keep it all in check.

I am wondering if this watery leakage is anything to do with an infection, could it be because I have had to use so many Tampax over the past couple of months that my poor little foo foo has an upset PH balance or is this part of the peri-menopause please?

It does seem to be fairly common when I search on forums etc., and I am not overly bothered by it at the moment as I don't seem to be in any discomfort (other than the iron tablets bloating me out!).

I am due to have an abdominal scan which was suggested when I was bleeding heavily last week, which I will still have just to rule out anything like fibroids or cysts etc.

I am drinking more water to try and flush these symptoms, not sure that works, but it does mean I am going to the loo more often - not sure if that's all in my mind or whether its related to any infection etc.

Any advice or help would be really appreciated :-)


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Re: Watery Discharge, Anaemia - peri-menopausal ?? Advice please
« Reply #1 on: October 13, 2021, 01:58:14 PM »

Awful!  I would pass liver every month with intense, excruitating pain  :'( >:(.  I would sleep on thick bath towels to save the sheets  :-\.

'feminax' helped with the pain, 2 B taken 2 days B4 a bleed is due.

Is there an odour with the discharge?  It is white, slightly thick which was normal for me at certain times of my cycle. 

Keep up with the aneamia treatment.  Once you have the scan you can decide on a course of treatment.


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Re: Watery Discharge, Anaemia - peri-menopausal ?? Advice please
« Reply #2 on: April 05, 2022, 10:03:13 AM »

So.............after being silent on here since October, I was diagnosed with Cervical Cancer :(  bit of a shock to the system, but I went into "mum survival mode" and went through 5 weeks of radiotherapy and 5 session of Chemo, plus the joys of brachytherapy in early January.  I am back at both my jobs, but other than feeling really unfit from the past 6 months, i feel really great!  i have my 3 month scan today and have seen previous scans that show its gone.  I haven't been given the all clear but have the official results in a couple of weeks.

After having treatment this has now brought on symptoms of the menopause - hot flushes, lack of energy and worst of all LACK OF SLEEP :(

The hospital have given me an appointment for the menopausal clinic, but this isn't until September, so they have been trialling me on some tablets.  The first ones I tried were Mirtazapine, but they made me feel so drowsy I refused to take them after the first dose.  I am now on Pregabalin, a low dose of 25mg morning and at night.  So far no side effect.  However, I just wondered if anyone had any experience of this tablet for their symptoms please?  How long did it take to kick in and does it help with sleep patterns.  I work 6 days a week and last night was probably the worst sleep I have had for a few weeks, tossing and turning all night.

Any help or advice on this tablet  would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance

Jo x


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Re: Watery Discharge, Anaemia - peri-menopausal ?? Advice please
« Reply #3 on: April 05, 2022, 11:35:56 AM »

 :hug:  R U doing too much too soon  :-\

Welcome back.  Was it awful ?

What were you given pregabalin for?  Some find that an anti-histamine a couple of nights a week helps get good quality sleep.  MayB on a Friday and Sat night to avoid any hung-over feelings.   I find that sleeping when my brain shuts off helps, despite what the 'experts' tell us.  I can sleep almost all day and still sleep well at night  ::). Usually it's when I hear the credits rolling on a show I've wanted to view that I realise I've dropped off again  :D

Pregabalin is used to treat epilepsy and anxiety. It's also taken to treat nerve pain. Nerve pain can be caused by different conditions including diabetes and shingles, or an injury.

« Last Edit: April 05, 2022, 11:40:45 AM by CLKD »