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Author Topic: More anxiety on utrogestan  (Read 3283 times)


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More anxiety on utrogestan
« on: April 03, 2022, 07:29:00 AM »

So sorry ladies but its me... again.

So I took utrogestan vaginally last night and I'm lay in bed with fear feeling. My anxiety seems worse and vivid dreams again.

I took cerazette ,(mini pills) in 2016 and was fine on I'm not sure if I'm progesterone intolerant or not??

All I know is I can't stay like this forever......I feel like I don't want to get out of bed...and mood is really low again. Yesterday was on the bed crying hard to my partner for over an hour.

Anyone have any help or ideas?

Vicky xxxx


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Re: More anxiety on utrogestan
« Reply #1 on: April 03, 2022, 07:54:19 AM »

Sorry you’re feeling so low Vicky. I used to think I was Progesterone intolerant when I started taking Utrogestan & like you I took Cerazette for years. It seems that I’m very sensitive to changing hormones (I’m late peri) & in actual fact it’s high estrogen that makes me extremely anxious & tearful. I dropped down to one pump a day and then increased to 2 so far so good. Sending you hugs xx


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Re: More anxiety on utrogesta
« Reply #2 on: April 03, 2022, 08:09:31 AM »

Why don’t you try reducing your gel and see if that helps?
When is your next appointment with your specialist/ GP?

You haven’t been on the HRT or sertraline that long, so you need to give things time to settle.

You are young and on a high dose of O. Too much hormone can be as bad as too little.

Hope things improve soon.
It’s hell, the whole bloody journey!



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Re: More anxiety on utrogestan
« Reply #3 on: April 03, 2022, 08:10:33 AM »

Hi Vicky81 sorry to hear you’re struggling. Utrogestan is notorious for causing the symptoms you describe, and the only way around that is by taking as little as you need for the minimum time. I see you’re already taking it vaginally, as sometimes that minimises side effects over taking it orally. As Polpringle says too high oestrogen can also cause anxiety (which is why an average dose is always better), but your symptoms sound more depressive and that’s definitely the utrogestan. You’ll know when you stop taking it if symptoms subside.

Hope this helps x


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Re: More anxiety on utrogestan
« Reply #4 on: April 03, 2022, 08:26:54 AM »

Can you remind us of your regime, Vicky, exactly when you started it, if you've remained consistent with it and if Setraline was prescribed at the same time as the hormones? What symptoms prompted you to attend Studd? This will help us understand your process clearly so that we know how to support the specifics of your situation. Many thanks!


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Re: More anxiety on utrogestan
« Reply #5 on: April 03, 2022, 08:28:11 AM »

Hi Vicky,

Anxiety is a horrible feeling ☹️.. next time you feel it coming on try and accept the feeling rather than fight it.  It’s not easy but if you don’t give the feeling any attention it fades away. It takes a lot of practice but it’s the one thing that works for me.  Also distraction works.. try doing a word search or something else that requires focus.
Since I have dropped to a lower dose of  oestrogen I do feel better.  A bit spaced  out and dizzy but not so anxious.
I’m sure it will all come together soon, the AD will help lift your mood and getting the hormones balanced should help xx


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Re: More anxiety on utrogestan
« Reply #6 on: April 03, 2022, 09:03:26 AM »

Aww you ladies are so lovely  thank you.

Sarah- yes I always jump straight up,, get my jogging things on head out and run! I guess its the feeling of not looking forward to anything...especially at weekends when you see people out, having drinks etc... I used to be like that.

Postmeno- ok I started the gels on 23rd Feb. I have remained consistent every night at 4.30pn . And a blob of testim. I started sertraline 30th jan at 50mg then went up to 100mg on 19th March.
My symptoms for studd were crying over nothing and I've never been a crier. .ever! Hair coming out in brush, period flow lasting more than my usual 5 days,, sweaty in bed at night...and most of all severe anxiety! From out the blue...never had anxiety in my life, ever.

Perinopost- thanks so much, yes I heard it could be notorious for some effects.  I'm only on 100mg for 10 days each month. So hopefully this will stop once I'm off it again??

NAS- I think you have a my last oestrogen result on 4th March was 1615. I may put 3 gels on later as I guess I don't need 4? Will try it...thank you xx

Polpringle- thanks hun..  as above I think il go to 3 pumps so if that helps any...I will let you know xxx

Sending hugs to all xxx


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Re: More anxiety on utrogestan
« Reply #7 on: April 03, 2022, 09:06:12 AM »

Hi Vicky
I had exactly the same experience as you. Terrible anxiety with it. And I took Cerazette (and Cerelle) for years as well with no problem. The only useful info I can give is that the Newson clinic told me I could use a double dose of Cerazette (or Cerelle) as the progesterone element of HRT if I needed to so this might be worth investigating if all else fails. x


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Re: More anxiety on utrogestan
« Reply #8 on: April 03, 2022, 09:09:44 AM »

Good logical thinking Post meno!

I think Vicky, you need to break down your journey from the beginning, so we can understand what’s been going on for you.

I echo Sarah’s thoughts on dealing with anxiety. The more you fight, the worse it becomes. Try to think of anxiety as a child, trying to seek attention. The more you give it, the more draining on you and that more the child ( anxiety) demands. Have you read the DARE book or downloaded the app? It’s a very good tool to have in your box.

Remember I told you about my driving anxiety? Well it hasn’t gone away completely, but I persevere every day. I have to drive my car, else we are stuck essentially. I still get the funny tummy and tight chest when going above 50 mph ( yes 50!) But you have to distract yourself, else anxiety wins.


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Re: More anxiety on utrogestan
« Reply #9 on: April 03, 2022, 09:12:54 AM »

P.s Vicky, if you want the DARE book I'm happy to send it to you. Or the app is great x


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Re: More anxiety on utrogestan
« Reply #10 on: April 03, 2022, 09:15:49 AM »

To me, only as a passive observer, this is entirely the wrong regime for you, completely the wrong course of action. Reading all your posts, I have become increasingly concerned for you. You should not, in my opinion, have been given testosterone at the same time as oestrogen. It's not good practice as far as I understand and will be compounding not relieving the anxiety along with everything else. This is maybe not what you wanted to hear, but it's been far too much thrown at you for a first assessment and prescription. Your symptoms sound much more anxiety and anxiety medication-related. I'm sorry if this gives you further cause for concern, but you're early enough days in, not much over a month, to simplify the regime totally and get a second opinion somewhere else. I feel it's absolutely essential you do this now, Vicky. I hope this "tough love" brings the change you need for the better. Good luck! 🤞
« Last Edit: April 03, 2022, 09:23:03 AM by Postmeno3 »


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Re: More anxiety on utrogestan
« Reply #11 on: April 03, 2022, 09:27:58 AM »

I've read all your posts Vicky and I agree with Postmeno3.

I think we chatted on pm when you were just starting out in Jan. I'm still got seeing resolution with my hormones, but one things for sure, I'm started very slowly... When I take a bigger hit (as I have in my own trials) - geez, I know about it!!

In Peri we are suffering due to dropping hormones and volatility.

Estrogen is a very powerful hormone. I believe the Studd regime at your age, is to give you an incredibly high dose of estrogen, to suppress your own cycle - was this mentioned? Whilst it hasn't worked out for me, the NHS meno clinic I saw suggested the combined pill... To do this very thing. Has that been suggested? Have you previously tried it?

I'm certainly no expert - but your estrogen level is very high. Mine is about 325 naturally. Which i'm told is good for my age. Because I feel the volatility of my own estrogen - adding more in makes me feel awful. Hence why I think they are trying to suppress your own cycle with the incredibly high dose.

I agree - you should seek a second opinion. Xx


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Re: More anxiety on utrogestan
« Reply #12 on: April 03, 2022, 09:38:17 AM »

Hi Vicky

I agree with Postmeno3 and CrispyChick.

I don’t think this regime will work for you. You’re estrogen levels are very high, hence the anxiety and now with the added progesterone you’re flipping into depression.

Get a second opinion if you can.

You’ll get there so take heart x


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Re: More anxiety on utrogestan
« Reply #13 on: April 03, 2022, 09:42:43 AM »

Thank you all.

Postmeno3- thank so much fot taking the time out to read my posts. I initially started on 3 pumps as he said for me to do,, but then I asked could I try 4 and they agreed. This was around a week later. I've had no side effects from the gel itself,, just feel more anxiety and tearful the last few days. I will indeed take your advice on board and give me something to think about.

NAS- I have just ordered the dare book and it came few days ago! I will start to read it today ....thank you! Xx

Dawn- I will ask about cerazette tomorrow once clinic opens. Could I you take the oestrogel with the cerazette? Or just cerazette alone?, xx

Crispychick- no the combined pill want mentioned at all. Again I will ask then more questions regarding my regime. I have asked this before and they say "carry on with the 4 pumps and will  see where you are at in your 3 month review- may"

They also told me that testim doesn't cause,


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Re: More anxiety on utrogestan
« Reply #14 on: April 03, 2022, 09:43:30 AM »

Thanks marchlove- I will do this ....given me food 4 thought xxx
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